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Lights Out

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Everything posted by Lights Out

  1. The throwbacks still suck no matter how many times the Patriots drag them out of mothballs.
  2. The helmet sucks, but everything else is pretty nice. The "country roads" theme is clever.
  3. They literally just recolored the previous uniforms and called it a day. The striping is the same. Lazy, lazy, lazy. I love how the entire marketing campaign is "Purple is Back!" and the actual new uniforms are being hidden as much as possible.
  4. This Cavs rebrand is horrible. Just switch to brown and orange and promote the 2K League logo to the big-league club, it's not hard.
  5. Their 2K League team's logo is better since it actually depicts a cavalier (and because "team name over basketball" logos are so played out in the NBA) but it is still better than the current logo. For me, it's "The Second Coming" by Jewelz Santana. So glorious... victorious!
  6. Can't say I agree. Those are just recolored Showtime Lakers uniforms with half the stripes chopped off and an odd-looking wordmark that doesn't match anything else in their identity.
  7. The most disappointing part is how the 2K League of all things has better logos than some of the actual teams.
  8. As far as the draft hats are concerned, literally anything is better than the bootleg gas station hats that Adidas was putting out in the late 2000s. I'm pretty sure the target audience for these things was the same demographic that only watches college basketball because "they play defense, unlike the NBA."
  9. Just like the Finals last year, they actually had to face a fully healthy opponent for once. Can't always duck the top players.
  10. I don't think that opinion is particularly unpopular. It's my favorite Broncos look too (also minus the helmet).
  11. Totally agree that Akron's new look is dull, dull, dull. They've had one of the worst brands in college sports ever since they made the Z logo their primary in 2015, and this isn't helping.
  12. Both names are already representative of LA despite the fact that they originated elsewhere. Lakers and clippers are types of ships and LA is home to America's busiest seaport. I don't blame people for not making the connection, though, because both teams use generic create-a-team logos that have nothing to do with their names. As far as a name change is concerned: as a Clippers fan, I'm strongly against it, and I think most of the fanbase agrees. Winning our first championship as the Clippers would be a trillion times more special than doing it as the Stars or some other expansion team-tier name because of the rough history that we'd presumably be changing the name to get away from. Does anyone think the 2016 Cubs' championship would have been anywhere near as big of a deal if they had won it as, like, the Chicago Wind or something? I didn't think so. Change the colors, change the logos, but keep the name intact would be my choice.
  13. And with a worse logo, too. Sorry, not sorry.
  14. I still think this was their best identity by a long shot... but in hindsight, I think a more industrial-looking teal/grey color would have worked better in place of red, like in this concept I made a few years ago:
  15. I agree that their brand was fine without it, but it doesn't mean there can't be a place for it. For better or worse, it's part of the Mets' history now (especially since they went to a World Series in the BFBS era) and totally valid to throw back to. It's probably best to think of it like a third jersey in hockey or a clash jersey in soccer rather than a traditional baseball alternate.
  16. I think BFBS adds a lot to the Mets' identity purely as an alternate look. It really captures that "NYC at night" feeling. Where the Mets went wrong the first time around was cramming black trim into their regular home and road jerseys, where it added nothing and only detracted from the bold color scheme and classic design. It looked particularly bad on the white and pinstripe jerseys because the drop shadows actually hurt the legibility of the script and the NOBs. They aren't repeating that mistake this time around, so it's not a problem, IMO.
  17. Since the Mets have settled back into BFBS, I still really want to see this jersey make a comeback next: I know it was just a templated batting practice jersey at the time, but it's good enough to be a full-time look and actually better than the black jerseys, IMO. Almost like a mix of eras since the striping isn't far removed from the racing stripes they wore in the '80s. I always loved how the black script and numbers popped off the blue base. One of those things that had no business working as well as it did.
  18. It screams college football circa 2011/2012. Large front logos were a trend that Adidas was trying to force back then. This isn't even the first time the CFL's tried to hop on this short-lived fad, but now they look well and truly behind the times.
  19. Those are way too plain aside from the home jersey - which is still a little too simplistic, but at least has some contrasting collar/armhole trim and that nice J-note/number lockup. Even if the shorts are amazingly designed, I don't see how it could save those glorified practice jerseys.
  20. Are we sure the Royals jerseys are actually navy and it's not just weird lighting in a blurry photo?
  21. UCF showing once again why they're the "pick me" of college football programs.
  22. The Rays wouldn't have an "identity crisis" if they didn't jettison their perfectly fine 2001-07 identity for no reason.
  23. I wish the Nationals did pink jerseys to match the Wizards. The charcoal grey looks dull and undermines the theme.
  24. It could be worse. When he was here, he tried to blow smoke up everyone's asses that Austin Rivers was an "elite lockdown defender" after we had just spent the entire game watching him get torched. It later came out that Glenn royally pissed off the rest of the team by doing this and it was one of the last straws in Lob City's locker room issues. I wouldn't say he "thrived" in Boston, FWIW. It was clearly the best era of his coaching career, but he was still thisclose to being fired until the Celtics were gifted one of the most stacked teams in recent memory, which he then predictably underachieved with. There's a strong argument to be made that 2008 was the least impressive ring in NBA history when you compare the amount of talent on that Celtics roster, the quality of competition they were facing, and the results. And that was the only thing they ever won in Doc's nine seasons there. The Boston media cares more about the Red Sox and Patriots, so he was shielded from the level of scrutiny he deserved.
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