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Everything posted by Discrim

  1. I'll be reminded of you when somebody hires Goldberg as their head coach and he bodyslams the first player who mistakes him for Steve Austin
  2. Actually, that striping was meant to look like sheet music. And there was no reason the Blues couldn't have used normal numbers like the Ducks did, they just got too cute there.
  3. I haven't worn a snapback regularly since I was a high school freshman (and that was an old Brewers gold-front cap I got at Value Village). I don't miss wearing them. Or trying to wear caps backwards either, given about the only adultwho looks good in a backwards cap is Ken Griffey Jr. As you can probably tell, I am not Junior. I have several Reebok caps from when they were doing the NFL, and their fitteds were much more consistent than New Era's. If I still wore fitteds regularly, yeah, I'd only go with a 5950 if I could try it on in store. I find myself preferring flexfits these days, though, 3930s seem to be far more consistent in quality than 5950s, and as far as caps I can get blank, Pacific Headwear's flexfits compare very favorably to New Era.
  4. Purdue: You mostly ditched silver here. Given that I have no idea why the Boilers even bother with it, good on ya. Colorado State: very well executed Old Dominion: holy crap I love that stripe! While I don't mind the silver, the white logos look real good. Iowa: the white jersey could stand to have a little gold, and until I read the description I thought the way the helmet stripe is was an oversight, but overall, good job.
  5. I wish they'd pair them with blue pants like the 30s Bears did though.
  6. Why not, there are already Sock Puppets and Mighty Mussels, among others. Team Absurdity for the win!
  7. Maybe they should have just used the guitar pick here...I do agree with @AFirestormToPurify that this Preds jersey would have been at least decent without the giant SMASHVILLE mucking things up. As it is now, though, this jersey makes me want to make another My Hero Academia reference.
  8. This "playing in Hamilton yet still calling ourselves Toronto" thing still feels as silly as the day I first heard of it. The Ontario Rock wearing a Bulldogs/Ti-Cats mashup would feel a lot less absurd than the Toronto Rock doing so. It'd be like the Blackhawks wearing a Brewers themed one-off.
  9. Apparently Izuku Midoriya's branched out into jersey design
  10. The Sky Carp identity is one of those where the name blows but the logos rule. You don't see too many geese in sports, why not Ganders? I know I've never called Canada geese "sky carp." I have called seagulls flying rats, though.
  11. Thought of something while I was playing Retro Bowl: the Falcons have something of a history of using a metallic color in one spot and then nowhere else, starting with their use of gold stripes on the helmets but nowhere else from 1966-69. After sticking with strictly red and black for several years, in 1978 they introduced silver pants, as well as red jerseys with silver numbers and striping. The white jerseys, meanwhile, had no silver above the waist. They wore this style, tweaking a few things along the way, until 1989. In 1990 they switched to black helmets and jerseys, but kept silver pants around, the style they would wear until 2002. Finally, starting in 2003, the Falcons switched to uniforms that were now strictly black, red and white...except the tradition continued, as silver is used as the outer outline of the overhauled falcon logo...and nowhere else.
  12. Oddly enough, the only other North American pro team that I've seen treat a number in a similar way the Cowboys treat #88...is, of all teams, the Bucks, who have issued #34 to Terry Cummings, then Ray Allen, and then Giannis. Granted, there were some scrubs in between all of them.
  13. This man gets it. Let the Rangers and Oilers have royal blue. The period after the Fishsticks jersey and pre-Edge was the best the Isles ever looked.
  14. Silver numbers with no outline...on white. Brilliant.
  15. That had to be a pretty convenient walk for a lot of Man City supporters. Knowing nothing about how Maine Road evolved at all, the stands all look like they were built at wildly different points in time, or at least were designed by wildly different architects.
  16. There are zero silver helmet teams I can think of who look better with white pants than silver, the Panthers' road set included (I'm more numb to that one than anything; they should either ditch the white pants or ditch silver entirely IMO). There are only two gold helmet teams I've ever seen where I thought they looked better in white pants than gold-the Arena league's Tampa Bay Storm and the UAB Blazers. The Storm had gold pants that for some reason just didn't look all that good compared to their white pants (this was the late 90s-early 2000s), while UAB during the same time only had this issue with their home green jerseys, their gold pants looked just fine with their white jerseys. I know it's odd, given that there are plenty of gold helmet teams whose home jerseys have white numbers where how they look with gold pants never crosses my mind at all.
  17. Why, Lions? And why stripeless? This feels like when the Saints wore those plain white pants against the Bears...just why?
  18. Well, I know a girl who got hitched at Lambeau around a decade ago (in the offseason, but still). And I figure Rodgers is more qualified to officiate a wedding than Buster Posey is at delivering babies, at least Granted, Posey totally had the calm doctor voice down.
  19. At quarterback for YOUR Topeka Tropics...Jackie Moooooooooon! So when are they holding the Topeka Kansas Megabowl?
  20. And here I am completely lost, needing to look up what an NFT is because all yall are talking about it Fort Worth Panther City should probably have rethought their name (though I figure folks are gonna wind up calling them the Cats for short), but those jerseys are pretty sweet.
  21. I think if one were to get a haircut in some rpg, it'd be similar to the long ride I've wound up taking with my barber, while being nowhere near the shop.

  22. I've somehow managed to temporarily go on strike while working 😕

  23. Um, wrong thread, man. A number that have yet to be featured here...Pirates-inspired Iowa More Rainbow Guts...Pepperdine edition...then... ...and now Kansas....taking inspiration from both the Expos and Blue Jays (the former more obviously than the latter) Though the script style's not exactly a copy, and the jersey has sleeve cuffs, very much Dodger style similar, more Dodger-like older jersey the ubiquitous 83 White Sox copy Georgia, circa 1990: Red Sox tribute Butler: navy-on-navy like the old Braves alternate Florida, inspired by the black-era Mets
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