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Mighty Ducks of Anaheim Concept Logo


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Exclusive to this board, I am pleased to announce my latest concept, this time a logo for the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim (copy&paste).

Check it out and tell me what you think...

A jersey to follow pending the announcement of a possible jersey design contest?

Oh yeah, the credits... the angry-duck-facemask is a trademark of the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, and was made available by TheSLE.com (via www.logo.nino.ru).

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i have a ducks logo i drew in my drawing pad (imagin that!) a while ago, but i didn't have a scanner to transfer it. i now have a scanner, and it will be up asap

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Thanks to all who replied. Now my responses.

STL Fanatic: I agree it needs a different colour, and I did notice previously that these colours were also the Stars colours, just one problem. I abhorr the Eggplant colour they use. If anyone has a suggestion for a better colour that might look good, post that suggestion.

CC97: Thanks for the encouraging comment.

YzerFan19: It was supposed to be an 'A' for Anaheim (I know it's hard to believe, but stay with me here) as well as a 'flying V' which is a term used in the Mighty Ducks movies as well as the preferred positioning for a flock of flying water fowl.

J. Quincy King: I like what you've done... You've made a duck's side profile about as mean looking as possible. If you could make the shapes just a hair more uniform, and eliminate some of the gray space, I think we have a good looking logo on our hands.

Keep the comments coming...

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I like JQK's idea a lot. I too came up with a new logo for the Ducks with the name simplified like you did, but the idea is on paper right now but when I get time I will transfer it to an image file.

I agree with most of you that the Ducks need to change the name to "Anaheim Ducks" and come up with a more grown up logo. Yes, the current logo is a hit with the majority of thier fans, who happen to be kids. However those kids are eventually gonna grow up (I would think), and the logo should grow up with them.

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Well i couldn't leave well enough alone. Once i get an idea

flowing in my head, i just can't stop. Here are some jerseys i

made up for my new Ducks logo. Hope ya like


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Light green? It's GREEN!

And purple is one of their colors as well. THe yellow is a good trace color, as is the gray. I didn't want it to look like every other jersey out there, with the dark dark darkest colors and that crap. i wanted it to be distinctive, to catch the eye, and to yet have a classic look that would not get boring in 5 years...

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Syphi, li like what you've done with the logo, but i agree with the others that it needs another accent color in there, where i dont know. looking forward to seeing what you can do with the jerseys.

JQK, i at first didnt like the initial logo you created mainly because there was so much gray space around it, and when i saw it on the jerseys you made to go with it,its beginning to grow on me. i say darken the green a couple shades, almost to forest green, and maybe make the yellow kind of a tannish- gold (is that possible?) shade. and you've got yourself a winner in my eyes.

Great work guys :D

also i thought i'd throw in my design for you guys to comment about, this would be an alternate or home jersey, whichever your mind tells you.

copy&paste   Anahiem Ducks Concept

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thanks GMS, but i do not want to make the Jersey or logo darker. Too much darkness in the Jersey world today, time to brighten it up, get more variety. Lets not forget, the Ducks are in SoCal, everything down there is bright...

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Version 2.0 of my Mighty Ducks Concept Logo is now out. Go check it out (copy&paste or click&drag).

I made some major adjustments to try and drop some of the Star Trek and Dallas Stars vibes, as well as added the purple (albeit in a minor role) to make it more Anaheim-ish. Was I successful?

Tell me what you think... is it better than my first Mighty Ducks Concept Logo? What can I do to improve the logo. What aspects do you like of each, and what don't you like about each?

If you have an opinion, post it.

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