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miced up NHL referees


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How does everyone feel about the NHL refs being miced for making the penalty calls the same way the NFL refs do?

Personally, I like it. Although I admit its not really necessary for the PA to repeat the same thing right after the ref says it. How it should be done is after the ref makes the announcement of the call, the PA just announces the time of the game the penalty comes at.

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I almost thought you meant the refs had mice on them, and was expecting a photo shopped picture of a ref with mice on him.

It's something to try, they figure it works in football...

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It could be good, if they actually took a little bit of time and announced the penalties like they do in NFL (ex: "Hooking (pause) Philadelphia, #27 (pause) that's a two-minute minor.") The way they do it now, they just sound like they're really rushing it, and really don't care. It sounds really unprofessional (at lest the games I've seen.) It is a good idea though, and could work.

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I don't like it.

Referees should not be forced to humiliate themselves, if they are uncomfortable announcing penalties, for purposes of catering to the television audience. That's what the broadcast team is there for.


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i thought this should have been done at least 20 years ago. i also think that on disputed goals, where the upstairs officials review goal or no goal, that once the word is phoned down to the ref, the ref should explain why the verdict was reached, especially on a no goal call.

when the penalty is assessed, the ref (especially the jimmy johnson hairdo of the nhl, kerry fraser) goes to center ice, and does just like bringbakcthevet says. with the signal for the penalty. if the ref is versed in french, then do it in french/english in montreal and ottawa.

also, in case of a brawl and game misconducts are handed out, we will know first hand from the ref as opposed to waiting for the p.a. man to drone. just say "#5, #10 for dallas have been given game misconducts, and #36 for buffalo has a game misconduct." then mr. p.a. guy can give us the details, for those of us scoring at home.

it's a good thing.


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I don't like it.

Referees should not be forced to humiliate themselves, if they are uncomfortable announcing penalties, for purposes of catering to the television audience. That's what the broadcast team is there for.

Why are they humiliating themselves??

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I've found it to be inconsistent at best so far.

I've been to games in 2 cities since the season started (Philadelphia, Montreal), and the refs don't always make the penalty call audibly. Maybe they don't always turn on the mic, or they're out of breath, or the volume isn't up all the way, or they don't all say the same things the same way (kinda like the MLB umpires and the variety in their "strike gesture"). Whatever the reason, it's not always heard, and the PA announcer winds up doing the same thing, but sounds smoother and more uniform while doing it.

It's a good idea, but it doesn't seem to be working from what I've seen so far.

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I've been to two regular-season games in Minnesota this year, and they haven't done it. I don't know that I like it, really; or, rather, I think I like that the PA announcer does it in a regimented way that gives all the proper informaiton.

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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