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Lights Out

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Everything posted by Lights Out

  1. The new logos are okay, but the new font reminds me way too much of Virginia Tech. I'm surprised UVA didn't notice this and tell Nike to go back to the drawing board.
  2. I'm glad people are finally starting to agree with me that pewter and orange should be the focus of the Bucs' identity. I think this concept would be improved by using some red as a minor trim color, though.
  3. The new scorebug is a huge upgrade, but I can't help but think it should be moved to one of the corners of the screen next season. It's not wide enough to look good centered at the bottom. Even they must have realized that, which is why they wasted more space by keeping the quarterbacks' stats on the screen all game.
  4. I also thought those were nice except for the helmets. Even the black numbers looked good.
  5. Only major issue I see is that some teams' jerseys have side panels that don't flow into the pants stripes. I don't understand why the Vipers' or Dragons' jerseys have side panels at all. The Defenders, Roughnecks and Guardians look nice, and the Wildcats are a real logo away from looking good too.
  6. I would argue that they're a couple tweaks away from the perfect look. First and foremost, the white and purple pants have to go. The Ravens have never looked right with anything other than black pants. Their black/purple/black combo is one of the best looks in the league. However, the pants should have purple stripes to match the helmets. They also need contrasting socks to avoid the "yoga pants" look. Secondly, the helmets would really benefit from a purple glimmer effect, similar to the teal glimmer effect on the Jaguars' 2009-2012 helmets.
  7. It looks like the home equivalent has shown up on eBay now: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Sacramento-Kings-Adidas-Prototype-Sample-Authentic-Jersey-48-Rare-NWOT/303314702952?hash=item469ef71268:g:vX8AAOSws6JdnU2J
  8. The Texans have always looked incredibly dull, like a generic team from a movie. Even the much-beloved road uniforms with red socks still look forgettable.
  9. That Tampa concept looks more appropriate for Virginia Tech than the Bucs (aside from the throwback, of course).
  10. Guess someone must have clued them in that the original version made it look like there was a flag on every play.
  11. I wasn't a huge fan, but the BFBS did look pretty good in some contexts: They really just screwed up by forcing the black drop-shadows into the normal home and road instead of leaving it for the alternates.
  12. They're all nice except for the Vipers and Wildcats. They really mailed it in with those.
  13. I personally think it looks better than the original and I always use it when I make Iowa concepts. It's more dynamic without being too much of a departure from the classic logo.
  14. That's not a bad look at all. It definitely would have paired better with their road uniforms than the ones they ended up going with.
  15. Nice work. I don't like their current font, but I'd be satisfied with your updates to it.
  16. The color balance absolutely was not better in the past. There was no pewter at all on the jerseys in the '90s set. Pewter was and is their unique color, yet they managed to leave it off the jerseys entirely in favor of generic red and black. Their current uniforms are a big improvement in that regard.
  17. I can see your perspective. I don't tend to think that "dated and kitschy" is the right tone for a sports brand, but to each their own. I like the Dolphins' current logo. To me, it looks classy, professional and dignified, whereas the old logos just looked like cartoons (especially the late-'90s/2000s version).
  18. Those uniforms could have worked with the navy trim if the orange outlines on the numbers/stripes were thicker. As it stands, though, the orange trim disappeared because it was too thin to really contrast enough with the navy outlines. Given how simple and minimal those uniforms were, they couldn't afford to screw up the color distribution to the degree they did. The new update is a big improvement just because they finally fixed that issue. I do agree with you about the vintage logo. I'll never understand why people like it so much. To me, the dolphin looks old and wrinkly.
  19. Doubt it. They would still blend in with the million other teams that use navy as their main color.
  20. Apparently, this is what the alternate logo would have been if the NBA didn't move the 2017 All-Star Game out of Charlotte: https://www.ebay.com/itm/PROTOTYPE-DEMO-CHARLOTTE-HORNETS-2017-NBA-ALL-STAR-GAME-NEW-ERA-59FIFTY-HAT-/123014912605?hash=item1ca4429a5d%3Ag%3AUMkAAOSwp-Rachmg&nma=true&si=9zrMXKmyzlbFqmHzRwc%2BGeM%2BdQY%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  21. Apparently, the Cavs' road uniforms from the first LeBron era were originally going to use the team name instead of the city name and feature more navy in the striping: https://www.ebay.com/itm/2003-2004-Cleveland-Cavaliers-LeBron-James-Unused-Prototype-Pro-Jersey-Size-52/352293121829?hash=item52064e6f25:g:zU4AAOSwErFZ0I1o
  22. Not terrible, but not really an upgrade from what they had. It reminds me a lot of the old FOX graphics package from 2005.
  23. Very strange Timberwolves prototype from eBay... it features the Rev30 fabric, the old tree-trimmed collars and use of green, and a weird take on their side striping from that era. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Adidas-Authentic-Minnesota-Timberwolves-Jersey-Sample-Rev-30-Pro-Game-Apparel/253366851134?hash=item3afdd7563e:g:zHMAAOSwBp9aWmPz
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