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Florida Panthers Moving to Winnipeg?


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I actually think several of the Southern teams should stay -- Phoenix, Dallas, and Florida -- because they have new buildings and they have pretty decent fan bases (and Phoenix and Florida are the only long term tennants in their buildings - Phoenix has a lacrosse team, but they only play seven home games a year).

As much as I was all for these teams going into new places, I honestly think that aside from Dallas, none of them (and yes, that includes the Lightning and Hurricanes who have reached the Cup Finals in the last five years) has sustained any sort of long term success to merit staying around. That's why a team like, say, Dallas, should stay put.

the lightning has an arena that isnt even 10 years old, and trust me, they'll have a fanbase now that theyve won a cup. and as far as i know, they are the only long-term tenant in their arena too (not sure if the AFL Storm counts).

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Heard that the Panther almost moved to Winnipeg around 1997/98 or so... it could happen...would love to see Winnipeg, Quebec City, Hamilton, Hartford back in the NHL and would be great to see Seattle, Portland, Milwaukee, Houston join as well via relocated teams...

I wonder....which NHL team is mostly likely to relocate?? List as many as ya can..and we can discuss this at all....should be interesting to see what shakes out there...

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I wonder....which NHL team is mostly likely to relocate?? List as many as ya can..and we can discuss this at all....should be interesting to see what shakes out there...

my ideas for teams to relocate:

Carolina-----> Houston Hurricanes (using the current Canes logo or a new one)

Florida-------> Portland Cougars (using the same Panthers logo with new color scheme)

Anaheim-----> Las Vegas

Pittsburgh (or Buffalo)----> Hamilton

Edmonton (or Buffalo)----> Winnipeg Jets (using an updated Jets logo)

Nashville-----> Kansas City

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Edmonton (or Buffalo)----> Winnipeg Jets (using an updated Jets logo)

Sorry, but this doesn't make any sense. Edmonton's just as big a hockey town as Winnipeg, with a decent rink, and a bigger population.

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Edmonton (or Buffalo)----> Winnipeg Jets (using an updated Jets logo)

Sorry, but this doesn't make any sense. Edmonton's just as big a hockey town as Winnipeg, with a decent rink, and a bigger population.

Absolutely right.

Plus why would the NHL want to move a canadian franchise to another canadian city? I can't see that happening while Bettman is commissioner.

Four times IHL Nielson Cup Champions - Montréal Shamrocks (2008-2009 // 2009-2010 // 2012-2013 // 2014-2015)

Five times TNFF Confederation Cup Champions - Yellowknife Eagles (2009 CC VI // 2010 CC VII // 2015 CC XII // 2017 CC XIV // 2018 CC XV)

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There should be no NHL teams in Carolina, Nashville, Tampa Bay, Florida, Atlanta, Phoenix, or Anaheim IMO. I could also argue against San Jose, or Washington I guess.

Best Places for an NHL team:Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Hamilton, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Detroit, New York(1), Boston, Chicago, Colorado, Minnesota, Los Angeles, Dallas, St.Louis, Philadelphia.

Proud owner of the Utah Pioneers of the Continnental Baseball League.



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And you should

Never Mention

Dat person's name,

Ya hear?


Eliminating all

Those cities would

Kill any further proposed expansion

Of the fan base.

clever... :D

I'm still laughing it off!!!

Four times IHL Nielson Cup Champions - Montréal Shamrocks (2008-2009 // 2009-2010 // 2012-2013 // 2014-2015)

Five times TNFF Confederation Cup Champions - Yellowknife Eagles (2009 CC VI // 2010 CC VII // 2015 CC XII // 2017 CC XIV // 2018 CC XV)

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here is what should happen:

Canucks relocate to San Diego

Flames relocate to Kansas City

Oilers relocate to Houston

Senators relocate to New Orleans

all other franchises remain status quo

eat that


There you go trying to get a reaction (and got one--randy--he's just upset someone mentioned getting rid of San Jose. Even the possibility someone may mention it irks him)

Ho hum...

Actually unless Winnipeg or Quebec City get a team again we will hear rumours like this every now & then...

And why does Edmonton to Winnipeg keep coming up?--even though it is always refuted as it was above?

Edmonton has a larger population, a better economy, a better rink, etc..

(Can't believe I'm defending Edmonton)

If you eliminate or move a California team San Jose makes the least sense. It is the best run and operated of the California teams. If you must eliminate one--choose Anaheim--It's the least well run team and only made it ot a Cup finals because a goalie stood on his head. Then in the conference finals got to play another Cinderella team--it was fun in a way--but that Conference final was a snorefest...

Carolina makes more sense to move--or Nashville to hopefully spare us those unis...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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I consider myself a Florida Panthers fan since the only hockey games I ever saw were in Sunrise... even got a couple of jerseys. Nice arena, much better watching hockey in person, but I would like to see the NHL return more teams to Canadian cities (or Hartford) before looking to new U.S. markets. If anything good comes out of this lockout, maybe it will be a new CBA that allows Canada to compete better financially and move teams back to places like Winnipeg and Quebec. It only seems right.

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There should be no NHL teams in Carolina, Nashville, Tampa Bay, Florida, Atlanta, Phoenix, or Anaheim IMO. I could also argue against San Jose, or Washington I guess.

And the new arena means nothing to you? Shesh, where's Dallas or Los Angeles on your list? That's not fair.

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here is what should happen:

Canucks relocate to San Diego

Flames relocate to Kansas City

Oilers relocate to Houston

Senators relocate to New Orleans

all other franchises remain status quo

eat that


There you go trying to get a reaction (and got one--randy--he's just upset someone mentioned getting rid of San Jose. Even the possibility someone may mention it irks him)

Ho hum...

Actually unless Winnipeg or Quebec City get a team again we will hear rumours like this every now & then...

And why does Edmonton to Winnipeg keep coming up?--even though it is always refuted as it was above?

Edmonton has a larger population, a better economy, a better rink, etc..

(Can't believe I'm defending Edmonton)

If you eliminate or move a California team San Jose makes the least sense. It is the best run and operated of the California teams. If you must eliminate one--choose Anaheim--It's the least well run team and only made it ot a Cup finals because a goalie stood on his head. Then in the conference finals got to play another Cinderella team--it was fun in a way--but that Conference final was a snorefest...

Carolina makes more sense to move--or Nashville to hopefully spare us those unis...

ya thats true


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