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Everything posted by Discrim

  1. Ironic due to Nike U being green...they can't just use Oregon's green and be done with it?
  2. Agreed on the Bears, but I'd say the Bengals are more like the Orioles, where orange and black are basically equal in their hierarchy, so to speak. Somehow, I don't hate the Cardinals helmet. While I don't think they need two black jerseys, the fact is that they do, and the color rush version is so devoid of white that the regular helmet always looked somewhat out of place when worn with it. Maybe it's the red flaking, or the subtle tweak to the cardinal, but I didn't find myself sarcastically thinking "oh joy, another black helmet, yay " like I did with the Eagles and Jets (granted, the Jets actually did a better job than the Iggles in actually including green). I don't want a green Packers helmet to exist, let's leave that to the Eagles and Jets. I wouldn't be opposed to white or metallic gold, however, the first because I do want a gold Packers jersey to exist and I think it'd look great with white helmets and pants, and the second only if the league allowed for a "what if?" uniform, in this case the vegas gold-trimmed uniforms the Pack almost switched to in 1994.
  3. Much like the Eagles, the Bears orange helmet feels like something they decided to have just to have it. If it's absolutely gotta be around, I wish they'd have used the bear head instead of the C for once. Granted, it won't be the first time the Bears have worn orange helmets...just the first time since the 30s.
  4. Ridiculous considering they look nothing alike
  5. Looking at the Eagles helmet....and man does it feel pointless. It doesn't add anything to their look, and feels like they mailed it in just to have it around.
  6. If I share with you my story, would you share your dollar with me?
  7. This Royals-style white has it too... ...as does this one with the Expos' racing stripes. Considering that patch was rather explicitly commemorating 125 years of professional baseball, that a college program was wearing it at all seems very strange. I almost wanna start digging to see if it was just Nevada.
  8. A couple I came across just now...Nevada from about a decade ago, Red Sox-style N + 90s Padres-like jersey lettering (there was also a pinstriped version, but the only pic I could find of that didn't have a great look at the script) Villanova with the 80s Mets style racing stripes
  9. The All Star Futures game uniforms...a collaboration between Nike x FIITG
  10. I got bad news for ya, @adsarebad...we're about to trade you to Reddit for some gum, 50 bats and a poster to be named later. Far as the All Star stuff, what they came up with this year is much better than last year's abomination. Almost looks like they realized the major league ASG shouldn't look like a video game ASG (Granted, I haven't bothered to buy a new console so my own experience ends at MLB 10 The Show.)
  11. Point taken...they might end up making the same mistake the Mets made: they made the gray lettering on their road blue alts too dark.
  12. IIRC ND is rather insistent that both blue and gold be present on any green jerseys nowadays...why they feel it has to be in "green version of white jersey" form, I don't know, when "green version of home jersey" tended to work much better. Hell, inverting the numbers to gold trimmed in blue would be an improvement here.
  13. Random thought unrelated to the Browns drama: with regards to the mastery of movement, Aaron Donald is basically the bizarro world version of Barry Sanders. Donald squeezing through double or triple teams to disrupt plays, sometimes seeming to flat out teleport into the backfield is reminiscent of Sanders escaping situations even many top tier running backs couldn't even dream of.
  14. This pretty much happened to the Nets' gray jerseys back in their New Jersey days...before... ...and after Seemingly minor tweak that took this from illegible crap (granted, I recall it was initially supposed to be silver, but Stern made them change it to gray instead) to top tier alternate in league history. Was a sad day when these got replaced by the red set.
  15. Hope you got the weird smell out @charger77 They'd had a bunch of these at Burlington a year or two ago, but I didn't pull the trigger. Even though I have too many speakers already, figured I'm not passing it by this time... Well, time to charge this mug.
  16. Just leave the beehive in Utah, Rudy. Like Chuck said, bees are not a pet. Though knowing him, he'll get hit by a stray puck or something.
  17. I've had a day to let it sink in...and if there's something else that simultaneously makes sense as to why it happened yet also feels as completely wrong as USC and UCLA becoming members of the Big Ten, let me know.
  18. Among things I never considered possibly happening, a Pac 12 school joining the Big Ten was definitely on that list...and yet here we are, the LA schools throwing their lot in with us Great Lakers due mostly to their own incompetence seemingly ruining the Pac 12 (with a little help from the Arizona schools and Colorado). Tis a mad banquet of darkness we're entering.
  19. A similar thing happened to the Packers' stripes, where players increasingly had the bottom two stripes cut off until they officially reduced the pattern from five stripes to three in 1997, as illustrated by Reggie White 1993-full striping still there, but truncated 1996 Favre for comparison 1997
  20. If you described someone who'd fought drug addicts, hitmen, thugs and a gang leader and won handily, they'd probably think you were describing Shaft,  Bruce Lee, or a beat-em-up protagonist...then they'd figure it still checked out when you say that man was Mike Tyson

  21. Brazil used to wear all white, until their infamous 1950 World Cup final loss. Afterwards, they changed to their now iconic canary yellow shirts, blue shorts and white socks. A decade later, Leeds United went in the opposite direction: they'd historically worn yellow and blue in various forms, but inspired by Real Madrid, manager Don Revie changed Leeds' kit to all white, which they've worn ever since.
  22. IIRC that one was a Nike creation
  23. Kind of astounding that they managed to accomplish that despite using highlighter yellow, tbh.
  24. You gotta bang the TV like ten more times
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