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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Anyone know the reasoning behind the "all teams must wear socks with white going at least half way up the calf" rule was? They seemed pretty serious about it since they manufactured special socks to comply. In baseball, the white bottom was originally for sanitary reasons so the colored dye wouldn't get into your system if you got spiked, but by the time the white-bottom-sock rule came to be in the NFL, that wasn't a concern (at least to my knowledge.) Was it strictly an aesthetic decision? Like, the league wanted to differentiate itself from college and mandate a uniform look that they felt was more professional? Just curious if anyone knows. I'm partial to the look because honestly it's what I associate with the aesthetic of pro football, and I do think it looks nice and clean, but I can't really think of a good practical reason for it to exist anymore, especially since most (maybe all?) players have eschewed the single-piece sock anyway. Maybe a case where modern materials and preferences have rendered the white-bottom sock obsolete, just like how stirrups and sanies are obsolete and only worn for fashion now.
  2. I can imagine the Yankees with a big ugly swoosh patch slapped on the front of the most sacred baseball uniform of all-time. It's not really any different.
  3. Also you only play interconference road games every 8 years, so I'd say that while it's a cool accomplishment, it's also not any indicator of how good a franchise is. More of a statistical curiosity.
  4. No issues here and I’m on iPhone / Safari. Ad-free version if that matters.
  5. When I say "late", I mean that many (if not most) financial / regulated companies blocked Chrome from employee desktops (with the exception of software developers and support people) because of it's frequent updates and difficulties in integrating it with various security policies. I don't know the specifics, but those issues have now been resolved and most (if not all) companies have opened up Chrome to their employees (with tight controls) and it's the dominant browser. Had Edge come out years before it did, it could have picked up where IE left off. Instead, even though for all intents and purposes they're the same browser, given the choice, most people are going to choose Chrome because it's just what they're already used to using.
  6. Not for nothin', I was in Boone, NC last week because of reasons, so I stopped by App State's campus. It was the day after they lost to NC, and they had a full-contact practice going on... on the Sunday before Labor Day! Anyway, I couldn't believe how nice their stadium (and campus in general) looked for what I thought was a small rinky-dink college. I was a little surprised to see that their enrollment was pretty low (I think around 18k?) as the school seemed like it was a lot bigger. I was also a little surprised that there's large App State Football merch stores everywhere - including two within two doors of each other on the main drag. Was talking to a few locals from the surrounding areas who all talked about App State's jump to D1, and all of the infrastructure projects that had to be completed in order for it to happen. Did you know that to be a D1 school, you have to have a highway with a minimum of 4 lanes going into the area where your stadium is? They literally had (and in some areas, are still doing) to widen the highway just to satisfy the D1 requirement... even though traffic is relatively unchanged (anecdotally). In conclusion, considering their stadium, campus, and little town that they're in, App State feels like a big time program and even though I know squat about college football, it doesn't surprise me that they're as successful as they are.
  7. Whatever job you had, you weren't being paid to be a monster that destroys people. I'm not sure that "are you professional enough to reply to text messages from people you dislike" is part of the qualification to be a defensive lineman. Regardless, getting worked up over the fact that a guy you don't know didn't reply to a text from another guy you don't know, when nobody knows anything about their relationship, and then generalizing it as a systemic issue in the Browns organization seems a little overboard.
  8. Shiraz jerseys with canary pants would look good if not for the ridiculous word mark on the tops. I don’t think there’s any good combo, because at least one part of every single possible component has a glaring fault.
  9. What does this have to do with the Browns organization or anything at all? A dude didn't reply to a text. I've not replied to personal texts from work colleagues. Just because they worked together doesn't mean they're BFF.
  10. IE was hardly a failure. The Ford Taurus was discontinued, but was by no measure a failure. IE was by many measures the most used browser to date - the most used by the majority of financial institutions and regulated companies - hardly a failure. If you're hunting for a Microsoft failure, Bing is lurking in plain sight. Maybe Edge will end up - though just because it was late, not because it's bad.
  11. How is this associated with failure?
  12. It just dawned on me that there’s posters who weren’t even alive when “clear side panels” became a board meme. Hell, I’m pretty sure that meme is old enough to vote.
  13. That the slob shirt is slightly mismatched is icing on the cake. All it’s missing is a big black swoosh.
  14. you meant “the all time greatest Super Bowl of all time”.
  15. Ezekiel Elliot got 6 games for an incident in which he wasn’t charged - and could very easily have gotten more - so that invalidates your argument right off the bat.
  16. Regarding Watson: If you want to see the absolute low of the low of fans, parents, and t-shirt vendors, look here. I'd post the tweets or links but there's some language that probably wouldn't be looked highly upon. Someone else can post if they want. Look through the whole thing. https://www.crossingbroad.com/2022/08/how-fast-did-this-browns-fans-mom-file-for-custody.html
  17. I’ve made this exact same point dozens of times, as it also applies to the Titans with the red swoosh. Changing advertisers would result in basically a new design since the swoosh is so tightly integrated in the design. It would look very odd if a RBK vector or some other logo just showed up there. A lot more noticeable than (for example) an Eagles jersey where the white Puma changed to a white vector changed to a white swoosh over the Eagle head (which is the clear focus on the sleeve) and I doubt most people noticed or cared.
  18. Ironically, that's the best possible photo of them since you can barely make out the gradient. It definitely does show how mismatched the helmet is from the pants. I know it's not an easy color to match across mediums, but maybe a matte vs satin finish on the helmet would have been the way to go. Or just the regular semi-gloss like they used to be. Also the yellow stripe looks so out of place when worn with the white jerseys. Two years, and this is what they came up with. I just don't get it.
  19. It was half bad. The top half.
  20. Their "opponents" at private workouts at least have some minimal level of competence and are vetted, as opposed to randoms who's sloppiness could result in someone being injured. There could also be a bad actor who just wants to hurt Lebron so he "accidentally" steps on his foot or elbows him in his nuts or something. But I don't know anything about this pro-am stuff so I'm not sure how "random" the armatures are. I assume they're better than the kids I see playing and fighting each other at the rec center near me.
  21. Our two 24/7 sports stations are Audacy and Beasley Media respectively. So far no issues during each company's latest round of layoffs, but from everything I've read, rather than layoffs across the board, the big-revenue stations are likely OK, but the less-big-revenue stations were going to be slaughtered, which seems to be happening with this move. Really sucks to come in to work with no inclining that anything was wrong, then find out that you and literally everyone you work with is fired. Feel bad for them.
  22. Here's a pretty well-written (and long) slam against Watson. May be paywalled. https://www.inquirer.com/sports/columnists/deshaun-watson-suspension-browns-sexual-misconduct-nfl-20220819.html?utm_campaign=Philly.com+Sports+Twitter+Account&cid=Philly.com+Sports+Twitter+Account&utm_medium=social&utm_source=t.co
  23. More on this: he rented the whole candy store out so he could shop in private, and had kids kicked out so he could shop. They asked if they could have pictures with him and he said no, which is what prompted the guy to film him and be dick to him. The guy sounds like a complete idiot, but I don't mind Simmons being punked for.... well, being a punk.
  24. I'm pretty sure that any decision would be binding since the appeal process was collectively bargained, but it also wouldn't surprise me if it was done in conjunction with the NFLPA and 11 was the max they could do where the PA would simply accept it without turning it into a circus or finding some grounds for legal actions. I really don't think it's as simple as "suspend him for the year!!!!" If it was, they would have done it, as that would have saved the league some face and I really don't think they care about Watson the same way they might protect other stars.
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