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Everything posted by DTConcepts

  1. I've been lurking in this series, and it's great! Not sure if it counts as 'Vintage,' but could you update the infamous NY Islanders fisherman logo?
  2. Concept for a flag of Mars, made by yours truly. Red represents the planet itself, the purple for space and the night sky, the two teal dots for the planet's moons, and the obvious Mars symbol.
  3. Forgive me if these have been posted already. Joe Sakic Ziggy Palffy
  4. God, those jerseys were absolutely terrible. I never noticed the odd collar, metallic arm stripes, and 'NASHVILLE' under the collar. Even without all that, it'd still be pretty bad.
  5. Neither of which are very appealing at all.
  6. Loving the Isles. Not so sure about the yellow Flames logo. The fonts are great on both of them.
  7. Ads on NHL jerseys would be okay if they were restricted to the left shoulder.
  8. Square yokes on hockey jerseys look good. The Stadium-Series/Wild Style collars look good too. I can stand to see the Islanders in black. I bought one of the black jerseys. And I got one of the college-style ones before that. Shoulder numbers are good on hockey jerseys too.
  9. We get it- you're a communist who likes big words.
  10. Two Nashville-affiliated teams named Admirals? Odd.
  11. Not a fan of the chest stripe, the lone gold chest stripe on the away, or the font. Other than that, it's a fair set.
  12. Looks like an amusement park's logo.
  13. League-wide seems annoying to me. I don't get why someone on the Florida Panthers can't wear 99. Gretzky never played with them. Team retirements are fine.
  14. Maybe you're drunk and booing their other logos!
  15. My thoughts exactly. The fishsticks set doesn't deserve the hate it gets.
  16. The only "so-bad-it's-good" jersey for me is the white fish sticks jersey.
  17. I think the first set with yellow as a primary color was better, and would be perfect if the blue in the logo was white. The green/blue set is really sharp, though.
  18. JT doesn't belong in a black jersey unless it's the Isles' current ones.
  19. It fell out of greatness after 2010. Rest in peace.
  20. True, but morally, it just seems wrong to me. It seems wrong for someone to steal your design, but then make it theirs using their money.
  21. From a moral standpoint; don't do it. From an economic standpoint; do it! It's really up to you, though. I personally wouldn't do it.
  22. "Ziggy and the Fish Boys" is what makes this an especially good clip.
  23. The Colorado Avalanche played the New York Fishsticks Islanders for one game only. Below is a picture and a short 4-5 second clip of the game at 2:10 in the video.
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