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NFL Week 1 Preview


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Not bad.....Sound solid and we'll see how they hold up...I do, however, have to nitpick my favorite team's breakdown....you have the Cowboys set to win so that's cool and hopefully it will ring true but first and foremost Bledsoe is fully capable of leading a team to the playoffs and farther....don't forget he did it with the Patriots twice (the second being the first of Tom Brady's SuperBowl "wins"...considering Bledsoe not only played more games during the season but also led the Pats TO the SuperBowl in the AFC Championship game....) But that's not what bothers me it's more of why people keep insisting there is some sort of QB controversy...considering Romo had a good preseason everyone tends to forget three things...1) it WAS preseason, 2) he's NEVER thrown a pass in a regular season football game, and 3) Both Tuna and Jerry Jones have stated that Bledsoe is the ONE who can lead the Cowboys to the playoffs....but enough of my ranting :P

You have to remember....one long bomb to TO for a TD and it changes the game completely....Jacksonville no matter how good they are can't load the line and single cover T.O., Glenn, and Witten...if they do...they YIPPEEEE for my fantasy team cuz I've got Glenn :D

Anywho...as I said up there somewhere...it is a good breakdown over all though and I look forward not only to seeing how they hold up but also Week 2's analysis!! :)

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....you have the Cowboys set to win so that's cool and hopefully it will ring true

Um, which website did you end up on? Here's what he said about Dallas:

Jaguars 17 Cowboys 10

The T.O. era in Dallas gets off to a inauspicious start as the Jaguars swarming defense pressures clay footed QB Drew Bledsoe all day, making finding the enigmatic WR nearly impossible. Don't be shocked if the stalled Cowboys turn to back up Tony Romo late in the 4th Quarter as Bill Parcells begins to wonder if he can win with Bledsoe.


Have to disagree ref Cleveland beating my Saints but we'll see on Sunday.


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....you have the Cowboys set to win so that's cool and hopefully it will ring true

Um, which website did you end up on? Here's what he said about Dallas:

Jaguars 17 Cowboys 10

The T.O. era in Dallas gets off to a inauspicious start as the Jaguars swarming defense pressures clay footed QB Drew Bledsoe all day, making finding the enigmatic WR nearly impossible. Don't be shocked if the stalled Cowboys turn to back up Tony Romo late in the 4th Quarter as Bill Parcells begins to wonder if he can win with Bledsoe.

my bad....must have had a little lapse with dyslexia....could have sworn it said Cowboys 17....anywho...looks like we'll wait and see...I'm not saying the Jags probably aren't the better team but the Cowboys had a good season last year with the O-line being a concern later in the season and kicking being the big problem....as everyone knows by now 3 games were decided by 3 points or less in which the Cowboys had the opportunity to tie or win but missed the FG attempt....this year the O-line is a bit older and smarter...everything else about the team has gotten better (with the possible exception of kicking again but that will have to be seen to decide)

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I only have one major complaint about this one:

Why the heck do you have the Vikings (who I think are just as awful if not worse than the Skins) winning by two touchdowns? I realize you've fallen in love with this "Redskins got pasted in the preseason" argument, but that was PRESEASON! The preseason means NOTHING. If it meant something, my Colts would've probably gone 4-12 or something like that last year (since they were 0-5 in preseason last year and got pasted almost each time). I realize Portis is out and Brunell is another year older, but what exactly makes them any worse than the Vikings, whose best receiver is Troy Williamson?!?! Think about it, if you were an old, sucky QB like Brad Johnson who would you rather throw to: Moss, Randle El and Brandon Lloyd or Troy Williamson, Travis Taylor and Marcus Robinson? For that matter, would you rather have TJ Duckett or Mewelde Moore as your runningback? I'm not saying you're completely wrong here, I'm just saying look at the teams and how they stack up, and you'll find out that the Skins are better.

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The Bills are a mess

At least they're not as much of a mess as the Lions or Browns. :P

If they can upgrade the o-line I think they can be respectable. My prediction for the Bills this year is 7-9 only because they have a fairly easily schedule, NYJ(2), TEN, DET, GB, HOU. There is 6 wins that they have a 50/50 or better chance at winning. If they can get a few upsets they have a very, very, very small chance at the playoffs. I can think positive right. :D

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....you have the Cowboys set to win so that's cool and hopefully it will ring true

Um, which website did you end up on? Here's what he said about Dallas:

Jaguars 17 Cowboys 10

The T.O. era in Dallas gets off to a inauspicious start as the Jaguars swarming defense pressures clay footed QB Drew Bledsoe all day, making finding the enigmatic WR nearly impossible. Don't be shocked if the stalled Cowboys turn to back up Tony Romo late in the 4th Quarter as Bill Parcells begins to wonder if he can win with Bledsoe.


Have to disagree ref Cleveland beating my Saints but we'll see on Sunday.

The Tony Romo watch has already started...

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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