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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. How the hell do two numbers fit on this jersey? If he was 44 he'd have numbers wrapping around to his chest.
  2. This clown couldn't find a longer undershirt to wear? It's a goddam uniform unveiling and they couldn't even have them tuck in their undershirts?
  3. They'll wear red in Dallas so maybe it would help Cowboys fans, but they'd have to be able to read, so idk.
  4. It's a traditional college aesthetic that has no business in the NFL. It looks hokey and bush league. Oklahoma looks great - because their jersey exists within the context of college football. The new AZ Cardinals jersey looks like ass. They use a custom number font.
  5. If you heard the way he addressed a female reporter at the Phillies game last year and then how he behaved when they dropped the ball and allowed him into the broadcast booth, you'd realize that there's a very good reason for his ban. Gambling on his own team isn't even the worst thing he's done. And when I was a little kid, Pete Rose was my favorite non-Phillie. The fact that he was a player/manager blew my little mind, and all I ever wanted to do was see him live, but alas my dad wouldn't take me to a game.
  6. Total ass. Not more ass than the last set. Not less ass than the last set. Same amount of ass. This is a lateral-ass move.
  7. Phillies powder blues officially return tonight. So they have 1. Home Pinstripes 2. Road Gray 3. Home Cream Alt 4. Home Powder Alt 5. Road Red Alt https://twitter.com/Phillies/status/1649128207390498816?s=20
  8. This is like the third time in the past few days you've referred to me as Gothamite, who hasn't been around here forever. 'Sup with that?
  9. Being in LV might help them attract free agents. Not necessarily because of the "action", but there's a growing number of players from the LV area that may want to sign with a cash-infused hometown team.
  10. How does "the way this is getting dragged out" mean anything? Who's dragging it out? The fact that we've been discussing it for weeks doesn't mean it's being dragged out. The team hasn't missed any dates so far. Even if they did, how does that indicate anything that would "convince" you that it'll be the worst set? Let's take a breath here.
  11. The new rules definitely benefit Las Vegas, since people may be more likely to take 2:30 out of their time to go see a game then get back to whatever else they're doing, rather than go from some fast-paced vacation to go sit through a 4-hour snooze fest then get back to whatever they're dong.
  12. I don't thin it's relevant. Football is an event that people plan road trips around. I don't think a significant amount of people are going to plan a trip to LV to sit and watch some run-of-the-mill Tuesday game between the Rolling Bones and Cleveland Guardians. That's why I'm suggesting they retire the A's name and go with a whole new brand. They'll need more local connection, and in 2023, that's more important than anything historical (10 years ago me is slapping current me in the face for even suggesting this, but I've changed my views on this.) If I'm a kid in LV who was born in 2000, Jimmie Fox and Reggie Jackson mean nothing to me. You're assuming there's significant crossover between fanbases. There's a difference between being a Knights fan and being a "sports" fan. For example, between tickets and merch, I probably spend thousands on Phillies and Eagles each year, and 0 on Flyers and Sixers. I simply don't care (unless the Sixers are in the finals, in which case I'll claim to have been a die-hard since day one.) Even if the Phillies moved to Oakland (oh, the irony), I'd still spend 0 on the Sixers and Flyers. At least in my case, there's no competition for my dollar.
  13. There doesn’t have to be a single person in charge. Just put one “rules expert” in each booth. Pererra and Blandino are obviously the most recognizable and are decent on TV, but just pair them with the A-Teams and hire other guys for the other groups. It shouldn’t be too tough of a role to hire for. Curious - how does it work now? I don’t think they still watch it themselves in the little booth and make the call themselves, right? Aren’t they in contact with someone? If so, just put those someones on the broadcast (I’m assuming - could be wrong- that there’s not only one or two of them who have to “queue” other reviews while they’re finishing up their current one). Doesn’t even need to literally be a guy physically on the broadcast booth. Just show the zoom call or whatever.
  14. I've never experienced a team relocating to my city so I could be wrong here, but if I'm a born-and-raised Las Vegan (lol), I wouldn't feel any connection to the A's other than they're someone's sloppy fourths. I might have a connection the the Las Vegas Somethings, with either a modern or western motif. Baseball isn't like football, which can rely on visiting fans making road trips. Baseball requires the local connection, and to me, keeping the A's brand would be more of a hinderance.
  15. It's the 100th anniversary of a Yankee Stadium (though not 100 seasons since you'd have to exclude the few years that the OG was being "lol renovated".) The image is disingenuous and strongly implies that the current is the original. While it is in spirit, it's not. If they want to celebrate the original stadiums birthday, then that's totally fine - it's kinda like how we celebrate President's day hundreds of years after GW and Lincoln died. They could very easily pull this off and have whatever celebrations they want, in the current stadium, without pretending that it's the original. This isn't even a "Ship of Prometheus" thing. The only thing they share is the name, and that changes the day that the Yankees sell out to an advertiser (they've already caved on 90% of their other hard-line stances.)
  16. unpopular opinion, but I hope the Athletics brand is retired when they move to LV, and that they start over. They're so far removed - both time wise and geographically - from the Connie Mack / Jimie Foxx team, and even time wise from the '70s era, that it no longer has any brand equity. Had they remained in Phila, then even the name could be explained as being historic, but 3 cities later? Not so much. And especially in Las Vegas - it just doesn't fit. I'm not saying to retire the whole franchise and treat LV like an expansion team... though I wouldn't be opposed to it. I don't think the Phila A's have retired numbers (since numbers weren't a thing for a while) but I don't see why a team in LV needs premium numbers like Dave Stewart's and Ricky Henderson's out of circulation.
  17. Watching a minute of a replay of Stars vs Memphis, and they just had a really interesting video replay. Not only was it cool as hell to hear them talking about it (I guess it was Mike Pererra and the head ref) but apparently they play the whole convo over the stadium PA. I don't know if having the players listening in is the best idea, but conceptually this is absolutely something I'd want in the NFL. I got to listen to them replay and analyze the play, listen to the questions the ref had for Mike, and what Mike had for the ref, then listen to Mike explain to the ref why there was some complicated situation resulting in a kinda weird all. Kinda curious why the NFL wouldn't go with this (at least for the at-home audience) unless they have something to hide. EDIT: and "Philadelphia's" uniforms should be gold, not yellow. These uniforms aren't the worst, but could be a lot better.
  18. Watching the White Sox in their city connects for the first time in a real game. That look (white pinstripes on black top/pants) could absolutely be a full-time primary uniform (same if it was navy... just for a different team.) The Southside script is silly, as are the other gimmicks, but slap a major league logo or script on it and it's a great look.
  19. 1-100, how confident are you in the info you’ve been given?
  20. Another tidbit about the Hurts contract - while I don’t know the exact details, there’s something about how they structured his payouts (he gets $110M cash up front, the. $69M at some future time in lump sums) that reduce his cap hit to a max of $17M over the first 3 years of the deal (starting in ‘24 since he’s playing on his rookie deal this year) then there’s some way they can renegotiate and give him new money while maintaining a low cap hit. It’s something to do with the timing of the payments and how they can spread them over the duration of the contract (I guess it works like signing bonuses) but he’ll never see the second guarantee payment unless he sucks - they’d just rip it up and give him a whole new deal. Contrast that to Daniel Jones, who’s cap hit is somewhere around $30M this season alone, then I think more after that. So basically, the Hurts contact isn’t going to damage the Eagles ability to spend nearly as much as most starting QB contracts do. If he’s great, they’ll just keep playing with his contract and keeping the number low until they eventually have to eat it (at which point they’ll be bad anyway). If he ends up sucking or getting hurt, they can cut him in 3 or 4 seasons, pay the second part of the guarantee and take the dead-money hit for either one season or split across too. Either way, not too bad.
  21. And of those QBs, there's one thing we know for sure:
  22. Regarding two 18k arenas in one metro, if one is way out in the burbs, are major tours and other non-NHL events really going to be held there? I know that the NE/Mid-Atlantic is culturally different than the south so maybe the need to drive anyway and the distance isn't significant enough to make it an issue, but I can't really imagine another arena being so far from the center of the population and from mass transit. Atlanta certainly isn't small - it's very large by US standards - but it seems like these suburban stadiums eschew a good portion of the otherwise game-attending fan base. But again, maybe it's just a different culture and it's NBD.
  23. Guessing it's not actually happening today considering it's already past 2 p.m. there.
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