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Man sues Jordan/Nike


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...errr....ahhh...yeah... :blink:

So he's suing Nike and Michael Jordan because the general population isn't very observant?

Or because he'd rather be mistaken for Michael Duncan Clarke?

Or because he has a slight resemblance to Jordan and does certain things like shaving his head, wearing an earring and wearing Jordan's sneakers?

Or because 15 minutes of someone else's fame and fortune is better than trying to earn some on your own?

Or because it's more possible to make money these days filing a dumb-ass lawsuit that it is to impersonate a celebrity?

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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how can he "sue Jordan for defamation and permanent injury, emotional pain and suffering"? I mean come on it would be an honour to be mistaken for a famous person that often. I'd say sorry im not him but thanks i'm very flattered.

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I think this whole thing is a direct result of

Can you see this guy going home and breaking down in tears because he looks like Michael Jordan? Honestly? Anyone?


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I think this whole thing is a direct result of

Can you see this guy going home and breaking down in tears because he looks like Michael Jordan?  Honestly?  Anyone?

two things alerted me about that commercial

the first is that the end seemed some what syblminal to me in the sense of " Buy GAtorade" the other thing is that it seemd that jordan kept tapping that kid's butt (can i say ass, oh well) over and over when he was guarding him. It made me crack up. Did any one else feel that way or am i crazy?

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two things alerted me about that commercial

the first is that the end seemed some what syblminal to me in the sense of " Buy GAtorade" the other thing is that it seemd that jordan kept tapping that kid's butt (can i say ass, oh well) over and over when he was guarding him. It made me crack up. Did any one else feel that way or am i crazy?

It's not subliminal at all. It was quick and to-the-point. It was a commerical, not a public service announcement.

And I think those were encouraging butt-slaps, but it was a bit awkward.

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This is why we need tort reform lawsuits like thsi shoudl be laughed out of the court before ever being filed

Amen, Tank. Better yet, we need some sort of pre-trial panel to sit on The Board of Common Sense. If your proposed suit makes the panel laugh, your case is thrown out, not allowed to be tried, and you should have to pay some kind of fine for insulting the intelligence of the nation.

Since I thought of it, I want to chair this board. I'm searching for my gavel and powdered wig as we speak.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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This is why we need tort reform lawsuits like thsi shoudl be laughed out of the court before ever being filed

Amen, Tank. Better yet, we need some sort of pre-trial panel to sit on The Board of Common Sense. If your proposed suit makes the panel laugh, your case is thrown out, not allowed to be tried, and you should have to pay some kind of fine for insulting the intelligence of the nation.

Since I thought of it, I want to chair this board. I'm searching for my gavel and powdered wig as we speak.

Amen to that!

So, let's throw this one and all the lawsuits accusing KFC of using unhealthy oil into the category to start out with.


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This is why we need tort reform lawsuits like thsi shoudl be laughed out of the court before ever being filed

Man, you fall for all of that propoganda, don't you?

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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This is why we need tort reform lawsuits like thsi shoudl be laughed out of the court before ever being filed

Man, you fall for all of that propoganda, don't you?

Oh you think lasuits like suing McDonalds for makig you fat, Michale Jordan for being bald, and KFC using Oil are good for this country?



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This is why we need tort reform lawsuits like thsi shoudl be laughed out of the court before ever being filed

Man, you fall for all of that propoganda, don't you?

Oh you think lasuits like suing McDonalds for makig you fat, Michale Jordan for being bald, and KFC using Oil are good for this country?

i agree with you.

now if Mikey D's put crack in their burgers, i can understand sueing them for being hooked on big mac's. but not because your fat ass cant say no to the extra cheese and special sauce.

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Or because it's more possible to make money these days filing a dumb-ass lawsuit that it is to impersonate a celebrity?

That made me think of something really scary. What if all the Elvis impersonators took their cases to court?

Of course, there might be a bright side. Maybe a judge would order capital punishment for all the Elvis impersonators.

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Oh you think lasuits like suing McDonalds for makig you fat, Michale Jordan for being bald, and KFC using Oil are good for this country?

Yes, they are. Our country wastes time and money in far more regrettable ways.

The fact that Fat Sue Ellen can sue a mammoth corporation like McDonald's is wonderful. By all means, her lawsuit is stupid and I hope she loses, but that civil justice system is great part of the way America works.

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Oh you think lasuits like suing McDonalds for makig you fat, Michale Jordan for being bald, and KFC using Oil are good for this country?

Yes, they are. Our country wastes time and money in far more regrettable ways.

The fact that Fat Sue Ellen can sue a mammoth corporation like McDonald's is wonderful. By all means, her lawsuit is stupid and I hope she loses, but that civil justice system is great part of the way America works.

yeah the leagal system in america is great. Innocent untill proven guilty is great. some other countries don't have that. The problem is though people have actually won cases against mcdonalds for making them fat and won.

I guess it's a double edged sword

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But her lawsuit costs McDonals money which is passed to the customer, and can lead to peopel being laid off. Nobody ever thinks of teh consequences of these friviilous lawsuits that just make lawyers rich.



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