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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. I'm trying to see this again. Bump what y'all talkin' bout—I'm trying to see them 20s and then 30s come back. It's time. Let's make it happen. (And yes I will pop the brakes on this hill.) And if you wanna see some more of them 20s and them 30s slinging the rock, click here.
  2. All the more reason the league should also allow QBs #s up to 49. Or at least up to 36. Spread the number freedom around...
  3. I was about to mention about Buehrle...that perfect game he threw a few years back, didn't he get through that in a little over two hours or so? Probably the quickest perfect game on record.
  4. Actually, yeah..almost exactly like that (colorwise). Shoot, that darker blue actually looks better than I thought it would! The Lightning brand has so much opportunity for fun and dynamism...they should defintiely lean into that more.
  5. That half-italic number font has got to go...but other than that, the above concept, with Silver numbers stroked in white, is the way to go. I'd say they could stand to thin those stripes down to about the thickness of the tear-drop uni sets (read: the Stafford/Megatron years), at least on the helmet and pants, but other than that, yeah, ^that. Setting aside the fact that those uniforms would be near-illegible on the field in a day game in direct sunlight (Shoot, probably under the lights as well), given the alternative, um, "alternate" options, yeah, I'd roll with this one too if they absolutely feel like a third uniform is necessary (which I'm sure they will, because and all that). And as Charles Barkley once famously declared: "anything else...would be uncivilized." Bro...WHAT?! For the longest time and as a big-time fan of the 2L2Q uniform era, I've wanted the Falcons to be a primarily black-and-white-with-red-accent (or black and silver w/ red trim, either/or) team. I don't know about a dark steel gray helmet (mainly because the Panthers, in their dame division, already do the silver/black/gray silver thing), but that color would definitely work for their pants. A bit too close to Tampa Bay? Sure—but then, black/red and red/gray (because that is NOT pewter) are already too close as it is, so its a wash, at best. See, here it is again—if @BlueSky is still around here, he'll tell you, but for probably the past twelve or thirteen years I've PINED for the Saints to adopt this, or at least something similar, as their primary look.
  6. Let us all hope beyond hope that they don't even try (or that they haven't been trying behind closed doors) to pull off a Honolulu Blue and anthracite colorway in their next branding life... ...The colorway itself isn't bad; it just ain't right for the Lions.
  7. Just something I randomly ran across: Anyone have any clue who this guy is? (And check the page he "plugs" halfway through the short...you might recognize it, haha.)
  8. Given how many times I've passed that series of billboards going back and forth across the 70 through there, I can vouch for that.
  9. I don't know, but I'll tell you who that team won't be. (Hint: they wear black and yellow...)
  10. I still wish they'd have added the ghost pinstripes to the home whites...that's gonna continue to bug me. But that to the side, yeah, this look will grow on folk rather quickly, I think. (And I say this as not-the-biggest fan of that home script...but this is one of those situations where the whole is much greater than the sum of its parts.)
  11. You phrased it better than I was trying to. I too wonder how well the XFL (or even USFL, if they weren't aiming to cash in on their own legacy markets) would work in those "mid-major" markers. I don't know the business side to know how the TV market revenue would affect things (since, at least in the XFL's case, it's more a TV-driven league), and certainly the mid-major markets wouldn't be the big TV markets, but from a fan enthusiasm standpoint—which itself could enhance the TV experience—I think they'd do very well, especially in a place like Omaha. And speaking of Omaha, since I'm down there quite often (and its barely three hours south of me): Omaha done been on the serious come-up lately. It was already on the upswing before they built the Capitol District downtown, especially with all the finance/venture capital businesses out west toward Boys Town and whatnot, but since the Capitol District went in, that town has really taken off. That is really the perfect type of market for something like this. It's got enough people in its metro area (1.5 million or so at last check—somewhat comparable to Pittsburgh, at least), and Lord knows it's got the financial resources (Warren Buffet, anyone?), and it's definitely got the football bug, with the U or Nebraska barely being an hour west of town. (Oh and since the Chiefs done become a lil' mini-dynasty three hours and change further south, it's all kinds of front-running bandwagoning Chiefs fans running around the O right abouy now, too.) What I don't know is if whether Charles Schwab Field can be converted for football...but Lord knows that stadium doesn't get much else use outside the College World Series, so if it can be converted, that'd be a little more revenue for the city since it owns the venue.
  12. Dangit! Good point...AND they had it way before Atlanta. *facepalm*
  13. As my newly adopted #1 side (sorry, Minnesota), I really wish those change kits included more pin—um, "red". The only bit is in the collar and sleeve cuffs trim (aside from the crest itself). Even the socks are devoid of red. Perhaps that back panel trim would have been the way to do it...copy the same trim as on the collar and cuffs onto that and repeat it on the shorts—and socks. (Speaking of shorts, this change kit would have REALLY benefitted by having contrasting navy shorts.) Oh and speaking of that used-to-be #1 side... ...I don't know that I want to see them do that again. Granted, their signature (?) blue pops off the black and white well, but still. And speaking of signature colors... ...It may just be because lately I've been studying one-color-plus-black colorways lately, but I'll give Austin FC credit for having created such a strong brand colorway. It may be simple, but darned effective. (And oddly enoenough, I don't even think St. Patrick's Day when I see this, for whatever reason that is.) If green verde is Austin FC's thing, they join the pack of other clubs that have found their one-color- plus-black colorway: The last one is a bit of a stretch since Houston has also used white so much, but it gets the point across. (And yes I'm aware that just about all those clubs use a third "trim" color, but you get my drift.)
  14. Same. I've long that not doing so was/is a serious missed opportunity. I think something akin to the Lions' Honolulu Blue, or even the shade of blue the Washington Sentinels used on The Replacements would do wonders for them: (Not the best pic, but you get the idea. Just bright enough to not be a straight royal blue...and a hue that would probably pop off even more on the ice with all that white hitting it.)
  15. I'm sure it does...if I knew what that referred to. Do they only play matches on the weekends or something? (Mind you, I like watching soccer games themselves...I've never known how MLS's schedule, divisions, postseason or any of that works, but I know some of y'all do.) So hold up...am I to understand that MLS basically plays two halves of a season, split by some kind of break in which they play two separate tournaments in the middle of? And then have their own postseason? And they're playing the Gold Cup this year too? (I actually halfway know what that is.) Guess it's a good thing they don't be talking about load management in soccer!!
  16. Roger all that. So, the million-dollar question here then: how ij the world does MLS manage to spread just 34 games over the span of nine months??? (Okay, I'll allow for eight, maybe seven months if the postseason is counted in those nine months.) What am I missing that it takes that long to play 34 games plus however many play in the postseason?
  17. I got an intelligent question—well maybe: Just why does MLS start its season in February, anyway? Didn't the MLS Cup just wrap in like October or something like that? (Admittedly I've never known how MLS' seasons work, and I've long since given up on trying to figure out its playoff system )
  18. Well there's also "SKI-U-MAH"... but one would have to know/care about [the U of] Minnesota to even know that. (I only know because I live four hours from it.) Then there's the also-less-known "WOO PIG SOOIE" of Razorback Nation. (There's also "HOOK 'EM HORNS"—but we ain't gon' talk about that. )
  19. ...Or Seminoles...or Razorbacks (of which I'll be an official alumnus in the near-future ).
  20. Sidebar tangent, but I miss vests in baseball...
  21. On a whole 'nother note: St. Louis done done it again...came from behind at the end to win it. If memory serves, wasn't STL one of the better XFL2.0 squads, as well? If so, seems Battlehawks 2.0 is picking up right where 1.0 left off...
  22. I was just thinking that as I'm sitting here kinda half-watching this game. Orange isn't the first color I think of when I think "Seattle"--then again, I don't think orange at all when I think Seattle. But perhaps that'll play in their favor. St. Louis on the other hand...yyyyeeeaaahh no. Not really working for me. (And lookie here...Bruce Gradkowski of all people is their OC. Not sure whether to chuckle at that or...)
  23. Fantastic news. I for one am ecstatic MLS is sticking with them... and I'm still holding out hope that somehow, some kind of way, adidas and the NHL will work out an extension, as well.
  24. In case it's not been shown yet, here's CITY's full primary kit: I didn't notice it as much when I saw the tops hanging on the racks at the team shop, but man does that sublimation show up in the sunlight... and I don't know if I like that or not. I do know that I'd much prefer navy shorts to break up all that pin—er, red. It might also help offset that sublimated effect some, too.
  25. I think I can see what they were going for here—and is this a change shirt or primary? (Speaking of, I think MLS might've missed that one somewhere: what happened to "primary" and "change" designation? Anyway) it looks to me like a very abstract depiction of a downtown cityscape at either dusk or at dawn, as would appear from a distance and reflected in the water. (I did some digital photography projects that turned out almost exactly like that.) The colors almost reflect those at either time of day—and to have that black loom flying over like that just adds more to the story. Plus, the mosaic, at least to me, does a great job of mimicking the Northern Lights/Aurora Borealis the state's known for. Shoot...I LIKE that shirt! (This coming from someone who has a bit too much MNUFC gear in his closet already.) And I tell you what: Minnesota could drop the gray, boost the black and add that fuchsia tone to their colorway and be set for life with it. That is shaaarrrrpp. *chef's kiss* I wish MLS would relax that rule also, especially in instances where the numbers greatly contrast with whatever the back pattern may be. And didn't Vancouver somehow get around that restriction a year or two ago with one of their then-new shirts, had a red back number against a navy hoop? Speaking of backs...I really don't know how to feel about all these blank backs on these shirts this season; to me it kinda drags some of them down—like, say, CITY's, for example. Those pinstripes are light enough that either a pink CITY red or navy number could contrast greatly against it. Oh and speaking of which, check out this replica change shirt of theirs: What da eff, man??? No kind of pi—er, CITY Red trim in the collar or trim of any kind on the sleeve cuffs...and they still want people to pay $90-something for that??? (Then again, it may be a smart business ploy to move more fans into spending almost 70% more for the authentic, like a certain former full-time trucker-type guy we all know around here somewhere...)
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