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Unfinished League Concept


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I haven't posted anything in a loooong time, but here is a concept I started last year, but never had the time to finish. These are the first 4 teams in my fantasy concept - the Canadian Arena Football League. Special thanks to the creator of the Ontario Explorers logos, Lightbluenc (LB - sorry it took so long to get these out!) The Vancouver concept is totally original but the Orcas logo, in case you couldn't tell, is a reworking of the Miami Dolphins logo. The last one is just a wordmark for the Thunder Bay (real city in Canada) Snowstorm, the Canadian equivalent of the Tampa Bay Storm.

Feel free to comment or add a team to the league.







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One day, I'm going to buy the BC Lions, and when I do, the logo will become something closer to that than what they have now.

OK, it will be smaller, and a Mountain Lion, not a Lion-Lion and probably someone on here will design it, but the day will come, you mark my words bwa hahahahahahaha.*

Which you can also take to mean, I like the Pride logo.

*bwa hahahahahahaha is the official spelling for that evil laugh you often here in cheesy movies.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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Why is the Lion on the Red jersey, but not on the white?

I'd have thought it would stand out more there than on the Red one.

Ontario is kind of weird.

Which isn't helpful but I'll explain.

OK, it's a Dark Green, and Light Blue. And Brown, and Grey, and White.

The logo, which is yet another great job by LBNC, but doesn't really stand out on the helmet. I think it's because the Green is dark, and the Brown of his hair and beard is dark too.

So all you'd realy make out on the helmet is the White, which, kinda looks like a stylised TM if all you see is the White.

New Bruswick Orcas.

Well, it just looks so much like Miami, which it's obviously based on.

But very well done I must say.

I guess, when you get used to seeing Miami logo, it's like, hey, there's something about that that's different.

Well, it's a whale, for one thing.

A little the same with this helmet as above, dark logo on a dark helmet.

I reckon it would look better with a White helmet.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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There's supposed to be a sleeve logo on the white jersey, but that's one of the unfinished parts I mentioned. There's still a few other details missing too, like the gold and white stripes on the back and side views of the Pride home jerseys. It's still a work in progress - I have a few other teams for this league I'm working on too.

Glad you like the Orcas unis - they are supposed to represent the patterns on real orcas, with the black body and light belly. The logo is obviously a joke but I think it would look cool if it wasn't based on an existing logo.

I agree that the Explorers helmet would look better in white, maybe with a green facemask. But I can't change the Orcas helmet color - I just like the black helmet with the black shoulders on the jersey. You do have a point though - I might add a thicker white or grey border to the helmet logo to make it stand out more. Which of the samples below looks better on a black background? I'm thinking the one on the right but I'll take some input.


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By the way, here's some of the teams I planned to work on for the CAFL. If anyone wants to take some of these team names and make a logo/uniform concept, go right ahead. Or you can add or change some teams if you want.

Also, the Orcas and Thunder Bay Snowstorm need their own original logos but I can't think of anything.

Here's the 2006 CAFL lineup:

New Brunswick Orcas

Vancouver Pride

Ontario Explorers

Thunder Bay Snowstorm (with an original logo)

Quebec Tribe (looking for a bad@ss eskimo with spear)

Toronto Phantoms (was a real AFL team, but I'd like to see a new logo/colors)

Ottawa Lumberjacks

BC Rapids

Hudson Bay Seadogs

Northwest Territories (will either be the Northwest Buffaloes or Northwest Falcons)

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Not bad Patriot54, not bad at all.







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not bad at all Dave, although let me get some input on this

CAFL Logo: Try Downloading the font SF Transrobotics, that way there it will be closer to the font of the AFL logo

Ontario Explorers: I actually see nothing wrong with this except I think the helmet could be better in sky blue.

New Brunswick Orcas: If you add a little more color like the water blue, try using a different font for the helmet and try enlarging the Orca this could be a badass logo.

Vancouver Pride: Try using a different Font than what you have now. I think using a different font will make the Lion seem more fierce.

Thunder Bay Snowstorm: Great Job, makes you think of the Canadien Tampa Bay Storm.

Overall a great job and I can't wait to see more

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Hi there Patriot54,

Your listing is OK except for two things that came up to my mind...

First, not too many big markets in the listing...

Two, the Québec Tribe wouldn't work as a name in Québec City because you know why, the language... Tribe is not a french word (the french version would be Tribu) and on a marketing point of view and espcially on an identification from the fans to the team, a team from Quebec City must have a french name ou better a name that coul be pronounce in both languages like they had with Nordiques...

The situation is the same in Montréal althought the coty is way much more billangual than Québec City.

i.e. in Montréal: Expos, Canadiens, Manic, Impact, Matrix, etc...

As for the league's logo which I think is genius, you should get rid of the blue and make it all white and red. It would look less american...

But then again, it's your league, your fantasy so do it the way you want ahahhahahaha

I only thought about bringing another point of vue...



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Wow, these are great, I love the Pride logo, it's different but still very cool B)

rmered, I'd love to see what you could come up for a BC Lions logo, I like the current logo, but there can definately be an upgrade on the logo.

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Thanks again for the compliments and input.

I agree that it needs a French-Canadian touch to it - I've been looking at it from an American point of view. I don't know any French, so I would need help on that one.

1) Which Canadian cities/regions are primarily French-speaking?

2) What would be some good bilingual or French team names?

I did try to use some tradition in picking the team names. For example: Niagara Falls in the Explorers logo, Quebec has the largest Inuit population, BC is the whitewater capital of Canada (Rapids) and lumber industry in Ottawa (Lumberjacks).

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Thanks again for the compliments and input.

I agree that it needs a French-Canadian touch to it - I've been looking at it from an American point of view. I don't know any French, so I would need help on that one.

1) Which Canadian cities/regions are primarily French-speaking?

2) What would be some good bilingual or French team names?

I did try to use some tradition in picking the team names. For example: Niagara Falls in the Explorers logo, Quebec has the largest Inuit population, BC is the whitewater capital of Canada (Rapids) and lumber industry in Ottawa (Lumberjacks).

THe best help I can give you off the top of my head is that Quebec is the primarily french region of Canada. Cities such as Montreal or Quebec City would work.

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By the way, here's some of the teams I planned to work on for the CAFL. If anyone wants to take some of these team names and make a logo/uniform concept, go right ahead. Or you can add or change some teams if you want.

Also, the Orcas and Thunder Bay Snowstorm need their own original logos but I can't think of anything.

Here's the 2006 CAFL lineup:

New Brunswick Orcas

Vancouver Pride

Ontario Explorers

Thunder Bay Snowstorm (with an original logo)

Quebec Tribe (looking for a bad@ss eskimo with spear)

Toronto Phantoms (was a real AFL team, but I'd like to see a new logo/colors)

Ottawa Lumberjacks

BC Rapids

Hudson Bay Seadogs

Northwest Territories (will either be the Northwest Buffaloes or Northwest Falcons)

Any reason you totally skipped Alberta?

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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By the way, here's some of the teams I planned to work on for the CAFL. If anyone wants to take some of these team names and make a logo/uniform concept, go right ahead. Or you can add or change some teams if you want.

Also, the Orcas and Thunder Bay Snowstorm need their own original logos but I can't think of anything.

Here's the 2006 CAFL lineup:

New Brunswick Orcas

Vancouver Pride

Ontario Explorers

Thunder Bay Snowstorm (with an original logo)

Quebec Tribe (looking for a bad@ss eskimo with spear)

Toronto Phantoms (was a real AFL team, but I'd like to see a new logo/colors)

Ottawa Lumberjacks

BC Rapids

Hudson Bay Seadogs

Northwest Territories (will either be the Northwest Buffaloes or Northwest Falcons)

Any reason you totally skipped Alberta?

Ontario needed four teams so the league could get a TV deal?

Llloydminster should be up for the first round of expansion . . . that oughta cover Alberta and Saskatchewan. :lol:

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I agree that it needs a French-Canadian touch to it - I've been looking at it from an American point of view. I don't know any French, so I would need help on that one.

Ok, I think I can help on the french side of the league...

As Shumway said, the province of Québec is primaly french speaking.

Montreal is the biggest city with about half of the province (3M) in population.

Québec City is the capital of the province and also the oldest city in continental North America.... Founded in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain.

This might be a place where you could look for a name.. The historical side of the city...

Few come to mind....

Québec Capitales (french for Capitals althought it once existed in the Canadien Baseball league)

Québec Patriotes (french for Patriots)

Québec Caravelles (Caravels which is the boats used by french explorers)

Québec Champlains (Name of the founder of the city)

The official colors of the province are white and blue and the symbol is a fleur de lys (kinda like the NO Saints)...

Let me know in PM if you need more help



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Wow, these are great, I love the Pride logo, it's different but still very cool B)

rmered, I'd love to see what you could come up for a BC Lions logo, I like the current logo, but there can definately be an upgrade on the logo.

Aussie Rules in Vancouver has a better logo than CFL in Vancouver.


And another thing, getting back to this topic.

Vancouver Pride would NEVER be a football team.

The Gay and Lesbian community 'own' the word "Pride" in Vancouver, and they have a Gay Pride march each year.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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