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Duke Done


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Well there go my brackets what a let down by Duke JJ Reddick could not possibilly have played worse today. I guess its no debate now Adam Morrison is better.



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If Duke can't even rebound the ball when they've got 4 guys standing at the free throw line and the shooter gets the ball back, you don't deserve to win. Myself, like ThaFlameOfAtlanta, will be collecting tomorrow. B)

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I guess its no debate now Adam Morrison is better.

Please tell me you're joking. You let one game determine that?

As much as I love to hate on Duke (and boy do I love hatin' on Duke), I can't say that this one game makes Morrison better than Redick, due to the fact that, well, we can never know that for sure until the two actually play against each other.

But still, HA HA at Duke, and HA HA for me for winning some money.



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Damn, damn, damn, damn, DAMN!

Why, J.J., why? This is the one time I wanted to see you do good and you lay a freaking egg against LSU.

Oh well... It's only one of my Final Four that's gone. As long as That Overrated School from Spokane rolls over to UCLA, UConn takes care of business and so does Villanova, I'm fine.


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I can't say that this one game makes Morrison better than Redick, due to the fact that, well, we can never know that for sure until the two actually play against each other.

Ok, now please tell me YOU'RE joking. Morrison is a forward. Redick is a guard. The two of them playing against each other wouldn't settle anything.

Morrison and Redick are both great players. Trying to conclude which one is better is like trying to conclude that pizza is better than ice cream.

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Heres how Ill determine it Morrison NBA All-Star, Reddick NBA Bust.

Morrison is clutch Reddick is not, Morrison plays for Gonzaga they are ranked in the top 10 all year tiny Gonzaga, Duke is a system and always inflaate a players abillity.



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Heres how Ill determine it Morrison NBA All-Star, Reddick NBA Bust.

Morrison is clutch Reddick is not, Morrison plays for Gonzaga they are ranked in the top 10 all year tiny Gonzaga, Duke is a system and always inflaate a players abillity.

Morrison was REALLY clutch tonight as Gonzaga choked away the game against UCLA, huh?

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Heres how Ill determine it Morrison NBA All-Star, Reddick NBA Bust.

Morrison is clutch Reddick is not, Morrison plays for Gonzaga they are ranked in the top 10 all year tiny Gonzaga, Duke is a system and always inflaate a players abillity.

Morrison was REALLY clutch tonight as Gonzaga choked away the game against UCLA, huh?

Very true.

I would go with J.J. over Morrison in the pros anyday. J.J. and Adam had similar years as top scorers in the nation ... the only difference is J.J. did it in the elite ACC while Morrison did it in the scrubby West Coast Conference.

Somebody can also tell Morrison he's not allowed to travel, like he does a dozen times per game, in the pros either.


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