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Everything posted by Discrim

  1. Man... I'm not even 40 yet and I have no idea what was just said.
  2. Even if it's not real, it's the Hawks. They never know what they wanna look like for long. Far as these Jazz leaks...I really have to question D-Wade's taste here. The change they should be making is lightening the green from forest to kelly, but apparently this black/yellow change is happening, so whatever. In any event, holy crap this is even more bland than their old two tone blue set.
  3. Or, as per the policy the higher ups I work under seem to have started favoring, having too much of some things and too little of other stuff The tonal look the ST caps seem to be going for translates well for certain teams' logos, not as well for others (notably, the Cubs' version would probably have looked better with just the cub head, no roundel)
  4. As someone who sees the Lions semi-frequently as opponents, I'm still not over that chicken fight he started in Chicago early in his career (how he wasn't ejected, I'll never know)...but he was that QB a lot of teams would kill for. A shame the Lions were the Lions, but eh.
  5. Congrats to the Rams...Aaron Donald and Cooper Kupp put the team on their back tho
  6. Imagine a really off key Brass Bonanza playing in the background rn.
  7. Watching the Pro Bowl, and I'm reminded of why I usually don't watch it: they're dressed for tackle but basically playing 2 hand touch like me and my friends did in elementary school. All they need is Mac Jones shouting "shotgun" Honestly, just give em flag belts already if they're not making real tackles. I'm all for not sustaining major injuries in an all star game, and I think a flag football variant with dedicated o-linemen would be interesting. I'd just like the NFL to quit pretending the Pro Bowl is tackle football.
  8. Probably shoulda posted this the first time I mentioned it...tough to really see, but those jerseys are indeed gold.
  9. "Man I feel old" moment of the day: the fact that Timmy Chang is a man, he's 40. "Well I'm not THAT old yet" moment of the day: finding out Hawaii botched their attempt to bring back June Jones because he wanted to pick his own staff but UH wanted Chang to be HC in waiting.
  10. Well...see you on the links, Brady. Ah, the magic of winning in spite of yourself.
  11. I thought it'd be close. It's not like the Niners are the Jets. That pass rush is no joke, so I would have been shocked if it'd been a track meet or blowout. What a dumb way to lose, though. Letting the chardonnay sippers block both a field goal and a punt in the same game, how often does that happen?
  12. Nope...this was back when Southern Miss was wearing Vegas gold. And back when USM basically shared that "mid major team nobody wants to play" label with Fresno State before Boise State got good.
  13. Yes, something of a one off mishmash throwback: 60s helmet, 30s jersey and 1941-present pants.
  14. Odd facts: the Pats never wore the silver jerseys on the road...and the Seahawks have never worn their gray set at home. Far as forgotten matchups, Southern Miss and Idaho squared off in the 98 Blue Turf Humanitarian Bowl. Much like the Colorado State-Oregon game posted earlier, the two teams donned inverted uniforms: Idaho was in gold helmets and pants with black jerseys, while USM was in black/gold/black.
  15. I don't see Jimmy G that often. For a good chunk of the time I do, he actually looks decent...and then he does something that justifies them all but shoving him out the door. Like eluding friggin'Kenny Clark twice in one play...only to get picked off.
  16. Man the Cards looked overmatched tonight. One of those days where they probably didn't even tie their cleats right...that the Rams' all star defense has been playing at an all star level hasn't helped, but woof.
  17. Aren't the Rams supposed to have a great pass defense? Their coverage has mostly been horrible in the second half.
  18. Yep, UW Eau Claire Blugolds...and at the high school level, a school in Milwaukee and another in Madison are Purgolders.
  19. Don't feel like seeing if the fact that the Packers and Washington didn't face each other in any regular season or playoff games in the 90s was mentioned...looking down the rabbit hole, I came across a related stat... The Washington ex-Skins Football Team began play in 1932 in Boston. The Dallas Cowboys began play in 1960. The Packers have somehow played only two fewer games against Dallas (37) than they've played against Washington (39). For comparison's sake, there have been 51 Bears-Washington games and 45 Packers-Eagles games, and the Eagles entered the NFL one year after Boston Washington did.
  20. As JaguarGator9 would say, welcome to Dumb Decisions... I'd thought the ref misspoke when he said Dallas had taken that timeout. Seriously, why?
  21. 100% dedication to safety, that Snyder fellow Completely safe railing here
  22. You got me thinking about one of my teachers back in middle school who was a Saints fan (this was post-Diddly Poo when the Saints had gone back to sucking after the Jim Mora era). Nothing about the guy hinted at any New Orleans ties otherwise.
  23. Man...that would be a most glorious clown show if I could ever imagine one. Regarding KC@SDLAC...when you're tired AF, you take poor angles like the Bolts did...and when you take poor angles, you make Travis Kelce look like friggin' Barry Sanders...hell, dude looked shocked that no one so much as touched him on that walkoff TD.
  24. I'll be reminded of you when somebody hires Goldberg as their head coach and he bodyslams the first player who mistakes him for Steve Austin
  25. Actually, that striping was meant to look like sheet music. And there was no reason the Blues couldn't have used normal numbers like the Ducks did, they just got too cute there.
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