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The Saints


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Haven't heard much prognosis about the Saints' future in Louisiana as of late. I know the NFL and state approved funding for the Superdome recently, but does that necessarily seal the deal long-term? Can anybody, especially people in the area, give me and everyone else a better read as to the team's status?

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Good topic that i have been waiting to seee when iot would rear its head

As good a feel good story the Saint marching back to New Orleans, the long term prognosis is not as promising. They probably got a lot of insurance money and combined with NFL funds they are not only refurbishing but the Superdome but adding some suites and other amenities they did not have the money for pre-Katrina. They will give away tickets for this season to survivors and volunteers but by next year will there be enough fans in town to pay for tickets. This is a team that the state was supprting thru some subsidies before the disaster. Tom Benson and the league just did not want to be bad guys a took the Saints away rather than being practical and moving the franchise. Of course the fact the owner os a goof ball and LA wanted no part him hurt things too.

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I've heard reports that many people still haven't moved back to NO, and probably won't be. That can't bode well for a team that was basicly on life support to begin with. That mixed with LA begging to a team, I can see the Saints sticking around for a season or two, then picking up and moving, saying, "Hey, we tried, but it just won't work."

I once had a car but I crashed it. I once had a guitar but I smashed it. I once, wait where am I going with this?

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they have a feel good season and win the super bowl, then all is well in NO.

Good joke.

You here all week?

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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I would picture Tom Benson "swapping" franchises with someone else if the Saints move.

Let's say the Saints do move out of New Orleans, and move his players and personel to ...Arizona for example. The next season the Arizona Cardinals would still play in Arizona but with the former Saints players and coaches and Benson at the helm.

Meanwhile the Saints (or whatever they would now call themselves) would be playing in Los Angeles with the roster from the previous season's Cardinals and be owned by the Bidwells.

In any event I do not see the city of New Orleans holding on to the Saints, or the Hornets for that matter. They may become a tourist capitol again, and they may even host a Super Bowl if and when they do recover. But I don't think they can hold onto a major league sports franchise nor do I think they should using thier resources trying to at this point.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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I regularly read their fan boards and there are claims that they have sold out for season tickets. No figures available for corporate suite sales, which is the real crux of financial success. There are still many rumors of the Saints moving to San Antonio or Los Angeles after a year or two in New Orleans, and in fact there has been a renegociation which effectively lowers the Saints buy-out clause to the state of Louisiana by 20 million dollars and reportedly allows the NFL to recoup all of the money they have given to the Superdome's rebuilding efforts in case of a franchise move.

My guess is they will move after the 2007 season. Site? Either San Antonio or Los Angeles, but only if San Antonio provides them with a new venue as neither the NFL nor Tom Benson want the current venue, the Alamodome.

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ok, call me crazy but i really feel the saints can make it in new orleans. right now season ticket sails are at an all time high (obviously b/c of reggie bush). no, there's not a lot of people back in the city and there won't be for a while, but this franchise was never just supported by the city. i think you will see that the entire state of louisiana and ms gulf coast really will support this franchise if the stupid owner could get his act together. i know you've heard it before, but this area really needs a feel good story in football. yes, i think the saints can make it here!


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LA had the Raiders, and they lost them.

As did Oakland.

Your point?

My point is, when you've had 2 teams and lost both (the Rams & Raiders), you don't get another shot. This isn't the time of the Evansville Crimson whatevers, you can't just move every other weekend.


I don't speak for democrats, democrats don't speak for me.

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