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Everything posted by SFGiants58

  1. Shove "In God We Trust" (because there sadly has to be a caveat) on one of these and I'd be set: Source piece on reddit.
  2. Like I said, it’s two universities covering their asses. While the racial relations context is understandable, it could also be because the D1 universities really don’t want you to think about how their athletes (in the “money” sports, anyway) are basically indentured servants who are ineligible to make money for their talents (I.e., move to the pros) during peak years. Also, “cancelled?” That’s stuff used to bully people who made racist or transphobic comments a decade ago and didn’t think to delete them.
  3. The Lincoln thing is an exception (idiots just wanting to trash stuff). Maybe if you’ve been paying attention to the news, this country is in the middle of a particularly sensitive time in regards to race and race relations. Recognizing how things can be an issue is a part of anti-racist activity. It’s a very small part (hence missionaccomplished.jpg), but it is a step forward to get people to question these things.
  4. This isn’t “did you just assume it’s gender?” or “all males are evil.” This is a pair of organizations changing up a name due to a particularly heated time in race relations at the moment. It’s not tumblr folks here.
  5. I was thinking of the Drugstore Cowboy-My Own Private Idaho Civil War, a battle to determine which Gus Van Sant movie set in the state was better.
  6. The Rainfurrest convention, a place of absolute debauchery and awfulness.
  7. It looks like it was drawn on paper, then poorly autotraced on Inkscape.
  8. Heck, the Dolphins’ privately-funded renovation should be the gold standard for how to handle “new stadiums.” Do a totally transformative renovation instead of asking for a new place. Granted, it should only be if the base structure was good. Something like Candlestink wasn’t going to get better with new gizmos. It can also go too far, like the Soldier Field spaceship.
  9. Hey, it’s better than demanding a new stadium all the time. Heck, I’m pretty sure this is how most clubs in Europe handle their stadium situations. They’ll work with the old building as long as you can, getting into a Theseus’ Ship situation after about fifty years of doing this.
  10. Don’t snakes hear through vibrations in their skull (I.e., they can’t hear airborne vibrations)? The rhythm section produces the vibes, which they can hear.
  11. Yeah, since I’ve done shadowing work for concepts, I stand by this statement. They are just a pure, 100% pain in design.
  12. I'm torn between the 2010-13 version and a cleaned up version of those (no placket trim, different sleeve logo, etc.). I know @the admiral really doesn't like that script, but I love it. On a not-too-dissimilar note: I do sometimes wish the Giants and Dodgers became the Seals and Angels upon moving, keeping their colors but making some adjustments to "adopt" those old identities (e.g., Angels adding light blue and using red for halos, Seals using cursive scripts and a less rigid "SF," etc.). Of course, the Los Angeles AL team would be the Stars (Hollywood Stars, Los Angeles Stars, California/Anaheim Stars, Inland Empire Stars, etc.) and the A's would be unchanged.
  13. Also, with drop shadows, you can have one-color NOB's or drop-shadow NOB's (in a condensed font). Granted, NOB's with shadow often look awful. The Giants' gold shadows, because they blend into the orange, are a bit better than the dark ones. The alternative might not be better. The Lakers one is slightly excusable, due to the outline on the front wordmark. Generally, use one-color NOB's with shadowed or triple-layer numbers.
  14. Have you ever heard the tale of his boxing career and his role in Tim “Doc” Anderson’s battle against “Elvis” Parker? http://thedollop.net/wp/episode-83-dollop/
  15. The Pirates’ “Pittsburgh” script is Twins-level messy. Here’s my diagram: It needed clean-up before returning.
  16. I'm curious about the font used for numbers (and likely the wordmark) here: I think it's a Clarendon variant, I'm just not sure which version.
  17. I chose to believe that Angels in the Outfield is a prequel to Mysterious Skin. But back to the topic: I wonder if the stadium will dump the rocks in the outfield?
  18. They should’ve been watching The Fan.
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