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New WVU Uniforms

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I just don't get sectioning off the shoulders without reason. Oregon State, WV, UNC all have a stylistic break on the shoulders, but then don't have any sort of design or logo on them. The section on the side under the arm is pathetic.

The font is soooooo bad. Good intentions or not to honor the coal miners. Its bad. Just... Bad.



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What's the significance of the bird? Did I miss it?

And the number font is pretty bad. But like DCIDH said, no black, which is a plus.

Miners would bring canaries down into the mines with them. When the birds would die, the miners knew that their air supply was limited or poisoned by methane or carbon monoxide.

Honestly, that makes the uniform for me. That and the state motto being on the inside of the collar. (I was once in a bar where I went to school in Ohio and a fellow student who was also a native West Virginian came up to me and simply said "Montani Semper Liberi." That made my night that night.) I was born and raised in West Virginia and I still live here, so I appreciate the thought and the ties to state history that went into the uniforms. (I'm such a homer. Ha.)

As others have already said, I don't like the numbers in that they're a little out there. But I do understand the inspiration. I also think that the black patches on the jersey are unnecessary. But past that, the uniforms are clean and simple. And when it comes to modern designs, the cleaner and simpler, the better.

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A mixed bag. There's nothing real special, I could do without the pit stains, the number font could be cleaned up a bit, and what's with the black? That said, I like the overall simplicity. Love the matte colored helmets as well (especially the yellow ones).

I'm also kind of bummed that there's no gray uniforms--I liked those.

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I can tell they tried to pull inspiration from the logo when they designed the numbers. But they just don't look right. Too thin and very random. A more bold slab-serif font would have worked much better.

It seems strange that so many people hate the design because it's generic. I agree, but when Nike/Adidas/UA try to think outside the box they are hated as well. My point is, would you rather see a design like this or something similar to Oregon, ASU, Mizzou, Arkansas, or Rutgers?

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I can tell they tried to pull inspiration from the logo when they designed the numbers. But they just don't look right. Too thin and very random. A more bold slab-serif font would have worked much better.

It seems strange that so many people hate the design because it's generic. I agree, but when Nike/Adidas/UA try to think outside the box they are hated as well. My point is, would you rather see a design like this or something similar to Oregon, ASU, Mizzou, Arkansas, or Rutgers?

If they are going to continue to turn out copy and paste crap like Cal, OSU, NC and WV, then I would much rather see Orgon, Rutgers, and Mizzou. At least it looks like they tried instead of a half assed number font, generic shoulder pattern and adding black.



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