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Just for clarity:

  1. I don't hate the Colts, nor Peyton Manning.
  2. I was Trolling Lite, mostly Zach and any one of the numerous Colts fans I know on facebook (most of whom are St. Louis Cardinals fans, go figure).
  3. It is boring seeing them succeed, no matter how thrilling the nature of their victory.
  4. Nobody should give a rat's ass if I validate one team's success or celebrate another's failure.
  5. I'm sure BAFS will be great, but I don't anticipate tuning in this week. I've got to listen to replays of Phil Emery's 3-hour press conference from the other day, buttering up my testicles with festering verse that only The Loquacious One can deliver. Plus I don't think Zach's headset mic is ample enough to pick up the sound of endless suspender-snapping.
  6. Yes, that was also Trolling Lite.
  7. I greatly anticipate the obligatory camera shot of the shirtless moron cheeseheads who will make Lambeau a makeshift tomb tomorrow.
"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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I hoped the Saints would pound the ball and they did. Great team effort & another first in my 44+ years of Saints fandom - a road playoff win.

Everyone please chip in now and start beating the drum about how they have no chance in Seattle. They do well after being told they can't do something. ;-)


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Everyone please chip in now and start beating the drum about how they have no chance in Seattle. They do well after being told they can't do something. ;-)

Not going to happen, because there's zero chance that the 34-7 game will repeat itself. I won't pick them to win (which should please you since I've missed on virtually every pick I've made in 2014) but that game will be much more competitive.

Still holding out hope for a Niners/Seahawks meeting. I was hoping for a Chiefs/Broncos one next weekend, but, you know, they couldn't hold a 28 point 2nd half lead.


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Everyone please chip in now and start beating the drum about how they have no chance in Seattle. They do well after being told they can't do something. ;-)

Not going to happen, because there's zero chance that the 34-7 game will repeat itself. I won't pick them to win (which should please you since I've missed on virtually every pick I've made in 2014) but that game will be much more competitive.

Still holding out hope for a Niners/Seahawks meeting. I was hoping for a Chiefs/Broncos one next weekend, but, you know, they couldn't hold a 28 point 2nd half lead.

Was looking forward to a Packers-Seahawks match because it'd be their 1st matchup since the "Fail Mary Game." But that can only happen in the NFC Championship Game, so here's still waiting for it.

But at least there will be a recent rematch in Seattle materializing; the Saints returning there to play a playoff game since the "Marshawn Lynch Beast-Mode Game."

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I've got to listen to replays of Phil Emery's 3-hour press conference from the other day, buttering up my testicles with festering verse that only The Loquacious One can deliver.

Haha, Phil Emery spends three hours "talking" for the same reason that coaches spend 20 hours a day "working." What the hell are any of these people actually accomplishing other than the illusion thereof?

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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I've got to listen to replays of Phil Emery's 3-hour press conference from the other day, buttering up my testicles with festering verse that only The Loquacious One can deliver.

Haha, Phil Emery spends three hours "talking" for the same reason that coaches spend 20 hours a day "working." What the hell are any of these people actually accomplishing other than the illusion thereof?

Listening to Autumn Thunder on loop while waiting on Gale Sayer's approval of the 2014 team Mantra, "Believe in Knees."

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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You know, I never really understood all the hate Eagles fans such as BBTV had for Andy Reid and his clock management, but MY GOD. I totally understand what they mean now. That was one of the poorest examples of a final drive I've ever seen at any level of football. I mean, really, what type of moron calls their final time out coming off of the two minute warning?!?!

I didn't think that was so bad. The most important thing was coming out with the right play. The timeout was pretty meaningless at that point since a first down would've put them in fg range and, if they got the first, they could play at whatever tempo they wanted.
Just look at the way Andy Reid managed the end of that game. Wasting time outs earlier in the quarter, running bubble screens for sacks, and then that final time out. I'm sorry, but that was flat out miserable.
He's an ass. He calls timeouts to begin quarters! He has absolutely no idea how to manage a game or be a head coach. He should be an OC or something. He wins and looks good when he inherits a defense, like he did when he inherited Ray Rhodes' players, and hired a legend as DC and let him operate with autonomy. Andy Reid is a very bad NFL head coach. I'm happy that others are starting to see that.

The crowd in the Linc tonight was cheering for the colts and chanting "FIRE ANDY" after that 4th down pass. It was like last year all over again. The national media fellates him at every opportunity. It was fantastic to see him fail.

Schadenfreude? Probably. But so what. F him.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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welp it was an unexpected playoff appearance but it sucks losing at home again. Another good draft, lots of cap room and decisions to make at K, WR, DB and the DL, and maybe we're back here again next year

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welp it was an unexpected playoff appearance but it sucks losing at home again. Another good draft, lots of cap room and decisions to make at K, WR, DB and the DL, and maybe we're back here again next year

I don't think it's a given that Foles is back next year. He has ways to go but I'm more than willing to give him another year, but I just can't help but think that Chip Kelly just doesn't like him.

Use every single pick on defense. Every single one. I'll give bill Davis a lot of credit. I thought he was an inbred bafoon after hearing him talk the first few times, but he did a nice job with not a lot lf talent. Even his comments after the loss tonight regarding their strategy and conscious choice to leave themselves open to giving up rushing yards kinda made sense. The bottom line is the d isn't and never was good. A few players emerged and that's great - build around them. But I hope they're not fooled by the success they had this season. Every safety on the roster should be not cut but killed (fed to starved dogs, NK style), and they could use help at each other position too (I just think the other players can simply be cut or benched, not killed like the safetys).

The kicker stinks, but we knew that. Shouldn't be hard to replace. Just don't waste a pick.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I'm more so exhausted of the same teams having playoff success.

You know, this is absolutely true. For all the circlejerking over NFL parity, it's really been the same old teams at the top for the last 10 to 15 years, with many of the same teams at the bottom, too. How dare anyone talk about parity with the playoff streaks and droughts in this league.

Not really. Since 1998 (the last 15 years) the following teams have made the playoffs in the NFL...All 32 of them - yes, even the Browns.

In those same 15 years, the following teams have appeared in the Super Bowl...Denver, Green Bay, Atlanta, St. Louis, Tennessee, Baltimore, NY Giants, New England, Tampa Bay, Oakland, Carolina, Philadelphia, Seattle, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Chicago, New Orleans, Arizona, and San Francisco. That would be 19 of the 32 NFL teams - or over 50% of them. Of that 19, 9 different teams have won the Super Bowl. Only one of them managed to repeat.

The teams with active consecutive playoff appearances are New England and Green Bay at 5 each. So yeah, I'm going to go ahead and dare to talk about parity.






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Thanks for the status update?

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I got no frickin' clue what the game in Wisconsin is gonna be like tomorrow. Will the cold sap the teams' offensive prowess, or will they for the most part be fine? SF is down a couple of the CBs in Rogers and Wright, so it wouldn't surprise me if Cobb/Jordy have solid days.(Jordy did hella good with Rodgers this year). The Packers actually have a pretty good RB in Lacy who will be critical for them in the icy cold. The Packers defense, especially their run D, fell apart in the 2nd half. Gore and the other RBs should have fine days. The Pack have been decent against slot WRs recently, and it wouldn't surprise me if Williams on Boldin after his wreckage on them in week 1. Crabtree will be huge if the 49ers want the win. He killed them one year ago, and appears like he is in form. This game will definitely be an adventure since there is so much mystery around how the teams will operate due to the weather.


2013/14 Tanks Picks Champion

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Thanks for the status update?

My pleasure. It was a placeholder. Instead of going with the same old "never mind", I decided to put the space to use and put together a new post. Thanks for wasting your time in noticing.

I'm reading this post.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Thanks for the status update?

My pleasure. It was a placeholder. Instead of going with the same old "never mind", I decided to put the space to use and put together a new post. Thanks for wasting your time in noticing.

I'm reading this post.

Whatever floats your boat.






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Thanks for the status update?

My pleasure. It was a placeholder. Instead of going with the same old "never mind", I decided to put the space to use and put together a new post. Thanks for wasting your time in noticing.

I'm reading this post.

Whatever floats your boat.

I've finished reading. Would have been finished sooner but Andy Reid called the first 3 of next season's timeouts while I was reading. Now going to get a glass of water. Possibly pee on the way. Not sure if I need to though. Running the water helps.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I got no frickin' clue what the game in Wisconsin is gonna be like tomorrow. Will the cold sap the teams' offensive prowess, or will they for the most part be fine? SF is down a couple of the CBs in Rogers and Wright, so it wouldn't surprise me if Cobb/Jordy have solid days.(Jordy did hella good with Rodgers this year). The Packers actually have a pretty good RB in Lacy who will be critical for them in the icy cold. The Packers defense, especially their run D, fell apart in the 2nd half. Gore and the other RBs should have fine days. The Pack have been decent against slot WRs recently, and it wouldn't surprise me if Williams on Boldin after his wreckage on them in week 1. Crabtree will be huge if the 49ers want the win. He killed them one year ago, and appears like he is in form. This game will definitely be an adventure since there is so much mystery around how the teams will operate due to the weather.

Yeah, I obviously want the 49ers to win, but the weather I think could and will play a huge role in the outcome. I think the 49ers are the better team, but the Packers at Lambeau are never an easy out, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if they win.

Weather.com says there is a 30% change of snow in Green Bay by 5pm local time. Game time temp around 3 degrees with winds around 18mph, making it feel like -18 and expected to get even lower as the game progesses.

Seems this game has been coined the "Arctic Bowl" Hopefully the 49ers can come out with the win. Go 49ers!!



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Yeah, I think if there's any advantage it will be to the team who can run the ball. That will be the guys in green. What I wish would happen is that the Saints would leave Ingram in or alternate him with Khiry Robinson (an underrated pounder who hasn't played much) and let them grind away, then go play-action.

What I think will happen is that the temptation of going after Philly's dead-last pass D will be too much for Payton and Brees to, uh, pass up. A fine plan at home or in normal conditions but one I suspect won't work out too well Saturday night.

Edit: Hey Packers fans, what in the world is going on with them not selling out the 49ers game? Is it the brutal weather? I was really surprised to hear about that.

I post this with apologies for quoting myself, gratitude to Sean Payton for proving me wrong, and a salute to the Ingram/Robinson/Sproles three-headed monster for delivering 185 yards rushing in the clutch.


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Yeah, I think if there's any advantage it will be to the team who can run the ball. That will be the guys in green. What I wish would happen is that the Saints would leave Ingram in or alternate him with Khiry Robinson (an underrated pounder who hasn't played much) and let them grind away, then go play-action.

What I think will happen is that the temptation of going after Philly's dead-last pass D will be too much for Payton and Brees to, uh, pass up. A fine plan at home or in normal conditions but one I suspect won't work out too well Saturday night.

Edit: Hey Packers fans, what in the world is going on with them not selling out the 49ers game? Is it the brutal weather? I was really surprised to hear about that.

I post this with apologies for quoting myself, gratitude to Sean Payton for proving me wrong, and a salute to the Ingram/Robinson/Sproles three-headed monster for delivering 185 yards rushing in the clutch.

Eagles DC Bill Davis said that their game plan was to limit points (duh), and to do that they felt that they had to do whatever it took to limit down field plays, even if it meant sacraficing the run by calling pass defenses even when it was a clear running spot. He knew they were going to give up more rushing yards than usual. Had they been ale to get a pass rush, the rushing yards would have been irrelevant. Nice job by Sean Payton for seeing what the Eagles were giving them and taking it.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Thanks for the status update?

My pleasure. It was a placeholder. Instead of going with the same old "never mind", I decided to put the space to use and put together a new post. Thanks for wasting your time in noticing.

I'm reading this post.

Whatever floats your boat.

I've finished reading. Would have been finished sooner but Andy Reid called the first 3 of next season's timeouts while I was reading. Now going to get a glass of water. Possibly pee on the way. Not sure if I need to though. Running the water helps.

Apparently, you didn't get what I meant so I'll explain. The reason the post said "hold on, I'm reassessing this post" is that I had typed one thing, changed my mind, edited the post (that's where the reassessing part came in) and wrote something entirely different from the first one. Thus "placeholder." The post I was reassessing was my own. Get it now?






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