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Everything posted by Chromatic

  1. I still have mixed opinions on them, but I think the only reason they had such a viscerally negative reaction here at first is because everybody was so used to black numbers.
  2. Maybe, but Cam Newton is wearing the same Nike manufactured pants as Darnold. I think its more a matter of consistency between whatever pair the player is wearing, like we see with jersey sleeves.
  3. I sure do enjoy discussing what is and isn't a race on a forum dedicated to sports logos. Anywaaaay, I think Seattle's brand is really good, but someone pointed out to me how much thicker the outline on their main logo is, and now I can't unsee it. Its not bad per se, but it makes it look off when put next to the logos of other teams.
  4. Whatever the Cowboys do I'd like to see them actually wear their navy jerseys. They're so much better than the whites its a shame they're never seen due to a really dumb superstition. I can understand opting for white in the playoffs due to a tradition (though I still think its silly) but once you opt to exclusively wear one uniform as much as possible, you're throwing out whatever jinx you may believe exists because now all your losses are in the uniform you believe to be good luck.
  5. Vintage white works great as trim but shouldn't be the base of the jersey. The only example I can think off the top of my head where it works is the San Francisco Giants, and thats because they have a history with it rather than just using it on a fauxback to make it look old.
  6. The barbed wire stripe is so unbelievably trashy, especially for a 75 year old club. It belongs on an arena football team named the Bulldawgs.
  7. I agree with you on being navy first, red secondary, and the pinstripes looking gross. But I also think the periwinkle blue is what makes the look decent as opposed to being just yet another navy and red team.
  8. I definitely remember that. That was at the time when everybody was trying to wear double-blue. Thankfully it seems Winnipeg and now Seattle have essentially staked their claim on it and we can move on. Now, if the Kings won't do it, can somebody wear purple? Its right there, waiting to be taken.
  9. Disagree. Its not a perfect look and I recognize this probably falls in the "Unpopular Opinions" category, but I think its worlds better than the bland red-on-red beveled mess they're wearing now.
  10. Not wanting a sports team to be moved is still not "white knighting". Nor is it "shilling". Arguing like this over a difference in opinion is really, really bad faith.
  11. I don't think you understand what the concept of 'White Knighting' is if you think it applies to someone advocating for a logo they like on a forum dedicated to logos.
  12. Not sure if thats directed at me, but if it is, I think you're missing the point of why you're here.
  13. No I didn't. I said people have differing opinions on displaying brand logos on their clothing and gave two examples. I never said they'd be in favour of ads on their merchandise because of it nor did I make any distinctions between the various types.
  14. Oh so you've met my friend who goes out wearing a nike hat, hoodie with a giant nike logo across the chest, nike shorts, nike socks, nike shoes and nike pack with the logos running across the strap. You're right I was lying. Its actually probably 22 logos instead of 23. I should have known I'd never fool you with your omniscient knowledge of the fashion sense of everyone in the world.
  15. If the ads go on the retail jerseys I'm never purchasing another one.
  16. I personally avoid any clothing with the brand's label front and centre on it. I see people wearing a giant 'NIKE' on their T-Shirt and I think they look absolutely ridiculous, but they think they look awesome. I've got a friend who loves Nike and wears nike stuff everywhere he goes and thinks he looks awesome having that logo plastered 23 times across his clothing. I think it might be like that. To each their own.
  17. Honestly I'm actually surprised the NHL got here before the Junior leagues.
  18. Fair enough. I know the history, popularity and cultural importance of soccer in Europe and South America has lead to riots, but the US doesn't have that so it sounded strange. Especially over indoor soccer.
  19. Hard to imagine Americans rioting over an indoor soccer match.
  20. I'm not saying it has to be a logo already explicitly from their history, just be one that doesn't look lost outside its era.
  21. You're right, anyone who thinks the NHL would ever put ads on the jerseys/helmets/ice/boards/make the ads too prominent on the jerseys is just chicken little.
  22. The boat always looked incredibly goofy to me. Maybe if it were executed better. While I've never been one of those people to bang on about how everyone needs an overly simplistic, generic look without any individual flair, I think the oldest team in North America should have a simple, timeless logo. The A shield was that imo, the boat was not. Even if it might be older. I think its an OK secondary logo though.
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