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2006 World Series Preview


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Oh and if teh Brraves were in it you would not pick the Braves

Not neccecaraly. There's a difference between wanting your team to win, and thinking about who's really going to win.

I wanted the Leafs to win opening night against the Sens. Still, if I had to make a prediction, I would have picked Ottawa. Sadly, I would have been right.

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Oh and if teh Brraves were in it you would not pick the Braves

Not neccecaraly. There's a difference between wanting your team to win, and thinking about who's really going to win.

I wanted the Leafs to win opening night against the Sens. Still, if I had to make a prediction, I would have picked Ottawa. Sadly, I would have been right.

Theres a dufference between opening nufght and the World Series if your team is good enough to bein the World Series you must think they will win.



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You know what then you are not as big as fan as I am clearly I am a Mets fan see my avitar though it will change in a few days not sure to what but it will be back in April in some form, so you can take it with a grain of slat and yeah logically to think The Mets could beat the Tigers would have been tough but IM a fan I would have found a way when your team is in the finals you must find a way.



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You know what then you are not as big as fan as I am clearly I am a Mets fan see my avitar though it will change in a few days not sure to what but it will be back in April in some form, so you can take it with a grain of slat and yeah logically to think The Mets could beat the Tigers would have been tough but IM a fan I would have found a way when your team is in the finals you must find a way.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the longest sentence ever to appear on the CCSLC.

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You know what then you are not as big as fan as I am clearly I am a Mets fan see my avitar though it will change in a few days not sure to what but it will be back in April in some form, so you can take it with a grain of slat and yeah logically to think The Mets could beat the Tigers would have been tough but IM a fan I would have found a way when your team is in the finals you must find a way.

So you're telling me that I'm not a fan because I don't try to act unbiased then pick my favorite team anyway? Huh..and here I was hoping I would grow up just like ESPN.


I don't speak for democrats, democrats don't speak for me.

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I'm not gonna say anyone isn't a fan if they don't think this way.

But I will say I'm a huge fan and my thought process works like Tank. I always believe in my team. Period.

That said, I avoid making predictions a lot of the time and just go ahead and say my team can do it.

So, I'm not in agreement with Tank all the way-- I'm not gonna tell anyone how big of a fan he/she is or isn't, and I usually avoid making predictions-- but I do back his mindset.

As for the prediction, remember, the Cards are plenty injury riddled as well.

Mulder and Isringhausen are out completley and have been for a while. When both were playing, niether were playing healthy thus making thier stats this year pretty bad and hurting the Cards performance. Remember, that's the Cards #2 pitcher and their closer. Those are big injuries.

Eckstein and Eckstein missed a significant chunk of time to injuries and really hurt their stats because of it. They're back now because they're recovered, but they are FAR from 100%. They're gutting it out because it's the playoffs, and they're doing a darn good job.

Rolen missed most of last year with a shoulder that needed an operation. He returned this year on a shoulder that was about 80%, put up good numbers to start the year but has gone completley downhill in the second half because his shoulder has worn back down. His competitive drive prevented him from telling the truth and sitting out, and now he's trying to up that drive and overcome the pain to play well.

Albert has actually played through injuries most of his career. None of the ones that are normally there are being mentioned now, but he does have a bad hammy that he's toughing out. Also, his RISP wasn't so good (though he didn't have many chances), and his HR and RBIs weren't good in the NLCS, but his average was right there above .300 the whole series. He didn't play nearly as bad as you (and FOX) made it out.

Sure it's convienent to say the Cards wouldn't have beat the Mets if not for injuries, but that's just not fair. They happen. The Cards very well may have won 90 games without their injuries (look at Izzy's blown saves and Mulder's crummy stats...if they're healthy, they win us a good few more games). Regardless, the Cards did enough to get to the playoffs, and beat the Mets, period.

There's no reason they can't beat the Tigers. The Cardinals have won the games they've had to. They lost a lot of games that made their once big divisional lead narrow...but every time they did, they responded by winning to hold on to their lead. They've won in the playoffs when they've had to.

This is a team that's been hurt by injuries, has often just not performed, but has shown and ability to fight through injuries and struggles, and lately they've been doing just that. And when they're doing that, they can beat anyone.

Don't underestimate them.

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Games 2 and 7 will be opposite Sunday Night Football, so it's not worth watching. ^_^

Actually there isn't an NBC Sunday Night Football game tomorrow night, but there is a ESPN Sunday Night College Football game, USF @ Ciincinnati. I'm not sure about next week though.

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Thank you, NJTank!!!

I've won 100 bucks betting for the Cards!!! Every poster of the Cards' fans there in New Busch Stadium about the "experts" always made me reminding you!!!

(Man, oh man, I'm just kidding!) :D


It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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