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Angels' owner mulls name change...

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Whoops - I feel like horse's butoot

This one is just too good to pass up.... in the sig it goes.

And on topic, I agree with BiB on this. Anaheim isn't really LA's suberb. It's a totally different community.

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With all that is said about Anahiem's distance from LA County. The fact still remains that the the LA Rams played in Anahiem and called themselves LA when there was another team (the Raiders) that played in LA. That was 10 years ago, what makes today different? To me because of that fact that makes the change if it happens acceptable.

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With all that is said about Anahiem's distance from LA County. The fact still remains that the the LA Rams played in Anahiem and called themselves LA when there was another team (the Raiders) that played in LA. That was 10 years ago, what makes today different? To me because of that fact that makes the change if it happens acceptable.

Quite simply, as my Nana used to say, "Two wrongs don't make a right."

Calling the Rams the Los Angeles Rams while they played in Anaheim made no more sense than calling the Angels the Los Angeles Angels while they do they same.

Brian in Boston

P.S. Yes... I know that "three lefts make a right".

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they should be the California Angels not the Anaheim ANgels and definately not the LA Angels.


General Magus Zeal

Leader of the Mystics of Medina.

The forums most hated member ever.

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When you say "Orange County Choppers" in the SoCal context, you are referring to a set of dentures in a glass in a retirement home.

Wouldn't that be Orange County, FLORIDA?

I saw, I came, I left.

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If this was already posted on this topic, I apologize for not reading thoroughly, but:

What team holds the record (if there is one) for most name changes without actually moving?

After the owner conquers the Los Angeles market (there's a stretch), what's next?

Back to the California Angels?

Maybe the Pacific Coast Angels?

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That was 10 years ago, what makes today different?

As an outsider looking in, and one who has spent numerous occasions in both LA and Anaheim over that time period, I can say that Anaheim has certainly "grown up" over that period of time. The community has established itself as an entirely different city, and not just a suburb of LA. It's population has boomed and its found it own identity (part because of the Anaheim Mighty Ducks and the Anaheim Angels. IMO, calling them the LA Angels would be like calling San Diego the LA Padres. The only difference is that Anahiem is geographicly closer to LA than SD.

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If this was already posted on this topic, I apologize for not reading thoroughly, but:

What team holds the record (if there is one) for most name changes without actually moving?

i think probably the Bullets-Wizards, not counting the times they actually moved. using Peter Angelos' logic, Baltimore to D.C. was simply a new arena move, not a full fledged move...while using real logic, the team's been the Capital Bullets, then Washington Bullets and finally Washington Wizards. looks like a tie.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I guess that the problem I have with the renaming of the team is that it isn't located in Los Angeles. It's not even located in Los Angeles County.

We're talking about a team playing in a city 35 miles from downtown Los Angeles. However, it's not as though Anaheim is just some tiny suburb 35 miles from LA. It's a city of 328,014 people. It has one of the highest - if not the highest - growth rates among the ten largest cities in the State of California. Among cities with a population greater than 300,000 people, it's one of the fastest growing cities in the United States.

Further, Anaheim and Orange County have a cultural "feel" that is distinct from the glitz and glamour of "La La Land".

I guess the point that I'm making is that if Arte Moreno wants to rename the team the Los Angeles Angels, he should start looking for a facility in Los Angeles... or, at least Los Angeles County. Otherwise, it's just an example of cultural "carpet-bagging".

Brian in Boston

The Detroit Lions play in Pontiac, the Washington Capitals play in Landover--what are the distances involved there?

Then there are those teams that call themselves New York, yet play in New Jersey--a whole other state! (They know who they are)-(although there has been relocation talk...

Still, either stick with Anaheim, or go back to California--which I think sounds better with the team name--or even Orange County!

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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I also wouldn't mind seeing them go back to their original name.

You mean go back to California Angels, because the problem with that is that there is also the dodgers, padres, a's, and giants in california. The problem I have with them going back to Los Angeles is I think Anaheim Angels sounds better, with the alliteration and all.

They weren't originally called the California Angels

They were the Los Angeles Angels from 1961 - 1964, the name Angels comes from the fact that LA is known as the City of Angels.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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I also wouldn't mind seeing them go back to their original name.

You mean go back to California Angels, because the problem with that is that there is also the dodgers, padres, a's, and giants in california. The problem I have with them going back to Los Angeles is I think Anaheim Angels sounds better, with the alliteration and all.

They weren't originally called the California Angels

They were the Los Angeles Angels from 1961 - 1964, the name Angels comes from the fact that LA is known as the City of Angels.

And on top of that, the LA team in the PCL was known as the Angels since 1903.

Personally, I like LA Angels since it's the only version of the three that actually makes sense. Now all they need to do is take their "LA" monogram back from the Dodgers.

Hmmm... maybe we need to move the Angels into Dodger Stadium so the Dodgers can move back to Brooklyn.


Dubya's thoughts on "terrorist" nations: "They never stop thinking of new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

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id rather see them be the Los Angeles Angels, so that both leagues have franchises in NY, Chicago, and LA, and who cares how far out of LA they physically are, the Pistons also play about as far out of Detroit as the Lions did in Pontiac, Auburn Hills is rught next to Pontiac

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