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Everything posted by WSU151

  1. The Avs didn't "come into the league". They were already in the league, in another city. The team that really showed hockey would be a success in Denver was the Grizzlies. The Rockies' attendance was like 50% for a team that was lucky to win 20 games in an 80 game season...nothing to write home about.
  2. I don't think that's really true for 90% of the teams. Nearly all the RR 1.0 jerseys were based on lineage. The Avs RR 1.0 jersey was based on lineage. The Devils RR 2.0 jersey is based on lineage. This isnt' the NBA City or MLB City Connect Program.
  3. Yep, it was the first one posted and it's included in the mothership graphic.
  4. So the 2021-22 RR shirts are still on sale for a few teams...but here's a twist...the Wild have a green shirt and a white shirt for RR 1.0 (still available at walmart.com)...so maybe we can't judge the white shirts as jersey colors just yet, although most are matching the rumors. The Bruins had a black shirt for RR 1.0...yet we all know the jersey was yellow.
  5. The Avs, Nuggets, and Rapids using the same colors would have been too much. Rapids should still be using green and blue.
  6. FWIW, the mothership said the black goathead was a confirmed jersey back in January. Things might have changed since then, though. https://news.sportslogos.net/2022/01/21/sabres-goathead-uniform-returning-in-2023/hockey-2/
  7. Sabres going with both the black/red/silver/white goathead Classic (that's still happening, right?) plus a RR goathead?
  8. Yeah apparently an OSU AD/Assistant said it was not happening - I'll update my post. In other news, a couple of retail sites have this helmet happening for East Carolina (available for pre-order), though nothing announced from ECU yet. IMO, they should have just brought back the classic 90s purple helmet.
  9. Interesting that all the California teams will have white jerseys (if we go by the shirts). Seems like there will be more white jerseys overall, which may be from the NHL to get more RR vs RR matchups.
  10. Don't forget the changes to Virginia's white helmets, which keep the stripes and add the navy mask. Ohio State will wear a 2002 home red throwback. (h/t Andrew Lind) I didn't know about BYU's helmet paint change...but the decals will kind of ruin it. The decals are white/regular gloss blue/white, and so is the Y...if these glossy blue areas were clear, the metallic paint would shine through and make it look way better.
  11. When the Nuggets went to double blue and gold, with light blue as the main hue, everyone thought it was because (then Nuggets GM and UCLA alum) Kiki VanDeWeghe wanted to bring UCLA colors to the team, so the California vibe isn’t far off. The mid-to-late 90 set was wildly popular in Denver for a few years (thanks to the 1994 miracle and overachieving teams), but then 7-8 years of just awful teams made it a tired look. I always liked the navy, crimson, vegas gold palette and its nod to the city/state colors of blue, red, gold. The spiked numbers were far better than the plain Aachen Bold of the 2000s.
  12. There’s clipart that features storm flags tied to a hockey stick with the state of North Carolina in the negative space?
  13. These will probably be gone here shortly: edit: Fanatics removed RR shirt images.
  14. The stealthy patterns weren't really Reebok Edge...most of the stealthy stuff (CAR, SJ, TB) has been from Adidas. And there's no lack of white on the Hurricanes' alternate jersey. A lot of white on the logo, and the numbers are white. Compare the real jersey to the fake jersey...there's far more white on the real jersey.
  15. Recruiting through uniforms doesn't really happen in the pros. These black Gopher unis are other-wordly awful.
  16. What part reeks of mid-2000s Reebok Edge? The sleeve stripes are fairly traditional. The hemstripe is traditional. There isn't any weird apron piping or vertical stripes, etc The logo is far better than that toilet bowl puck.
  17. If they made a white version of that (and put the oval logo on both shoulders for both jerseys), they'd have a really good modern set.
  18. Not sure why any of these would be designed with black ice instead of white ice. The eggplant version with the white yoke/stripes looks pretty nice (well, I like it at least lol)...
  19. Wonder if the helmet stripes will be solid orange (like the current helmets) or if they'll bring back the stripe that is part checkerboard.
  20. What would the stripes be on a white version of the previous RR? Yellow/purple/yellow? If they go with a yellow (gold) RR, they could use the ol’ white/purple/white stripes
  21. Probably a weird/unusual opinion: I really like the Falcons road uni, especially when worn with long sleeves, but it could be better with silver/gray pants to tie-in to the logo and facemask (plus somewhat of a nod to Falcons uniforms worn decades ago). I've voiced my wish for gray pants, so I don't mean to be a broken record, but c'mon Falcons, just do it.
  22. Well there’s a Gretzky banner in Los Angeles…but I think that’s the only other place.
  23. IMO, the front shoulders next to the TV numbers definitely look like they have dark red maroon photoshop/MS paint strokes that don't fit with the rest of the jersey. Looks more obvious at a larger size. Maybe I'm wrong.
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