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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Yes. So called due to the shape of the state, or so Nike called it back when those cosplays were first unveiled...which is how they ended up with backwards-looking 1s. (The fact that something that seemingly nonsensible passed every level of quality control and assurance between both Nike and Ms. Adams Strunk/her head brass before being finalized into the final look still baffles me to this day.) Send me the finalized petition at your earliest convenience...I'll sign it it bright, bold purple ink.
  2. This is about to turn into the Nike/adidas FanboyDuel up in here, isn't it??
  3. This is of course no fault of yours, but that graphic shows just how ill-conceived the cutesy notion of the "Tennessee notch" was and is and what happens when CFCS goes too far. Then again, backwards 1s just about as Snatit as Snatit can get...
  4. Ooooookay... that's different. Of course that only works if the rest of the team dons columbia blue accessories, so we'll see how this goes.
  5. I absolutely LOVED the last City Edition. This one here...if this ain't the definition of laziness...mailed-in, phoned-in, whichever one you wanna roll with—pick one, it'll be right. This, again, is the kind of stuff that happens when you box yourself into churning out new stuff every...single...year. You can tell when the creative well is starting to run dry and this.... this right here... ... That said, their last three City editions have had some combination of black and Vegas gold on them, so maybe I can still hold out hope for a rebr—you know what, I won't go there right now.
  6. Twins Report Wrap-Up HOW Y'ALL GON WAIT TIL AFTER I MOVE OUT OF SOUTH DAKOTA TO WIN A DANG DIVISON TITLE? Y'all been the Minnesota Twash the whole time I paid attention to y'all up there; now all of a sudden y'all wanna go and get back good again once I leave. If that ain't about some bullish... On the other hand, however... Orioles Report Wrap-Up HOLY JEEZ THE BIRDS ARE IN THE PLAYOFFS! Ain't gonna front; I did not see this coming. I'm just glad I finally got to go take in the experience at OP@CY earlier this year. (Of course they lost to the dang-freaking Pirates the day I went, but still...) Without having seen whatever the Giants call their park yet, I still maintain the new Camden Yards is one of the two or three best parks in the bigs. Of course nothing's knocking PNC off that stead—yet—but new Camden is something special thanks to its simplicity and utility which to me maximized the fan interaction/experience.
  7. You asked, I answered... ...The black strokes on the sleeve stripes was done for visibility reasons back in the '60s and '70s, to help them show up better on photo and early color TV. The Cowboys just never dropped it once the strokes were no longer needed and thus we have... that. Might just be my phone screen, but that looks mighty purplish. All this said, since a/ this thread is officially Cowboyjacked and b/ this is also turning into the Big D version of the gray facemask debate, I'll level: if Dallas could just match blues on their helmet logo/stripes/dark jerseys/socks and the blue on their white jerseys/socks, I personally couldn't care any less [any more] what hue of seafoam green/silver blue/somewhere-between-the-two their pants are.
  9. I guess Mizzouri is getting closer to figuring out exactly what they want to look like...at least until they change something else up again. I personally think that as long as they use that helmet stripe they should use a simpler helmet logo (do they still have an M logo somewhere in their suite?) They may also benefit from shrinking that chest script down (or taking it off completely); as is now, just a tadbit too much for an otherwise solid uniform set. While we're speaking of helmets... ...I don't know how I feel about this one for Arkansas. Actually, Arkansas is weird: in just about every other application I see of the runnin' hog logo (and their other hothead logo—personally one of my favorite logos period) they include a black keyline/details, yet it never shows up on UArk's helmets. I'm not even sure it should; just seems strange to me is all. (As does that white helmet...maybe they should just stick with the cardinal lids.)
  10. You know, if the actual Seahawks blue appeared that same shade on the field, that uniform would look about 50% better than it does now.
  11. Not just any trees...pines. And every pine should be so fortunate: Brett Favre (for like a game and a half), Mark Brunell, Kurt Warner, Matt Hasselbeck, Aaron Rodgers...Jordan Love? Yeah, I'd say QBs grow on trees pines in Green Bay...
  12. Just so everyone understands my position on this: by sharing the story I found, I'm not advocating one way or the other as to what WFT, NAGA, NCAI or anyone else should do; none of that is my fight. What I shared of my own experiences was just that: my own experiences, just to add some additional perspective beyond the media narrative from my experiences on the ground. Draw from those whatever one wishes to add to their own perspectives, but that's about where it ends with me. So there...that's what it is.
  13. Wellp, the plot thickens... I'm not sure whether this should go here or in the SiG forum, I definitely ain't finna start a new thread on this, and mods can feel free to MOD EDIT this completely out of the conversation, BUTTT...the Washington former Football Team formerly known as the R-words name and identity plot drama just took on yet another level of uh-oh. Just a little bit of a snippet: (Spoiler alert: George Soros' name pops up in this drama.) Now, I will say this, having traveled all lower 48 states and 49 of 50 and having seen/known this myself with my own eyes/experience: there were and are plenty of tribes in the upper midwest, mainly in North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Montana, who embraced the former Chief White Calf-inspired logo, just based on that fact that a/ I saw some indigenous wearing the merch and b/me asking them about it. (Shoot, somewhere in I believe Oklahoma was a Native hihh school whose athletic nickname was, in fact, the R—well, that.) That said, support/dissent of the name/identity varied from tribe to tribe, and sometimes even within tribes/Native ingroups, as evidenced by the number of Lakota who nearly chewed my head off for me daring to wear my Florida State Chief Osceola hoodie my first few times traveling/working and eventually living up in South Dakota...which just about all of them thought was the Washington Re—well, them, until I explained it was for Florida State. Didn't make a difference to many, which is why I eventually quit wearing anything Chief Osceola-related up there out of respect to them, once I heard and understood their perspective on the Re—umm, that controversy. That said, obviously as is reported in the link above, there's always been dissenting views of the controversy, and the story should also serve as further evidence that no one body speaks nor should try to speak/spin the narrative for an entirely of a particular population—and that "special interest politics" abound even amongst the Indigenous peoples of this nation (then again that's also been going on since even before the confederation became a "nation". Anyway, so there's another perspective out there is all, and coupled with Harris' reported abhorrence of the current Commanders identity, perhaps this may further fuel the flames of change in DC??
  14. Okay, so, the AFC South is up to its usual old tricks... Jacksonville continues to struggle versus the Texans...like seriously, the Jags have historically had trouble playing Houston. The Snatit once again remind of WHY they're the Snatit...pasted in Cleveland. The Colts have won their annual one game they probably shouldn't have (albeit controversially this time). Last year they somehow beat KC...of course it ain't amount to jack by season's end. OAN...break up the Dolphins! Boy that nerdboy is cooking down there in Miami ain't he???
  15. Look, all I care about today is that Florida State won. It wasn't pretty, and it took going into OT, but still... they beat Clemson. I'll take it.
  16. Has Arkansas ever gone garnet-on-garnet before? I can't recall ever having seen them in mono-red before (not that I've had much reason to notice until now)...nice little change of pace.
  17. Better when they keep it classic.
  18. I guess on the one hand I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if Khan does pull the Jags out of Jville. On the other, IF it should happen that they somehow end up in St. Louis, that'll put them 5 hours up the freeway from me meaning they'll be in my TV market, so I'm over here like ...
  19. At this point, the only way any other city is getting another club is the same way Vegas just got theirs: some club uproots and moves. Imma echo @FiddySicks on this point: MLB baseball has a serious issue to solve, and that's hemorrhaging fans. Some of that doesn't even have to do with the sport itself, but with the growth/advent of other sports options (Major League Soccer, anyone?) drawing away potential fans, not to mention just more entertainment options out there period even beyond sports. As for the game itself, I highly doubt I'm the only one who feels this way, but no matter the level of league, baseball is a game best seen at the park...it really just does not translate well on TV. Not enough actual action. I think the pitch clock might help with that, but then there are so many other things to look at, many beyond the control of the clubs, like people's real-life work/life schedules preventing them from partaking in weekday day games or even night games. Plus, there's so many games in a season in the first place, so it ain't like, unless it's a high-profile club visiting a smaller market (think Yankees visiting the Twins), many people feed the "need" to attend a game the way they would of there were less games and on only certain days. Actually, and I ain't the one to do this because I don't have the business acumen to draw all this out much less deep-dive into it, but I'd like to see/know the operating margins of all these clubs, to see how many are in the black versus those that are in the red, and by how much. (Shoot, what are MLB's margins, for that matter?) Certainly someone on here knows how that would factor into expansion if it ever were to happen, but I just don't see how the numbers would make it make sense. But I'll disengage at this point and let the smarter guys have it from here...
  20. I'm right there with you—I thought they looked really sharp. I'm not as wound around the axle as others are about Cleveland's usual helmet—I mean, it's called an alternate uniform for a reason, key word being alternate—and for it being exactly that, they work VERY well. The only real gripe I had with them, and it's somewhat small, was the mismatched helmet/pants stripes—kinda wished the helmet stripe matched that of the pants. But as far as historically accurate throwback alternates go, the Browns pulled that off about as well as if not better than any other club.
  21. Ahh yes, good ol' Shonfire-pooshgweengish-gogerikhk-khweerndrobos-shondysilio-gogogohkh... Fun fact: the "ll" in Welsh is actually a vowel sound that phonetically sounds similar to the English consonant blend "sh". And the eagle-eyed among you might notice smack in the middle of all that long town name are literally four l's (llll) right next to each other. Fun fact #2: All that long name translates into "St Mary's Church in the hollow of the white hazel near the rapid whirlpool of Llandysilio (thats SHON-dee-silio) of the red cave". (You don't wanna know how long it took me to learn much less get close to accurately pronouncing all that. )
  22. I don't know if pairing green socks with those pants would help that or not...but it'd nice if they quit mixing black pants with their white jerseys. I know, I know, the green swoops are the common theme, but still...
  23. I always said I wanted to see a brown uniform in the NBA...well there that be. Need to see the real thing before I opine further...
  24. I was getting ready to say "I don't even wanna hear the designspeak behind that chest script curve". Then I see Lombard Street referenced. Whatever the reference, this one got 'd in in about the worst way...and illustrates, yet again, what happens when the creative well runs dry (which happens when you box yourself into putting new stuff season after season).
  25. A/ Without knowing even if or where the second Houston will move and B/presuming the teams actually transition to playing in their own home cities next season or whenever this merger is finished, it'd make far more sense from a logistical perspective to group Michigan up there in the East with the rest of the northeast squads, shift Orlando down South, and move Memphis to the Central (if the divisions take those names). Memphis is barely 280 miles from St. Louis, only about 50 miles further than Memphis is from Birmingham, an otherwise negligible difference.
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