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Everything posted by Discrim

  1. I figure that game against the Warriors rubbed you the wrong way too. Honestly, when these two teams meet, the Bucks should not be the blue-clad team. I don't wanna give the swoosh any ideas, otherwise I'd put another oddball scenario out there.
  2. Congratulations...you get 77 Creamer points
  3. IIRC they did convince the Bears to make a small tweak to the GSH.
  4. TFW you forgot to grab a cold one after work 😑

  5. I know one thing, it's nice to not constantly worry about my PC going bluescreen, or worse, black screen on a constant basis. So first, we got Colorado College. Not exactly the height of creativity, admittedly, but hoops are usually a good bet. A mountainous take on it is the clash. The smaller size is only because I'd used an older 800 x 600 concept by mistake. Bulldoggin like them Georgetown Hoyas. Went with hoops again, though this time out, there's a two tone gray clash for when opponents are in blue or a sufficiently dark color, and navy for when the opponent's in gray/silver or old gold (I remember briefly watching a women's basketball game between Colorado and Texas A&M. The Buffs were in gold, the Aggies in silver. Brutal on the eyes, as far as telling who was who). Lastly, the IPFW Fort Wayne Purdue Fort Wayne Mastodons. Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of Purdue making Fort Wayne change its colors, but it is what it is. (For comparison's sake, of the UW system schools in the NCAA outside of Madison, only Green Bay and River Falls wear red at all). I went with a sash...but truncated it to resemble a mastodon's tusk. The third is blue, their old color, with a take on a classic V that'll definitely be an eye catcher.
  6. That, and there's no real reason to go away from Phoenix Suns.
  7. Man... Minnesota's helmets don't look right with white M's.
  8. For some reason I can't quite put my finger on, I feel like I've seen something similar before. Definite upgrade though.
  9. Thanks for reminding me of how poorly the Hornets' pinstripes got reproduced. WAAAAAAY too thick on Nike's part. A shame because everything else looked right.
  10. They've only been blue-first since '93, and I figure there are a good number of folks who'd like the Pats to revert to red, or at least roll out a red alt someday.
  11. I remember when score bugs didn't exist. All hail the score bug.
  12. It's been a while, and I figured I'd revisit my interchangeable end zones idea. Incorporating that blue putty Loctite sells didn't look all that good and wrecks an unlaminated field, so I went back to the drawing board. Among the many images I've saved are some Cubeecraft sports figures I've never gotten around to printing, but they gave me the idea of copying the tabs used in lieu of adhesives, and modifying them. The slots that go on the field became small green lines, which were meant as a guide to make thin slits in certain areas. For the most part, the folds are more obvious than the slits are. And then, time to see if my idea would actually work. I happened to open an old Lions concept, so they're my example. Here's the goods... ...and here's how it looks in action... Still working out a few kinks, but I feel I'm on the right track.
  13. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the Senators' 3D logo. Doesn't look like some flat faced lizard man, that's for sure.
  14. One thing I know, it tends to get shortened anyway, so I'm probably gonna take advantage of this and saw 'hater' off.
  15. Damn, it's been over a freakin year since I posted anything new in this thread. Unpopular opinion: I liked that abstract-looking UNLV logo they rolled out a few years back, only to not really use it. So without further ado, we run with them Rebels Apparently Penn State has a paw print logo now. And here I was wanting to use their early 2000s logo...anyway, stuff I could easily see Penn State liking, followed by the type of thing they'd vehemently deny ever existing, had it ever existed (yes, I know the logos were early 2000s, not 90s, I was on one)
  16. With great skating comes great responsibility
  17. There exist no-brainers. One such choice would have been Norwich Narwhals. Sea Unicorns is firmly in the territory of somebody thinking obscure always = awesome, when it can also call very flat, as it seems to here. The narwhal logos are pretty good, and I like the nods to the old Navigators.
  18. I'll be disappointed if there's no first pitch from a certain nature boy
  19. I assume Linemen is in reference to electricians, not big hogmollies
  20. Well...RIP to Connecticut's cartoon tiger...you were too good for this trend-chasing world. May the Norwich Narwhals swim in the ocean, causing a commotion cause they are so awesome
  21. Oakland's basically the West Coast version of St. Paul, so their blood feud's with San Francisco. A pity the Giants won't give up San Jose, but Sacramento would likely be much better received than Vegas at this point.
  22. They were orange and brown? I thought they've always been orange and black.
  23. Henderson, Nevada... just hoo the hell do you think you are? Sorry, the Gurren Lagann reference was staring me in the face.
  24. The Cubs tried going back to that back in 2005 (ironically enough, this was during Maddux's second stint in the North Side). The nameless pinstripes only lasted two years IIRC.
  25. Um...bear down, UCD Ags? Or take my horse to the old town road?
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