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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. For those of us old enough to remember ‘94, they looked great because we’d never seen solid socks before on an NFL uniform or as basic a style as that. But now with time, I think they look way too dull to be worn inside a lifeless warehouse. Maybe under natural light in a real stadium, but they completely clash with the soulless dome
  2. Dallas TD drive because of a completely phantom holding penalty on Giants DB. Not even close to a hold, and it’s a game-changing call. Every single auto-first-down call should be challengeable, and referees should start being fired on a regular basis. It’s atrocious, and gets worse every year.
  3. Add Johnny Canuck and Pat Patriot to that list. Someone in the concepts forum should get to work.
  4. I thought the Eagles green pants saved that game. All white wouldn't have been enough color for me - would have been blue/white vs white. The black socks were a bit much. Had they worn traditional black socks with white bottoms instead of solid black, it would have moved that game up to #2 on my list (nothing was beating your #1.) Here's how it looked with them in solid white socks (as far as I can tell, only one player wore these.) Not as good as solid black IMO, but neither is as good as the old-style half black / half white.
  5. Well turns out Harper did need Tommy John, and is out until at least the All Star break, after which he can be DH again, but might miss another full season in the field. This is a huge blow - had hopes up that he'd be back around June 1.
  6. I don't know the story here, but if it was an unnumbered jersey, can't they just let him play on his own recognizance? I mean, it's not like the refs, announcers, and fans need his number to know that it's Dr. J. If it's some jabroni like the guy he's dunking on, then sure - he needs a number. But guys like him, Kareem, MJ, etc. could get away for a game without one.
  7. Not much different than the silly long t-shirts they wear that are basically capes.
  8. I think it was 2019 that they gave up on belts the way the NFL has given up on socks. The thing is, it wasn't even a problem! I don't recall anyone bucking the team-standard belt until around that time, and now we see contrasting colors, shiny ones, and it's only a matter of time before someone goes out there with a fancy western belt buckle or championship belt. I'd hate it, but in some cases it's an improvement (for example, Bryce Harper sometimes wearing blue belt with their day-game throwback alternate that should have all-blue trim, but for some reason they go with red.) This: is better than this:
  9. The linked article actually doesn't say that there was any action taken due to that chant. The action was due to some other chant.
  10. I like the all-navy cap at home because with the navy numbers (and hopefully they wear navy sleeves) it makes the red chest mark stand out more and differentiates them (somewhat) from the other navy/red teams.
  11. It's like a marriage of these two (the first of whom I only learned of a few months ago:)
  12. Like I said, the green looks (to me) like a mismatched silver. I see green-tinted silver, not actual green. Granted, once you notice it's green, it's hard to unsee that. As for the navy blue, it would be indistinguishable from black in all but the closest of camera shots. They should do away with the trim altogether - it's just not necessary.
  13. As someone with very little knowledge of Bruins history before the spoked B and not having any attachment to the team's aesthetic, I love these. I should take issue with the fact that there's no yellow on the front (or no vintage-white on the stripes) but I can't - it just works. There's nothing I would change about these. Nice job team.
  14. Yeah the mismatches were all terrible, but at least the seafoam green pants looked like a mismatch in the silver, making it two mismatched silvers and two mismatched blues (with some unnecessary black to boot.) Now it looks like three mismatched blues, silver, and unnecessary black. I'm not going to argue whether a kick in the shin is worse than a kick in the nuts, because they both hurt, but I don't see how the pants are an improvement - lateral or tiny downgrade is more like it. Ironically, to folks <50, they may "no longer look like the Cowboys" (though I think that's hyperbole), but to folks >50, they probably "look like the Cowboys again" (again, hyperbole.)
  15. Yeah. At what point to helmet logos totally disappear due to the shape of these wacky helmets? Or all of them move to the front, leaving LAR, PHL, and MIN in an awkward place? I'm not sure if any Eagles wear that helmet design, but I'm not sure how it would be possible to get the wings on it.
  16. How can either of them play the Eagles? Superbowl is still AFC vs NFC.
  17. I think it's clear that you can designate a new AHU doesn't start a timer given that the Eagles have their '22 AHU as their all-black set, but their '23 AHU will be their throwbacks. Unless they allow for a 4th helmet, that would imply that the AHU can be a 1-year thing if the team wants it that way.
  18. One problem with that mothership article is that the 'quotes" aren't actual quotes (literally, they're not quotes nor are they contained in quotes) and there's no attribution. Doesn't mean that the gist of it isn't correct, but the team's story has been inconsistent from the start. I believe that 2023 was the plan from day 1 of the rule being lifted. When that occurred, they said that there wouldn't be kelly green in '22 because of the 2-year rule and they didn't put the changes in prior to the rule change. Sounds reasonable enough, and part of the reason for the 2-year rule in the first place is to give manufacturers and licensees time to ramp up production. However, earlier this year is the first time I heard the club claim that anything had to do with Nike's pallet, with this quote from the owner back in March of this year: “It’s going to be as identical to what that existed as possible,” Lurie said. “And we’re working with Nike to make it happen. We wish we could deliver it right away, but it takes a two-year process with the material that it’s going to be utilized in 2023. They don’t have that in their palette.” That's a little vague in that it says "the material that's going to be used in 2023" - is it some new fabric that doesn't exist today, and they don't have the right shade of green? It sounds to me from the (admittedly light) research I've done that despite the colloquialism, it's not simply "kelly" green, but a custom shade that may not look custom to the average person, but is different than what Marshall uses or any other current Nike green team. It doesn't make sense to me that Nike simply can't create a dye of any possible color at any possible time, but either way, I think 2-years was the plan the whole time and even if it was a stock color, they would still have had to wait. We don't know that other teams changes didn't take 2 years for the same color-matching reason, it's just that the "2-year-rule" obfuscates any of the behind-the-scenes difficulties. EDIT: at the end of the day it doesn't matter - Nike sucks, we're not getting throwbacks till 2023 regardless of reason, and the BLACK HELMET SUCKS. I'm pretty sure most of us can agree on that point.
  19. Part of it depends on Washington's remaining schedule and now many more division games they have. More specifically, now many more against NYG? They could hurt each other's chances of making it.
  20. was this for a Wild concept? It would make for an amazing crest (or shoulder patch) for them. Nice work.
  21. Oh no! I totally forgot this was the Eagles all-black-everything game. What a crime that it's happening against one of the classic sets. I guess maybe it would be even worse if it was against some team with train wreck uniforms that were in all-white, like Atlanta or Tennessee or someone. At least the Packers will save it from being mono-dark vs mono-white.
  22. Not going to belabor it after this, but it was "time to go home" because the arena crew was on a schedule and they were literally in the middle of doing their job and he not only interrupted that, but endangered people. I take it you've never worked at a stadium/arena (I'm not saying that as an insult - most people haven't) but the crew there is on a pretty strict schedule, not only a literal job schedule (if thing A doesn't get done on time then thing B is delayed and so on) but also they just want to go the hell home, and the post-game shootaround work time was probably accounted for in the schedule, but got disrupted because of the a-hole Sixers guy. But either way, it was time to go. The Sixers guy was an a-hole, but so was Giannis. Again - not saying he's an a-hole in general (all signs point to the opposite), but in that one isolated moment, yeah. Two people can be jerks, even if only one started it. Just my opinion, obviously. Nothing more.
  23. While I don't play Madden, I think it's been said that they blindly pull from the style guides (hence the Bears orange pants that we never saw hit the field) so it's entirely possible that they do exist... but only in digital / ink form (for now.) I do think that there would have been more chatter about it from our members that have access to those guides, but maybe nobody really cared? Either way, they'd look much better with them if they did exist - would be an improvement over their white pants, and I'd probably suggest that they ditch the white pants altogether. Other than the Browns, has there been a recent case of a team with a new set unveiling new pants mid-way through the first season? It would be odd for sure, but not impossible.
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