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Stupid Vick commercial.


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JQK: Does it matter? They're the Yankees..they could BUY the world series if they wanted.

It's amazing. People bitch about the Yankees when they win, because they obviously bought their whole team. But then they mock when the Yankees lose, because they spend so much money on the team. Perhaps if other teams had owners and fans that were committed enough to their teams to build the empire that the Yankees have, people wouldn't complain so much.

So what I'm trying to say is, bitch at your owner for being a penny-pinching jackass, and at yourselves for not pumping enough money into the team to buy good players, rather than taking out your frustrations on the best pro sports franchise the world has seen.

[/end rant]

did i just agree with jqk on something? holy fluffing crap. this is like, a breakthrough. i love you, man. :blink:




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I don't know that anyone is saying Jeter is not one of the tops in the league, just that he is quite overrated.

I'll take Edgar Renteria over Jeter though (hopefully the Cards have enough money to retain Edgar). Edgar is much better defensively than Jeter, and probably better in the clutch. Edgar plays in St. Louis (and previously Florida), plus he is not comfortable with his English, so he doesn't get the media attention that other players do, but not only is he an excellent player, it's reported locally that he is the glue of the Cardinals ballclub.

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JQK: Does it matter? They're the Yankees..they could BUY the world series if they wanted.

It's amazing. People bitch about the Yankees when they win, because they obviously bought their whole team. But then they mock when the Yankees lose, because they spend so much money on the team. Perhaps if other teams had owners and fans that were committed enough to their teams to build the empire that the Yankees have, people wouldn't complain so much.

So what I'm trying to say is, bitch at your owner for being a penny-pinching jackass, and at yourselves for not pumping enough money into the team to buy good players, rather than taking out your frustrations on the best pro sports franchise the world has seen.

[/end rant]

did i just agree with jqk on something? holy fluffing crap. this is like, a breakthrough. i love you, man. :blink:

Nah, I'm'a sit here and let my team's owners spend the amount of money they think they can. I'm gonna let them be great owners to this team and do what they can with a midwestern medium market. I'm gonna let our fans keep filling the stadium because they love baseball and they love our team. I'm gonna watch us with our midsized 80 mil (give or take a few mil) budget put out the statistical best team in the majors. I'm gonna watch it not happen just on a shear fluke, but because we have awesome players within that 80 mil limit. I'm gonna watch our owners not have to buy the players though. I'm gonna watch the players want to play here for less because our owners and fans make it so awesome. I'm'a have fun doin' it too.

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But Shmee... not every team can play in a market like New York or Boston or Los Angeles. There's a reason the Twins have to cut players like David Ortiz because they can't afford.

I have no problem with the Yankees spending money, but to point somewhere like Tampa and say 'it's your fault because you can't possibly go out and spend that kind of money' is insane.

Personally, I think the Yankees are kind of digging their own hole by spending that much money because they have completely emptied their minor league system of the talent it used to have. And if you look at the players who make the biggest difference come playoff time -- Derek Jeter, Mariano Rivera, and Bernie Williams, in the past, among others --they came up through the Yankees system.

If you ask me, and it's only one mans opinion, it's easy to go out and buy regular season success by spending money on the best players -- but it takes the right kind of players to have true postseason success, and the heart of the Yankees comes from the guys who were brought up through their system.

And to be perfectly honest, understanding that the Red Sox have done the same thing as the Yankees for success -- I think the Red Sox got the right players, while the Yankees just went for the biggest names. The Red Sox got a guy like Schilling, who'll go out and give you 7 solid innings injured or on 3 days rest (and who knows he was brought in to have success in the postseason) while everyone has made a huge deal about the Yankees getting Vasquez, a colossal disappointment, and Kevin Brown who has been average, in comparison to hsi performance as a Dodger.

But I digress. This topic is about Michael Vick and when he grasps that system, or they stop telling him not to run -- he's going absolutely amazing.


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Perhaps I was a bit too harsh, as I often tend to be. I don't mean to point blame at fans, though I probably sounded like I did. It just bothers me that people hate on the Yankees simply because they have the resources available to them. Obviously, it helps that the Yanks are playing in a ginormous city that also happens to be sports-crazy. However, they cannot be faulted for this reason. The Yankees simply have the best possible location, with maybe the best possible owner (you may not like Steinbrenner, but you must admit that he's dedicated to his team's success), and some of the best fans around (shamelessly plugging New Yorkers).

I hope that cleared up my position a bit, and helped me come off as less of an :censored:. If not, then call your local tourism board and ask them why they're not doing more to attract more families to the area. ^_^

And now back on topic, I think the Sportscenter guys got it right the other day. I don't remember who said it, but one of the anchors made the comment that "Mike Vick has a talent that is uncoachable." It's no joke. When Vick was being more creative, running around and faking like the what what, he was one of the best. Now that a strict system is being placed on his shoulders, he's less confident than he was. Vick is being asked to get his passes off more quickly, resulting in more incompletions and interceptions, and fewer big runs. Once Vick gets used to this system, though, I doubt he'll have a touhg time returning to his old form.




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Jeter is not overrated, he the captain of the Yankees. Without him they would have not won 4 WS Titles.

As for whoever said Jorge Posada can claim that as well, well he can't. He wasn't on the roster in '96 and he didn't start regularly untill 1999 (after the Yankees had won 2 championships. Posada played occasionally in 98 however Joe Girade was the regular catcher then, he was also the catcher in 1996 along with Leritez (sp?).

The only Yankees that have been on all the Yankees playoff teams from 96 on has been Rivera (who was the setup man in 96), Bernie, and Derek Jeter. Jeter being the far most important one. Jeter isn't a numbers guy but he is the clutch guy, make the big play to win guy.

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Vick still needs to prove himself. He is undoubtedly talented, with a lot of potential. However, until he proves otherwise, he is overrated.


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So what I'm trying to say is, bitch at your owner for being a penny-pinching jackass, and at yourselves for not pumping enough money into the team to buy good players, rather than taking out your frustrations on the best pro sports franchise the world has seen.

i know of this activity...I hear Blackhawks fans do this frequently.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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those are team accolades, dude.  Look at all the crappy Lakers that have rings.

How many clutch hits has Jeter had? How many games has he single-handedly won? How many unbelievable defensive plays has he made?

Jeter has made the plays when they count. The Yankees would not have the rings and the success they have had without Jeter. That is a fact. If he doesn't throw Giambi out in that incredable play in the ALDs a few years back, do the Yankees even see the ALCS? doubt it.

The man is clutch, and clutch is everything (stole that from Stuart Scott, i feel ashamed)

I swear, the next time I hear "clutch" or "intangibles" and "Derek Jeter" in the same sentence, I'm going to explode. In the words of Mets pitching coach Rick Peterson, "In God we trust. All others must show data." Statistically, there is no such thing as a "clutch hitter", because clutch hitters tend to be good hitters to begin with. But that's a whole other argument in and of itself. Carry on...


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Like I said,The Most Overrated Player in the NFL.


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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No, sir.. Vick is not the most overrated. His team is 5-3. The title in the NFL goes to Farve this year.

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Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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those are team accolades, dude. Look at all the crappy Lakers that have rings.

How many clutch hits has Jeter had? How many games has he single-handedly won? How many unbelievable defensive plays has he made?

Jeter has made the plays when they count. The Yankees would not have the rings and the success they have had without Jeter. That is a fact. If he doesn't throw Giambi out in that incredable play in the ALDs a few years back, do the Yankees even see the ALCS? doubt it.

The man is clutch, and clutch is everything (stole that from Stuart Scott, i feel ashamed)

I swear, the next time I hear "clutch" or "intangibles" and "Derek Jeter" in the same sentence, I'm going to explode. In the words of Mets pitching coach Rick Peterson, "In God we trust. All others must show data." Statistically, there is no such thing as a "clutch hitter", because clutch hitters tend to be good hitters to begin with. But that's a whole other argument in and of itself. Carry on...

Agreed. Over the last 3 years, Jeters batting average in situations that qualify as 'close and late' are a lot worse than his regular batting average. That and he had tons of opportunities to make 'clutch hits' against the Red Sox and he only managed to do so once.


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Since I bring it up when he plays like crap, let me be the first to say Vick is playing great today.


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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