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Jeremy Roenick sound byte - June 25


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Jeremy Roenick speaks out again about the lockout. You really have to wonder about the union now.....


Another round of Roenick

Jeremy Roenick's curse-filled diatribe on the lockout, rule changes and what he thinks of fans will undoubtedly be the summer's hottest soundtrack.

Sportsnet.ca -- Just when you thought the NHL labour negotiations could not get more turbulent, Jeremy Roenick decided it was time to speak up.

Roenick, speaking at Mario Lemieux's charity golf tournament in Pittsburgh, PA, redefined the term candid with his curse-filled tirade regarding everything from the lockout to the nature of the game.

The Flyers' forward started the formal press conference by referencing his disappointment in the way things transpired.

"They coulda listened to the players who had an idea of where this was going, myself, Robert Esche, Jarome Iginla and Chris Pronger ... but in February I didn't think the deal stood up."

As the lockout approaches its tenth month, Roenick was clear the deal likely to be signed in the upcoming weeks will be much less than what was offered back in February.

"If we (the NHLPA) woulda signed that deal in February, in terms of what we're getting now, we woulda looked like heroes. Right now we look like a bunch of idiots."

Roenick later added, "The deal in February beats the **** out of the deal we're gonna sign in July."

At least JR is referencing a July deal, but it also opened the verbal floodgates.

"It's unfortunate we had to go through a whole year to realize the bull**** that was going on ... we've hurt our league, we've hurt the reputation of our league and the integrity of our league by sticking up for something that might not have been the right thing to do," said Roenick.

Switching to the diplomat, Roenick furthered his comments by stating it is no longer about who won and lost, but it is now about making the game fan friendly. Roenick described how the NHLPA will ultimately give up more as a union "than any other in national sports" when a deal is reached, and that alone should bring the fans back.

"Now is the time we have to make it fun for the fans, we have deteriorated the game to an unfriendly position," said Roenick, who offered up his own solutions, "We might have won in '94, the owners will win in 2005, now let's make the fans win."

Generally opposed to the shrinking of goaltenders equipment, the Flyers' veteran believes fan-exciting changes must be implemented.

"No more ties, take the red line out ... institute an illegal defence maybe, but the number one change should be penalty shots at the end of the game, with the goals scored not going to stats, but to the win and loss column."

In typical JR fashion, it was his parting words which will act as sound bytes for weeks to come, and possibly be fodder for setting the union back in public opinion.

"If people are going to sit and chastise pro athletes for being cocky, for being suck asses, they need to look at one thing and that's the deal we're going to be signing in about three weeks. Pro athletes are not cocky. Pro athletes care about the game. Everybody out there who calls us spoiled because we play a game ... they can kiss my ass."

I saw, I came, I left.

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I'd call the Player's Union, for balking on the Feb. deal, in this guy's immortal words


"YOU BIG DUMMY :cursing: "

And you know its bad when Mario Lemeiux said himself that if they signed the one in February, they would've been ALOT better off than they will with this new one. Oh well.

btw, Im not defending Roenick cussing out everybody.



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Ok JR said some real dumb things but , honestly, it doesnt really change my view of the guy. He comes to the Celebrity golf tournament every year up in Tahoe and he is really a class kind of guy, for an athlete anyway. Last year he not only signed autographs in the rain for the fas for two hours bt also made it a point to talk to the people who he was signing for. I know that doesnt sound like a lot but its way better than some of the others like Lemieux.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Well, at least JR wasn't saying "The owners screwed us over" or, "The owners tricked us into taking this plopty deal". I'll give him credit for that.

But telling everyone to kiss his ass? That just proves what he was defending: pro athletes are spoiled "suck asses" who are cocky and don't care about the game. They're only interested in the money. C'mon, JR. If this was about the game, the PA would've signed a new CBA a year ago. You guys didn't wanna give up anything and now you're gonna suffer because of it.

Go ahead, fire Goodenow. He deserves it. And JR: you ARE spoiled, you little-kid-game-playing-suck ass. :evil:

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You know theres a saying about whats aboutto happen to the players with this bad deal and its


If you are Italian you knwo what it means.

Suggestion: We need a filter for profanites in other languages ^_^

I saw, I came, I left.

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He also added that fans that think players are spoiled are just jealous losers and he and the rest of the players don't want them as customers, they can just sit at home on their asses.

They played this interview on the radio earlier today and it has not been received well so far. I hate when you want so bad to have a guy on your team that you can root for and genuinly appreciate, but everytime one comes around they turn out to be :censored:s. I'm not calling JR an :censored:, but these comments certainly don't make it easy to like him.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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He also added that fans that think players are spoiled are just jealous losers and he and the rest of the players don't want them as customers, they can just sit at home on their asses.

They played this interview on the radio earlier today and it has not been received well so far. I hate when you want so bad to have a guy on your team that you can root for and genuinly appreciate, but everytime one comes around they turn out to be :censored:s. I'm not calling JR an :censored:, but these comments certainly don't make it easy to like him.

If you don't want him in Philly, I'll take him in Chicago.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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JR, Comedian Dennis Leary wrote a song for you...

I'm just a regular joe

With a regular job

I'm your average white

Suburbanite slob

I like football, and porno, and books about war

I've got an average house

With a nice hardwood floor

My wife, and my job

My kids, and my car

My feet on the table

And a Cuban cigar

But sometimes that just ain't enough

To keep a man like me interested

Oh no, no way, uh uhh

No, I gotta go out and have fun

At someone else's expense

Oh yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah

I drive really slow

In the ultra-fast lane

While people behind me are going insane

I'm an :censored:

(he's an :censored:, what an :censored:)

I'm an :censored:

(he's an :censored:, such an :censored:)

I use public toilets

And I piss on the seat

I walk around in the summer time sayin', "How about this heat?"

I'm an :censored:

(he's an :censored:, what an :censored:)

I'm an :censored:

(he's the worlds biggest :censored:)

Sometimes I park in the handicapped spaces

While handicapped people

Make handicapped faces

I'm an :censored:

(he's an :censored:, what an :censored:)

I'm an :censored:

(he's a big *beep*-ing :censored:)

Maybe I shouldn't be singin' this song

Ranting and raving and carrying on

Maybe they're right when they tell me I'm wrong...


I'm an :censored:

(he's an :censored:, what an :censored:)

I'm an :censored:

(he's the world's biggest :censored:)

"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you'd better be running." - Unknown | 🌐 Check out my articles on jerseys at Bacon Sports 🔗

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I'm not calling JR an :censored:, but these comments certainly don't make it easy to like him.

Quite the contrary - he's said nothing here more assholish (is that a word?) than "the players fluffed up, and now we've got to fix it for the fans."

Telling fans that if they think athletes are spoiled that they can kiss his a$$ and he doesn't want to see them back at the games? There's plenty of athletes who realize how fortunate they are to make what they make, and some can even still relate to the common fan. Obviously he isn't one of them. I do think that the NHL players acted like spoiled children during this whole thing (I'm not saying it's 100% their fault, though) so that means that JR doesn't want me as a hockey fan or going to games. Who the heck is JR anyway? Last time I checked he hasn't won anything significant in his career.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I'm not calling JR an :censored:, but these comments certainly don't make it easy to like him.

Quite the contrary - he's said nothing here more assholish (is that a word?) than "the players fluffed up, and now we've got to fix it for the fans."

Telling fans that if they think athletes are spoiled that they can kiss his a$$ and he doesn't want to see them back at the games? There's plenty of athletes who realize how fortunate they are to make what they make, and some can even still relate to the common fan. Obviously he isn't one of them. I do think that the NHL players acted like spoiled children during this whole thing (I'm not saying it's 100% their fault, though) so that means that JR doesn't want me as a hockey fan or going to games. Who the heck is JR anyway? Last time I checked he hasn't won anything significant in his career.

I agree. Listen to the "fan's can kiss my ass" comments on SportsCenter and tell me he doesn?t come across the absolute worst way at a time when the NHL needs good PR if there truly is a deal to be reached in the near future. If the NHL survives this debacle (and that's a big if), it will be by the sheer good will of the players, and management of the league - making the extra effort to reach out the fan and sign those autographs in the rain, visit kids in the hospital, do charity work, youth camps, etc. As far as the NHL has fallen, it has to rise again. And comments like JR's only push it further into that deep, deep hole.

Personally, I'll just keep watching college hockey. I didn't miss the NHL that much anyway...


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so if im understanding all of this...the playersare accepting the deal they turned down months ago!?!?!?! if so, im officially pissed.

No, they are accepting a far less lucrative deal then they turned down in February. Just show's how stupid they really are.


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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