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Everything posted by sky1324

  1. That should be part of the cost of having a league-wide manufacturing deal. If you're taking up exclusivity and responsibility for supplying all 32 teams, you should be able to match what the teams have, not the other way around. I understand not supplying every color for high school or college teams or for off-field gear and whatnot but there's no reason Nike be able to meet the teams' demands.
  2. Not to necessarily defend the Gen 7 car, which needs improvements on safety, yes, but it's not like the old cars were perfect - Dale Jr's career was ruined by concussions, but he never raced in a Gen 7 car. Jeff Gordon and Ryan Newman suffered great injury in previous models of car, even the incredibly safe COT. NASCAR is just a dangerous sport - barreling around at nearly 200 MPH for hours will do that.
  3. Never understood the focus people have on this. What's most important is franchise continuity right? The NFL didn't even Hornets the situation and retroactively assign the old Browns' history to the new Browns, they've always been the Browns franchise. A "franchise" is nothing more than the license to operate a team in a certain city and when Art Modell decided to leave Cleveland, he did not take his franchise with him. According to the NFL, Modell was granted a new franchise to operate in Baltimore that was filled with the staff and players of the Cleveland Browns organization. However, the Browns franchise was deactivated for three years before it returned in 1999. Still the same franchise, but with a different organization. So yes, the current Browns are the same franchise as the old Browns.
  4. All these jersey reveals have such colored, extreme lighting and while it looks cool I can't see what the damn uniform actually looks like.
  5. Philadelphia vs. Houston Indianapolis vs. New England Green Bay vs. Detroit LA Chargers vs. Atlanta Buffalo vs. NY Jets Minnesota vs. Washington Carolina vs. Cincinnati Las Vegas vs. Jacksonville Miami vs. Chicago Seattle vs. Arizona LA Rams vs. Tampa Bay Tennessee vs. Kansas City Baltimore vs. New Orleans
  6. He needed to make up two positions to advance to the championship race so he shifted into 5th gear (not normally done at Martinsville because of a lack of handling) and just floored it, letting the wall guide him. Because nobody was up there he was able to take the two positions he needed and then some. He sacrificed his car for speed and in the process set a new Martinsville track record for a Cup car.
  7. I don't like the elf at midfield and I've never cared for the bulldog branding either - I've always felt the blank helmet was strong enough to serve as the logo. What I don't like about what they use now is that it's a generic NFL template and not a unique logo built specifically for them. A return to the 60s-style one- or two-bar helmet with an emphasis on the iconic stripe is a good way to go in my opinion. Since I saw specifically the top middle from this selection from Gridiron Labs I've been of the opinion that that's the way to go.
  8. That blue jersey is a thing of beauty. Not as big on the black caps for the home and road (nor the de-emphasis on gold) but overall I'm pretty happy. Logos are a downgrade from what we had but the new shade of blue is so nice I'm happy about the change overall.
  9. Real medieval helmets had that connecting piece: It's just given an outline to define it in the logo.
  10. The Charlotte Knights add blue to their color scheme to tie into the city's other professional sports teams: https://www.milb.com/charlotte-knights/news/it-s-all-charlotte-knights-go-cltblue-with-exciting-brand-refresh New logos to go with the change: Not super big on the new helmet design (what's going on at the bottom?) but I am a huge fan of adding blue to the scheme. Light blue feels right for any Charlotte team and now all that's left is for the Checkers to return to blue and orange.
  11. If I see one more Panthers concept with "cat scratch" or "whisker" stripes I'm gonna lose it.
  12. Replacing the numbers on the Steelers' uniforms wouldn't make it a good uniform by itself because the Steelers uniforms aren't good to begin with.
  13. I want all three to change their colors.
  14. Sure! The North Stars aren't using it anymore. Twins are free to take inspiration from a great, classic design.
  15. You know what? I actually like that idea. The Twins brand is so incredibly dull that a pivot to Gemini theming is a welcome move. If they're going to do that, though, navy, red, and gold is not the color scheme to use. I'm especially interested by the idea of a M + star logo. I bet it'll be leagues better than the TC is.
  16. I feel bad for Tom that his marriage is blowing up very publicly, but I'd be lying if I said his football failures weren't bringing me lots of happiness. I miss when the Bucs were in the dumpster. No matter how bad the Panthers were, we could always count on two wins from them. I'd love to see them return to that for like 5-8 years. You don't get the best QB ever for free and not have to pay for it later.
  17. I've been looking for this image ever since I saw it - this is exactly what I want. Maybe even move it closer to the shoulder and drop the numbers completely. A modern block would be great, as long as it's block and not some god-awful "cat scratch" or italicized nonsense. Just a small cut would be enough to set it apart while sticking with the team's aesthetic tradition.
  18. The Tuskers looks is very close to what I want to do - Panthers blue helmet (it's not Carolina Blue, that's what UNC wears) with tapered shoulder hoops and pant stripes, blue socks only, white/black pants. My ideal primary set is Blue/Blue/White/Blue but if they want to stick with black primaries then I'm ok with that as well. There's actually a version of the logo with a full black stroke that you can see on the blue and white jerseys - the mothership doesn't have it for whatever reason and it's not on the fan jerseys but it is on the real one. It needs a rework anyway but for now it can stay, the important part is refining the jerseys. The elimination of silver would also eliminate the Lions comparisons, so do that as well.
  19. The Washington Senators and Los Angeles Angels entered the American League in 1961 with a red, white, and blue color scheme. Not an expansion of course but the former Senators became the Twins and kept their old RWB scheme as well.
  20. I keep seeing this suggestion brought up - the Panthers are a rare example of an expansion team that hasn't changed much since their first season and they should stick with that. Agreed to emphasizing Panthers blue over black but no thanks to something "more modern". The team is already ruining its look with all-black/all-white/that awful black helmet, any modern redesign would look more like the Falcons than the Panthers.
  21. No thanks. Try and keep the loop, use the Chargers-style hoop space (cut it off if you have to, but make it a point like the pants), drop the shoulder numbers. Just clean it up, don't change it too much.
  22. Yep, the university dissociates from it because it implies they're related to Cal, or UC Berkeley. USC isn't part of the UC system and so using "Southern Cal" or "So Cal" in reference to the school is discouraged. Officially, USC, SC, or Southern California are what they use, if I'm remembering correctly.
  23. Every time I spoke to guidance counselor in high school, I'd say I wanted to go to USC, then clarify that it wasn't the one that was close. I could be wearing a cardinal and gold sweater that says "USC Trojans" and people would still think I'm going to the worse Carolina.
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