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Everything posted by WestCoastBias

  1. I think its a case by case basis. Teams that are currently relocation candidates: Athletics (A's): Definitely a name that can and should stay with it's team, its already been done twice. Would work in Las Vegas or Portland or any other city. Rays: Don't think this name would work anywhere else. Yeah it supposed to be "rays of sunshine" but everyone still thinks of it as the fish which just fits Tampa perfectly. Definitely wouldn't work in Nashville, Charlotte, or Montreal. Coyotes: It could work in Houston I guess but who's going to want to hold onto the legacy of the Coyotes in their new city. Wouldn't work in Quebec City. Some teams that have relocated: Raiders: Its the Raiders, no brainer. Chargers: Still close enough to SD to appeal to old fans, some history in LA, and the beautiful uniforms. Good decision. Rams: History in LA, another no brainer. Thrashers/Jets: Previous history of Winnipeg Jets, no brainer. Thrashers was an awful name to begin with. Sonics/Thunder: Good decision after stealing the team from Seattle. Wouldn't of worked well in OKC anyway. Grizzlies: Should of changed the name, makes no sense in Memphis. Jazz/Hornets/Bobcats: Utah keeping the Jazz name messed all this up and it doesn't fit at all in Utah. New Orleans could of become the Jazz again when the Hornets moved there and then there wouldn't have ever been the Bobcats. Pelicans is a fine name though. Oilers/Titans: Fine with changing to Titans but Houston should have been allowed to use Oilers again.
  2. The Lakers also retired Pau Gasol's 16 this year And on the other end of the arena, the Kings retired Dustin Brown's 23
  3. Some renderings for a potential stadium in Salt Lake City were released as well..
  4. Add Salt Lake City to the list of possible expansion/relocation cities (Las Vegas, Portland, Nashville, Montreal).
  5. Just wear the Barkley throwbacks, it's not that hard Phoenix
  6. Why do they have to be so ridiculously sized. Not even regular patches are that large right?
  7. Hot take here... Nike does it better
  8. I feel like that color combo is overplayed now with the Liberty and Gotham FC. I like the Nets in black and white but if they HAD to add an accent color I still think Dodger blue would be the best.
  9. Papi was easily the best part of that show
  10. Sheesh what a bad opening day for the Angels
  11. Windows Phone and the Lumia's were so underrated
  12. I think they could be competitive in the Pac-12. Last year, they handled WSU in the LA Bowl and lost to 10 win Oregon State on the last play of the game. The USC game was a different story but Fresno had some key players go down with injuries. They've won their past 4 matchups against UCLA. I mean there is a reason Cal and Stanford don't schedule Fresno State, they don't want to lose and have their stadiums taken over by the Red Wave..
  13. Also, your main argument for adding UNLV is that it'll be a good place for other fans to travel too? Not because they already have great home atmospheres or successful teams? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
  14. Totally agree, people are really sleeping on what Fresno State brings to the table. The San Joaquin Valley is home to over 4 million people compared to the 2.5 million in the Vegas metro area. Sure it's Fresno and not glamorous Las Vegas but Fresno State actually has a legit fanbase that goes to games (one of the top G5's in attendance this past year) and travels well (see anytime they play UCLA, SDSU, etc.), unlike UNLV. The football success already speaks for itself and UNLV can't come close to matching that. SDSU will be an all around fantastic add to the Pac, really excited for when that happens.
  15. But what have they accomplished since? UNLV has been riding off that championship for the past 30 years and now they're hoping playing in the Raiders stadium with no fans will get them into the Pac-12.
  16. UNLV has a viable football program? Since when?
  17. It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey
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