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Falcons Concept


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I was bored, and I haven't done an NFL concept in a while, so I decided to try the falcons. I don't hate what they have now, but I don't love it either. I don't like how they have silver in the logo but nowhere in the jersey, so I changed the outermost outline to black on the logo, and red when it is on a black background. I decided to try to incorporate the style of the logo into the uniforms, and simplify the uniforms a little bit. They have way too much going on in the sleeves, so I left them plain except for the logo, which now has the sleeve to itself. People also seem to think the falcons should go back to a red helmet, so I did that. This isn't my best concept, but I think it turned out decent. Let me know what you think.



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Absolutely awesome. My only suggestion would be to make the sleeves on the away white, but even in red this is still a really nice looking set.


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I tried both of your suggestions. I think the black looked better without the white striping, since everything has black there with red on the inside. The way I had it keeps everything interchangable. The white sleeves on the white jersey does look good though. It looks cleaner, plus it looks less like the cardinals. Here they are.



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I love the red helmets. I felt like they should have gone red with the uniform revamping they did a couple of years ago. I like the Red jersey's for the home set, and black as the alternate. I don't really like the white piping on the black jersey, it's a little too much.

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Looking GREAT..i really dislike the white piping on the black jersey though..i loved the more subtle small red piping


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Yeah, I liked the first black jersey better too, it matched everything else. I was just showing people what their suggestions looked like. I will go with the first, but I do kind of like the all white jersey better than the one with red shoulders, so I might go with that one instead.


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looks great man. the way i see it, the "piping" that you have on there is more of a stripe than piping. i think if you added actual white piping by outlining the black stripe on the all black one, it could do 1 of 2 things:

1. make it look really kick butt


2. look very cluttered and ruin the whole concept.

lol just my take on it.


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wow. i usually don't like these more modern uniform styles, but you've really got a great one here. still, i think it could be better. the all, white jersey is perfect, don't touch. the red jersey, though, i think should have white inserts, as should the red pants (the inserts are red right now). the original black jersey with black stripes and red inserts was perfect as well. maybe you could reverse the new black jersey and try red stripes with white inserts? it's worth trying. i would also get rid of the helmet stripe, but that's just because i don't usually like them in conjunction with a logo.

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