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LMU last won the day on January 23

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  • Title
    I am your Hay King!
  • Location
    Torrance, California
  • Favorite Teams
    Dodgers, LA Kings, Rams, Lakers, LMU Lions, Saint Mary's Gaels by marriage, Lakers

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  1. Congratulations, Arte. Let’s see how much you love baseball now that the best player in your lineup is Logan Freaking O’Hoppe. Ain’t karma a :censored:?
  2. So, if this is how AFL 3.0 is starting, when we get to AFL 5.0 every team’s going to share a lease with a Spirit Halloween Store, aren’t they?
  3. The problem with the Phoenix market that doesn't get mentioned nearly enough... if all the market needed was a great owner to come in on a white horse, you'd think that with the revolving door of owners that the team had and even with the team being sold by the league itself from the clearance rack that somebody with more business acumen than Bob Kazamakis would have put in an offer. It's not just the market from an infrastructure standpoint. Nobody wants to buy into it and the only reason Meruelo is still involved at this point is that he needs an anchor for his sports betting grift.
  4. That's the rumor. They were already testing black jerseys for TV presentation. https://mayorsmanor.com/2023/12/report-la-kings-exploring-jersey-changes-for-next-season/
  5. Utah Jell-O Moldzz. Still an option.
  6. It really is an odd change in a league that treats a helmet as a logo in and of itself (and not just in the Cleveland Browns fashion).
  7. Apparently the McNall/Pocklington deal was a satanic blood pact that's come due and the Kings are now destined to wilt to the Oilers in the first round until Gretzky's franchise value has truly been repaid.
  8. If the leaks are true, Houston should have just ran with the horn theme. The navy one screams generic Sears catalog from 1987 with the team logo as a sleeve patch and no striping.
  9. Nah, he just went to go live on a farm and play all day with Pucky the Whale, Thrash, and Badaboum.
  10. Is there a more OITGDNHL situation than forcing a temporary identity on a team just to appease a poverty billionaire into thinking that he can somehow build an arena when he can't even pay taxes or hotel bills? At least they have a logo ready to go.
  11. It's kind of an apples and oranges situation to other fanbases. This wasn't a Colts Mayflower truck in the middle of the night thing. This wasn't even a Thrashers situation. This was the culmination of a multiple-decades long smoldering dumpster fire where if anyone wasn't ultimately expecting this to be the end result they were inhaling the fumes of that final game Wite Out.
  12. A white out to erase a market from existence. How appropriate.
  13. You can't blame the Captain. Alcohol has gotten more expensive over the years.
  14. Someone get the attorneys for the Frank Zappa estate on the phone.
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