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Everything posted by Digby

  1. I thought the club-to-media dynamic in England was bizarre and unethical, and that was BEFORE the threat of “the full Khashoggi” made its way into the sports pages.
  2. Even despite Adam Silver's constant googly eyes for anything that Premier League clubs are doing, I don't see this happening. I do however think it's a no-brainer that the used-car-salesmen running MLS to implement this and sell it as "pro/rel, like the Europeans do" before the end of the decade.
  3. Apparently Silver said they had thought about discussing relegation but then listed several very obvious reasons it wouldn't work, so I'm not going to concern myself much about that just yet. Sixers are 0-3 with a depth problem and leaning entirely on two banged-up stars, btw.
  4. This is just a concept, not a real thing. Thankfully.
  5. The awkwardly low wordmark is historically accurate for the Warriors Run-TMC throwbacks, which I guess was really forward-thinking of them for a future of patches worthy of a Nascar suit. Also accurate is the number font, which caught me off-guard last night -- looked like a weird 80s sci-fi font from far away, I guess in my mind I misremembered these jerseys as having just basic block. But no, it's a pretty strange one!
  6. And I think ManningCast was also a new and different thing, a fresh way of watching the game. Whereas adding Stephen A to anything gives us nothing new and unexpected, we all know exactly how it's going to go. With the benefit of hindsight, maybe they should have done this at peak Bill Simmons era (it might be work, I didn't say it wouldn't be annoying) and it would have been a better way of shoehorning him into the TV production than his NBA Countdown tenure turned out to be.
  7. Puig very lucky not to get sent off right at the start of the game. Borderline headbutt over something innocuous in like the 12th minute of an elimination game? Brilliant decision making.
  8. Should be a point of discussion for this thread and board: why are the coaching staff kits so horrendous? The quarter-zips are even worse this year with this awkward thick black trim and a weird sort of granddad collar to boot? I pine for the days of coaches wearing suits. Or just allow for track jackets or coach’s jackets or something that doesn’t scream “hungover gym teacher”.
  9. I guess the Bruins using Pooh Bear makes sense with the program, but in practice they just took the era where they were at their worst, both aesthetically and on the ice, and made it more boring. Sucks for teams like them that got it just about perfect with the first Reverse Retro year; already at NBA City-levels of change for its own sake.
  10. That would work too, though I don't think of the Twins as a red team, either (as much as I like the TC alternate). I also need one of them to commit to 1991-style vertical arched wordmarks on their aways and the other can stick with script.
  11. I will not be making predictions as it's a fruitless task. No one had the Celtics in the finals last year, least of all me. Promising start for them this year under crisis head coach Joe Mazzulla, who it turns out is from Rhode Island. Love a hometown(ish) hero.
  12. I guess 11 diamonds for every one that Russell one. I'm generally with you, I like the color scheme a lot (and this is a better implementation than the excreable Irish-pub jersey they had a couple seasons back), just a bit weird for the Celtics. The condensed Futura number is not very attractive either, I guess a reference to the championship banner style but it looks better on that than on a jersey.
  13. Celtics' new City jersey is official, with the requisite marketing copy here. Can't believe they killed Bill Russell just to make their new jersey campaign more poignant!
  14. Really come around on the Guardians' red at home look -- uses their best wordmark, it's a sharp-looking jersey that's maybe the best alternate jersey of the red/navy crowd in MLB, even the number font doesn't bother me depending on the numerals (and realizing now what I dislike about it is the clunky serifs). Feels right and relatively distinctive for that color scheme. Just needs a better cap logo than the pinched C and I'm wondering the G-ball would work on the cap after all; the Indians days set precent for not using the city name initial on their cap, anyway.
  15. That’s gotta be the most postseason drama packed into a single hour or so, right? Very good for me, a casual fan who only watched the hour in question.
  16. The less visible the better, yikes. Seems like a My First Concept jersey come to life. I've been a bit surprised that the Nike NBA scheme hasn't embraced more sublimated graphics yet... now I'm glad they haven't.
  17. Seems like the Guardians rebrand was pretty successful insofar as people pretty readily switched to the new name without fuss, and they didn't botch it so badly to attract more undue attention to themselves like the other big rebrand of that moment. Of course I don't know how many people are still wearing Wahoo merch to the stadium, but from an outside perspective I don't see much to be upset about here. I do think that the G-ball, the Guardians script, and the general art-deco nods are the most successful pieces of the rebrand, but that those clash badly with the fussy jagged block font (most crucially in the cap logo). I don't know that the G-ball, as much as I like it's retro whimsy, would make a good cap logo, so I don't have an easy solution. I just know I hate the pinched C and the road wordmark hurts my eyes to look at.
  18. Turquoise, orange and black is a nice color scheme, but I can never get with these centered logo jerseys ... the Suns, of all teams, should know better ways to incorporate the logo itself into the design, if they must.
  19. So the Celtics statement dropped the side panel stripe, and changed the shape of the shorts stripe to be more in-line with the standard ones (though still single-color, not double-color, which looks cheap to me). Seems like more of a tweak than "new". Took me some time to figure out what was different.
  20. There's almost always a 3-5 seed in the MLS Cup final. Sometimes even both finalists. It's one of the most unpredictable world soccer knockout tournaments (for better or worse) (I'd argue worse). It's worth a punt!
  21. Heard that one before... won't hold my breath until there's a formal announcement/permits pulled/excavators in the ground.
  22. Clear, though, that it's not meant as an actual sporting tournament but as a cashgrab to stage Liga MX in lucrative USA/Canada markets. More akin to the NFL games in London than anything else. Though the structure also means we'll also get yet more limp, half-empty San Jose/Colorado matches or something.
  23. Lest we forget the other kit in 94 was red and white stripes, so they could certainly do both. Good time to do it.
  24. I really can't see the Yankees being outbid on Judge. It just...doesn't happen. Not after this year. We can take solace in the fact they have to pay way more now than they could have earlier on.
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