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Black and white NHL logos


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I'm undertaking another project of mine where I plan to paint all 30 NHL logos on individual pieces of wood, this time in black and white. I'm foreseeing that some of the logos will translate fine to B&W with even the inclusion of grey for the more detailed logos, however I don't plan on using more than 1 shade of it. Therefore I'm left with 3 "colours". The logos that I'm thinking I may have problems with this restriction on are:




You would think Chicago would fit into that as well, but looking at this hat I think it can quite easily be done using only 3 shades.


Ottawa is tricky because you have the black outlines, the white face and then the gold helmet and red fabric. I don't want to have to use grey next to grey, but I can't think of a different option. Maybe make the fabric white as well? Winnipeg is an obvious problem with the inherent use of grey and two toned leaf. Maybe I should simplify those two shapes. Florida is similar to Ottawa with the golds and reds.

Anyway, what are your suggestions for how to do these logos in B&W?

I'm Danny fkn Heatley, I play for myself. That's what fkn all stars do.

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Not really. There's a heap of poorly converted logos in there, and none of them use grey, which I want to. For instance, the new Dallas logo needs grey for it to look good. Most logos that only use black and white don't look as interesting without a touch of grey to add depth. Obviously the Detroits and Torontos don't factor into this, but most do.

I'm Danny fkn Heatley, I play for myself. That's what fkn all stars do.

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Most vector graphics packages include logos in B&W and/or grayscale.

I've got "official" B&W versions for pretty much every NHL mark back to the mid-'90s.

However, the vast majority of them are B&W only; no gray added for effect.

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I've already done the Dallas one and it looks great. I want to give every other logo the best opportunity to look just as sharp as this one.

Thanks for your help. The Florida one is going to be useful so thanks Survival. I don't like the overuse of grey in Ottawa's though. It's too much..

I'm Danny fkn Heatley, I play for myself. That's what fkn all stars do.

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I know this isn't exactly what you want, but you got me thinking...


I'll start a new thread explaining what I'm doing here...(and no, these aren't a simple Convert to Grayscale in AI-thing.)

Four different shades of gray for Winnipeg? Overkill.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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I know this isn't exactly what you want, but you got me thinking...


I'll start a new thread explaining what I'm doing here...(and no, these aren't a simple Convert to Grayscale in AI-thing.)

Four different shades of gray for Winnipeg? Overkill.

I said that this isn't what the OP was looking for...I'll explain - I'm converting each individual Pantone value into grayscale values based on their "lightness", which is part of the CIE-L*ab measurements. Each color in the logo will have a different shade of Gray.

To me, just an interesting alternative way to look at the colors used.

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I know this isn't exactly what you want, but you got me thinking...


I'll start a new thread explaining what I'm doing here...(and no, these aren't a simple Convert to Grayscale in AI-thing.)

Four different shades of gray for Winnipeg? Overkill.

I said that this isn't what the OP was looking for...I'll explain - I'm converting each individual Pantone value into grayscale values based on their "lightness", which is part of the CIE-L*ab measurements. Each color in the logo will have a different shade of Gray.

To me, just an interesting alternative way to look at the colors used.

I understand. I just figured that some colors are so close that such a minute percentage difference in shading would be unnecessary. So even though the darker color of the plane is different than the lighter color of the leaf, they could be reproduced as the same shade without any loss of detail.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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I have done some black and white logo work for my recordbooks most of the time.. some are easy, some are tricky enough but ah.. I can honestly say it is something to work on and get the right black and white balance without looking at the logo like it is messy enough somehow..

Ice Hockey International Winnipeg Braves (Bobby Hull Division 18-3-0 1st place as of March 14, 2011)

2010-11 O'Brien Trophy for Bobby Hull Division championship & Jack Riley Cup for top team in league regular season

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