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Cyprus High School Pirates Redesign Concept


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Welcome to my first posted concept (i did a jazz uniform a long while back, i'm not counting that). My high school, like many, has long been just taking their logo from other professional logos (tampa bay buccaneers, to name one). So for fun I decided to redesign my alma mater's identity. I tried versions changing the "blue and gold" to darker colors, or actual gold-looking colors, but decided I liked our official colors best. The font is facet bold italic with customizations.

Let me know what you think. Any and all C&C are appreciated...the uniforms, etc for the basketball, football, soccer and baseball teams are forthcoming. Thanks!


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This is a nice concept, but nearly as good as the stuff on your website. Everyone, go to his site. here's a link so you don't have to type it in:


I love the icon of you! The motion in your site is simple but effective. All the work on your site looks great!

You got a job in the "real world" yet?

As for this concept, I know a skulls face would be flat, but it needs something here. The flatness bugs me. Maybe a 3/4 view? If he's got cartilige for an earring, perhaps some for the nose might do the trick too.

Also, I really like the font you used (Custom?), but there's something a bit off about the wordmark to me. I think its the outline is a bit too big for my tastes. Maybe more like your Florida Atlantic concept on your website. But I'd go even a bit thinner.

Othewise, love the colors, love the rendering. Top Notch!

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awesome job. definitely try to sell it to them. a blue helmet with the logo on the side would indeed be great.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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you should post their current logo. :rolleyes: what can i say im a softie for the bucs flag logo. but i do like this one


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Very nice, Ben.

I like the aggressive look of the eye, but I think the skull needs a little tweaking, still. One suggestion - make the cheekbone stand out more by creating a hollow area extending from the right of the upper jawbone.

This is great work, but after seeing the stuff on your website, I think you have the ability to make it even better. :grin:

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enough about the logo. that website rocks. i like how the little guy follows the mouse and hopes you click on the icons. ^_^


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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This is a great concept, Ben. I agree with the others, though, the skull could use a bit of tweaking. And in the primary logos, the text in the yellow bar is too small, it needs to be bigger to be more legible.

Nice bit of customizing the letters...it's either Diamante or Facet, depending on which company made it (same one used by Syracuse now). I like the beveled edges...even if the light edges flash out for some reason, the wordmark is still very legible.

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Thanks everybody for the comments and criticisms. I must admit that I too think the skull needs some more work, and the font is blockier than I had originally intended. I had another version but this ended up being the one I liked better.

As far as selling this to my high school, rmered, I have thought about it, but I want to make sure I go about it the right way. Most things I have sold have been commissioned work, not me approaching them...Anyone have any advice on the best way to go about that?

And pcgd, my "real world" job is working for marketing at Utah State University, and doing whatever freelance I can get my hands on, of course. Actually I am working right now as a freelancer for the company hired out by Utah State University to redesign the academic and athletic visual identites for our school. I of course can't post anything on them yet, but I will definitely let everyone know when they are done (sometime in June, perhaps).

Fuzzlewigg, I was going to try and us a blue helmet with that skull logo, but I ended up using a yellow helmet, we always had yellow helmets and that was what we were always recognized by...yellow helmet, blue jerseys...yellow pants....enough talk though, I'm going to post the football designs here in a little bit.

Thanks again for everyone's feedback. I do appreciate all you have to say. :)

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They are fairly (well, 10 years ago, designed by SME Branding - who also brought you the Jazz and BYU) but we have a new president, new conference (WAC) etc and I guess they want a complete overhaul. They are worried that we have too many logos that are dissimilar and they want to unify everything.

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Okay here are the football uniforms I came up with. Cyprus used to have nothing on the helmets but the players' number before they switched to Tampa Bay, so my design kind of reflects that in its simplicity. I added some piping to modernize it a bit. I know that some people are fans of piping, but I kind of like it. Anyways I threw in the blue helmets as well to show you how that would look. Thanks to this board for the template, by the way. :)


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Ben, thats incredible. The uniforms are perfect, thats awesome. This is a great set. Though i would like to see some silver in there, maybe instead of the outline on the secondary being yellow, having it silver. Just a thought. Still incredible. You and nitroseed are by far my favorite designers, like i said in my White Sox post.

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