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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. I think you may need a math lesson.
  2. I heard Kay for the first time during last year's playoffs (without knowing it was him.) It blows my mind that the richest team in baseball employs him to be their voice. The dude is really bad at PBP and made his games challenging to sit through if you didn't have a rooting interest (and even then, it was worth the effort to sync the TV to the radio.) That he would do a thing like this isn't surprising, given the amateur level at which he operates at.
  3. If you're going to go "outside the box", I'd rather something like this than something half-assed. Don't just go outside the box - blow the box up. When you try to go "outside the box" then reign it in, you get some bs compromise that leaves people scratching their heads. At least with this, there's absolutely no doubt what they're trying to accomplish. Lose the yellow set, move the swoosh to the sleeve, and shrink the number by 50%, and let's get this into prod.
  4. I thin the 4+1 is more of a "strong recommendation" rather than a rule. If a MLB team wants to wear a uniform, and it's not the league itself prohibiting it, then they're going to get and wear that uniform. I don't get how Nike gets to dictate a solution to a problem that they created.
  5. Every Suns concept uses horrible numbers. That team hasn't had decent numbers since the Barkley set, and I don't get it.
  6. There has to be ownership willing and ready to pay, and the city needs to be ready and able to pay $1B for a stadium. I know Nashville has the "Nashville Stars" org for ownership interest (though I'm not sure if any actual primary-owner candidates are part of it) but are either city ready to put shovels in the ground and build a stadium? MLB expansion is a bigger deal than any other expansion. I will make a forum bet of some sort that we don't see it even announced within 5 years of right now.
  7. I think that was what was said, but the reality is people aren't going to sober up in 2 innings, and they're just going to drink in the parking lot or nearby bars or something. I honestly don't think it had any impact. It also stank for people who use mass transit or walk, to be subject to restrictions supposedly put in place because some animals can't restrain themselves from getting hammered before driving.
  8. Move the Jets to Quebec, then move the Coyotes to Winnipeg. Problem solved.
  9. it’s good not only for fans, but also for hourly workers who are making less due to the shorter games. The 7th-inning beer cutoff likely didn’t have any effect on fan behavior during or after games, but it did allow those employees time to do their shut-down activities and get out of there at a decent time. Now they’re losing an hour or more of wages, so I’m sure they’ll welcome serving till the end then doing their cleanup/shut-down.
  10. I think we can define the eras as such: Shooting Star (late '60s, early '70s) (color change in early '70s) Sunrise (late '70s, early '80s) (several variations) Rainbow sleeves ('late '80s, early '90s) Navy/Gold (late '90s) Western set ('00s) Current set. For my money, it's Shooting Star > Current > Navy/Gold > Rainbow Sleeves > Sunrise > Western
  11. maybe that’s why I finished last when I tried it 15 years ago! I built my team around Jon Runyan. Probably not the best strategy.
  12. According to some, you should never be allowed to post about football again. (though I can at least say I know every Eagles OL that's been a legit starter since the early '90s... and especially recently since 2 recent+current are lock HOFers and 1 is borderline.) But that's my team. I don't even know how in the world an average fan would ever have heard of 90% of lineman out there, and I don't need snobs telling me that I don't need football. FOH with that. EDIT: to keep it real, I don't follow too much outside the Eagles, and I don't play fantasy sports, so unless they're superstars or have some notable accomplishment behind them, I won't know who they are. I didn't know who AJ Brown was when we got him, and couldn't name a single AZ Cardinal outside of their dummy QB. But still - FOH.
  13. Not knowing an anonymous offensive lineman that may have played against your team once, and was not notable enough to be mentioned on highlight shows (because… offensive line) and made exactly 1 more pro-bowl that the Ravens backup qb is a badge I’ll wear proudly. And you’re likely insulting plenty of members of this very forum at the same time. Give me a break. Never post about football again for that? LOL. If the new requirement is to know every offensive lineman, have fun chatting with yourself.
  14. Seeing these concepts has put me in the camp that it's the Cardinals that should have over-corrected and adopted the Jags uniforms, while the Jags should have gone with a less-minimalist (but still traditionalish) set. Darken the red a bit and the simple recolor is a winner.
  15. And now, one mayoral candidate got busted for receiving money from a PAC that got $250K from the Sixers directly, and another $150K from "an entity owned by the team". In interviews, he's the only mayoral candidate that's said he absolutely supports the arena plan. The others have been either non-committal or "no". Sorry - I know this is about the Sixers and not the NHL, but it's kindasorta related to how the NHL's Flyers are trying to cling on to the Sixers by any means necessary so that this arena doesn't happen and they get buried further down - something that even 5 years ago was completely unimanigable.
  16. This is over the top. Are you actually being serious right now? I genuinely can't tell.
  17. Not exactly HOF / household name-worthy accomplishments (especially for an OL). Obv sounds like an excellent player, but people can be forgiven for not knowing an OL that was never even all-pro.
  18. I think a metro of 6M can support 2 arenas. Unless tour promoters have exclusive deals with one or the other, it allows for more flexibility as far as multi-date stops go since they wouldn’t have to be booked around Sixers and Flyers games. It wouldn’t surprise me if some tours hit DC then to go NY and skip PHL (unless it’s summer and the major outdoor venues are in play.). This used to happen with indie shows when a bunch of great venues closed all around the same time, but no longer does since a whole slew of newer ones have come along. Also enables more minor league teams. The Phantoms were by all accounts a success when they played in the Spectrum, then ended up being exiled. If anything, I would expect suburban people to reject going to the Sixers arena at first until they’re forced to, then realize it’s not that bad, and eventually prefer it - then WF would actually be #2. I work 25 miles outside the city and always resisted moving into the “grid” because of trains etc, but once I realized how much more convenient it was, I ended up moving despite my commute now being either a multi-subway>train>bus ride or a 90 min car ride (puke emoji). I expect many will learn the same. Or not. Culture takes a while to change.
  19. I recall reading a ton about Kobe since he's from the burbs here, and there was absolutely some "don't draft me" stuff going on. Specifically with the Nets. He (or his agent) said he would not play for them no matter what, even though they were 50/50 between him and Kerry Kittles anyway. I don't know if he specifically said anything about the Lakers, but there was definitely a short list of teams he wouldn't play for. Funny enough, I would imagine the Sixers would have been on that list, but I can't find evidence of that (though the Sixers one-year idiot GM nearly traded Jerry Stackhouse for a lottery pick so they could draft him along with Iverson, but chose not to pursue it. That woudl have been a s-show if Bryant wouldn't play here... and I wouldn't have blamed him.) Here's on article - doesn't say too much, but there's more out there. https://lebronwire.usatoday.com/2022/06/26/on-this-date-lakers-take-kobe-bryant-in-1996-nba-draft/
  20. I'm 99% certain I was the one that suggested taking all these hare-brained plans that derailed threads and putting them into their own pointless thread (and Admiral came up with the reel-line-mint meme.) Unfortunately, I think that graphic got lost in one of the forum upgrades.
  21. I don't know who that is, but I assume he was big and fat before. Along those lines, it absolutely blows my mind when you hear about some of these college athletes who convert from TE to OT, and they put on 80lbs in order to make the switch. EIGHTY POUNDS. I've heard of it several times, including some guy that the Eagles are rumored to be interested in this year (after having success with other converted tight ends at tackle... Jason Peters for example.) I don't how you do that to your body. Even if you were a 240lb TE, that's still a 30% increase in a short period of time. Your joints and spine can't possibly be ready for that... and how do you actually do it? I get that these guys do nothing but work out, but there's only so much muscle you can add. I assume they're also eating an extremely high-protein diet or maybe the Rock's diet of 20lbs of cod / day (but I somehow doubt that.)
  22. I didn't know either till I read that, but I guess it makes sense. What was interesting is the acknowledgement that there are teams that are known to have abused the power to postpone games if it benefited their pitching.
  23. "only" 15M is guaranteed. Regardless, Odell Beckham clearly has a better agent than Lamar Jackson.
  24. The Joe Smith thing? Didn't MIN lose five 1st rounders?
  25. https://www.inquirer.com/phillies/phillies-mlb-weather-rain-postpone-20230408.html I don't think it's paywalled. EDIT: Basically, they're allowing teams to make the call when they know the other team is visiting them again to make it up - which is only 1st-half division games... and even then, the division teams only visit twice all year.
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