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Hull a 'Yote


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This sucks as a Blues fan.

Well the Blues had a shot to keep Hull. After the hired Kennan and they knew there was a problem between the 2 the should have gotten fid of Keenan after his first year. Not keep him around for another 2 years and drive a wedge between Hull and ownership to where he won't resign. For all we know, had Hull stayed the Blues could have won a cup.

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This sucks as a pens fan i guess their bonus offer of "whatever he finds, he keeps" just wasnt enough to lure him... :D ... damn team being bankrupt and probably moving to KC.... lol

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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Mockba, I carried little hope that Pleau would actually go after Hull much, as Pleau just hasn't in any oppurtunity he's had gone after Hull as much as I think he could and should. I still like Pleau though.

I just really wanted Hull back. Hull was my old favorite, Demitra my current, I'd hoped if they had to let Demitra go I could get my old favorite back. I guess I now turn my hope to Demitra coming down on his asking price and forgiving the Blues, and that they still may agree to something...I'm not having much luck with this favorite player thing...last year I decided if Demitra was traded or not resigned my favorite would be Danton...whoops...

JKR, Hull experienced two different regimes coaching and front office wise, and maybe owner wise, but I'm not sure when Laurie bought the team off hand. Regardless, yes, I think both the Blues and he could have handled things better in their final years. The past is the past though.

As for Keenan, he did a lot of bad things to the Blues, but looking back on it, I do have to thank him for assembline what was for some time and could have continued to be a core of Al MacInnis, Chris Pronger, Pavol Demitra, and Pierre Turgeon. He didn't do it all with fan friendly trades, but other than the Pronger trade, most were steals. Of course now, Pronger is the only one guranteed to be back. Turgeon the only one guranteed gone. Demitra could still resign (though he's a UFA), and MacInnis, though struggling with his vision, doesn't seem ready to announce his retirement yet.

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i heard he was going to dallas, but i guess they figured they didn't want to waste money on an ineffective Hull.



General Magus Zeal

Leader of the Mystics of Medina.

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Well the numbers 16 and 22 are both open for the Coyotes, but I figured he'd want 16 first and Devereaux would probably take 22. (21 was also available but was claimed by Sean O'Donnell first.)

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

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Made this. How does it look:


Not as impressive as this:


And now, we can look at this again:


--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Well mine is pretty good for MS Paint....

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Hull's washed up--his best days long gone--he'll need to get some good conditioning in--he looked tired last season towards the end, and look exhausted in the playoffs...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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It's possible Brett Hull can get the Coyotes going deep into the playoffs..but who knows how long the possible lockout will last?? We'll see.... and sure as hell wished the Coyotes would be still in Winnipeg!!! ACK!! BUt the Coyotes jerseys are sweet!!

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And in related news, the Blues have received 400 cancellations of season tickets since Hullie signed with the Coyotes.

Are you serious? That sucks. People are insane. There was no way, with all the cost-cutting this off-season, the Blues were going to sign Hull. It wasn't going to happen.

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POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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And in related news, the Blues have received 400 cancellations of season tickets since Hullie signed with the Coyotes.

I'm honestly wondering if your serious, because it wouldn't surprise me...on the other hand, I've heard people say they would cancel their tickets if we did sign Hull.

If I heard right, in his press conference he said it was close between Dallas and Phoenix, so either the Blues didn't try, their effort was poor, or Hull never really had interest.

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