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Would you prefer?


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Okay I am gonna suggest a sports related problem, someone answers it and then suggests another similar problem.

Would you prefer:

Your team to win the superbowl but you miss the game or to watch your team lose the Superbowl?


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Having seen the latter happen last June, I'd go for missing the big game.  You can always buy the championship video.

I actually vowed that if the Senators met the Ducks in the finals last season, I'd just record every game and not watch until the series was over.  (I made that vow in April and it came really close to happening.)

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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Okay then...

If a tree that is as tall as the speed of light falls in the forest at the speed of light and nobody is around when it happens, but someone does walk by top of where the tree stood ten and half days later, does it make a sound?

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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*shakes head at failure of idea!!*

Lets try again!

Would you prefer to score a touchdown of a 60 yard run in a superbowl but lose the game, or be third string quarterback on a superbowl winning team?

(when you answer suggest a new problem, please someone!!) (starting would you prefer...)


2011/12 WFL Champions

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I'm a Red Sox fan....win the whole thing of course!!

Question: would you rather your favorite team finish last place for 10 consecutive years and go away through contraction, or be a .500 team that doesn't win a championship until it moves to a new city? (Montreal Expos/Cleveland Browns)

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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To the first question: From someone who has seen his 2 big favorite teams lose the championship in 7 games after being up 3 games to 2. You miss it!! To watch your team lode in a deciding game is just heartbreaking.

to the second question: Win the game, because you will get that ring and you can say to everyone you won the Super Bowl. With the other one, you'll make the NFL Films highlight, but it would just be a footnote that people would probably forget.

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Question: would you rather your favorite team finish last place for 10 consecutive years and go away through contraction, or be a .500 team that doesn't win a championship until it moves to a new city? (Montreal Expos/Cleveland Browns)

The second one. It reflects badly on your city to have your team fold.

To have lost your team to another city and see them win must be heartbreaking, but at least you can say "If they were here, and it weren't for that [insert evil owner's name here], that would've been us," and have some sort of pride left.

NEXT QUESTION: Would you rather have your team win the championship, and then miss the playoffs and become a laughingstock in the next season, or have your team make the semifinals both years?

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NEXT QUESTION: Would you rather have your team win the championship, and then miss the playoffs and become a laughingstock in the next season, or have your team make the semifinals both years?

having expierenced this as a Buccaneers fan, i would say win it all and miss the playoffs next season. Winning it all means more than just making it part way every year.

NEXT QUESTION: As a big name Free Agent: Would you rather; sign with a below par team for an incredibly large salary and go through your final years of, OR resign with your recent championship winning team for a smaller salary and finish out your career on one team?

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NEXT QUESTION: As a big name Free Agent: Would you rather; sign with a below par team for an incredibly large salary and go through your final years of, OR resign with your recent championship winning team for a smaller salary and finish out your career on one team?

I'm a loyalty guy, personally, stick with the same team. Breaks my heart to see Malone and Payton playing for the Lakers, just so they can get a ring. If the team I'd been with didn't want me I would retire I think.

NEXT QUESTION: You've just moved to a chapionship challenging team, but you are nearing retirement, your old team, who you have been playing for for years, offers you a one time chance to be an assistant coach. The offer won't come again. You aren't a starter with your new tewam, do you take the coaching offer?


2011/12 WFL Champions

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NEXT QUESTION: You've just moved to a chapionship challenging team, but you are nearing retirement, your old team, who you have been playing for for years, offers you a one time chance to be an assistant coach. The offer won't come again. You aren't a starter with your new team, do you take the coaching offer?

I'd take the coaching offer. If I know that your best playing days are behind me, then I should think about what I should do after my playing days are over. Also, it new challenge that can have longevity if you do well.

QUESTION: Your favourite team moved to a new city, a few years later your city gets a new team. The old team wins a championship while your new teams struggles year after year. Which of the teams do you root for?

I saw, I came, I left.

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QUESTION: Your favourite team moved to a new city, a few years later your city gets a new team. The old team wins a championship while your new teams struggles year after year. Which of the teams do you root for?

Depending on the two cities involved you could root for both teams, and it also depends on how old you are, if they moved when you were say 5 you wouldn't have the same emotional ties to them. However I would say in general root for the new team

Next question:You see a famous player, who you admire, is signing autographs at a local store as you go past. If you get in the queue youi will be late for a hot date, do you get in the line and miss the date?


2011/12 WFL Champions

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you go on the date...the autograph isn't that important.

next question: you bleed blue and orange and watch your team lose 119 games in a season, but you don't live in that town anymore.....do you still root for the tigers, or do you root for the braves now that you are in their geographical demographic now?

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You can do both since it's unlikely the Tigers and Braves would ever meet in the World Series.

Next Question: Your out-of-town boss informs you he "may" be in town next Tuesday night and would want to meet you for dinner, but won't be able to commit until Monday.  Meanwhile, your best friend calls you on Saturday and informs you he has a ticket to Tuesday night's Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals (work with me here, it's a hypo).  He needs an answer immediately.  Do you take the ticket and gamble that the bossman decides not to visit?

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Do you take the ticket and gamble that the bossman decides not to visit?

You take the ticket, even if the boss was for sure coming to town.

A bit of a twist on an old question: Assuming the money is close (although slightly skewed towards the Major Leagues), do you stay with your AAA team and help them win the league championship, or move up to the big club that is competitive but out of the playoff picture?

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