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"THE" Ricky Williams Fails April Drug Test

Burning River

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Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams tested positive for marijuana in April and will not be allowed to apply for reinstatement to the NFL until September, sources said.

Williams was suspended last year for violation of the substance abuse policy and was eligible to be reinstated this month, but the league's medical advisors that oversee Williams' personal rehabilitation program recently notified commissioner Roger Goodell of the positive test, sources said.

The doctors also recommended that Williams not be allowed to apply for reinstatement until September, sources said. The commissioner usually adheres to the advice of the medical advisors under the substance abuse policy.

"Falling off the wagon is part of rehab," a source said. "Based on the medical evidence in Ricky's case, the doctors say it's too early to come back. He had the positive test last month. Remember, he's been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder -- that's a real disease and a good percentage of those folks self-medicate with substances like marijuana, often at the moment they are about to have a high level of social interaction."

League spokesman Greg Aiello said the NFL would have no comment, as did Dolphins spokesman Harvey Greene.

David Cornwell, an attorney who has represented Williams during his substance abuse cases, said he would honor the confidentiality policies in effect with another no comment.

Wether you or for or against pot. The NFL simply has a rule against it. He could've mad a few million dollars with an incentive based contract. But, he still can't stay away from it. Amazing.

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And why should he? Marijuana is not addictive, doesn't hurt anyone, and has no long-term ill effects. And I say this as someone who abhors the practice and most definitely does not enjoy being around people who smoke.

However, if the NFL allows alcohol ingestion -- and it does -- it needs to stop testing for marijuana use. I've never read of any NFL player that gets high and runs people over. Now drinking? That's, obviously, an entirely different story.

This is just so stupid.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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And why should he? Marijuana is not addictive, doesn't hurt anyone, and has no long-term ill effects. And I say this as someone who abhors the practice and most definitely does not enjoy being around people who smoke.

However, if the NFL allows alcohol ingestion -- and it does -- it needs to stop testing for marijuana use. I've never read of any NFL player that gets high and runs people over. Now drinking? That's, obviously, an entirely different story.

This is just so stupid.

Alcohol = legal

Marijuana = illegal

Alcohol = enjoyed by the people in charge


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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And why should he? Marijuana is not addictive, doesn't hurt anyone, and has no long-term ill effects. And I say this as someone who abhors the practice and most definitely does not enjoy being around people who smoke.

However, if the NFL allows alcohol ingestion -- and it does -- it needs to stop testing for marijuana use. I've never read of any NFL player that gets high and runs people over. Now drinking? That's, obviously, an entirely different story.

This is just so stupid.

Alcohol = legal

Marijuana = illegal

Alcohol = enjoyed by the people in charge

Couldn't have put it any better.

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Validity of marijuana laws aside (and yeah, I've got issues with 'em, even though I've never done it,) the rule is in place in the NFL. And, well, rules are rules. And Ricky broke that rule again, and again, and again. Regardless of what we all think of that rule, he knowingly lit up in the face of it. And so, along come the consequences.

Would it be vaild to say that Ricky Williams pulled a TCR with THC?

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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And why should he? Marijuana is not addictive, doesn't hurt anyone, and has no long-term ill effects. And I say this as someone who abhors the practice and most definitely does not enjoy being around people who smoke.

However, if the NFL allows alcohol ingestion -- and it does -- it needs to stop testing for marijuana use. I've never read of any NFL player that gets high and runs people over. Now drinking? That's, obviously, an entirely different story.

This is just so stupid.

Alcohol = legal

Marijuana = illegal

Alcohol = enjoyed by the people in charge

Right. You could probably extend that to marijuana, heroin and coke too. Everyone does everything. Who is the NFL's crusade against pot actually benefiting?

I understand that it's the NFL's rule, but it's a stupid rule and they should change it. So there.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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It's not just against pot, it's against substance abuse in general. I'm pretty sure there are a couple players who have multiple DUI charges that are in the program. Anyway, Ricky's 1-year suspension was for something that he took as part of holistic medicine and this little thing doesn't do much beyond set his reinstatement back to September.

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This is why I tried to make the note that this shouldn't turn in to a Pot argument. That would get us nowhere regarding the topic. A "Pro Pot" or "Anti Pot" thread can be created in "The Lounge".

He is choosing not to follow the rule. It's basically a business agreement that HE SIGNED. I'm saying that if I was able to make millions of dollars as long as I followed that rule. I'd follow the freakin' rule. Weather it was alcohol, drugs or soda.

And if he doesn't want to quit, freakin' fine. Just quit trying to get reinstated.

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If you're going to make a note, you should learn to use the tools of the board a bit better. It looks at first like you just cut and paste an article without anything additional. In the future, the quote tool might make your post easier to comprehend.

Anyway, it doesn't work to make a new topic and then tell people your opinion is the be-all and end-all. I'm not sure what discussion there is to have about Ricky Williams breaking rules other than to examine said broken rule. That is, unless you wanted pages and pages of "what an idiot!" follow-ups, but I don't think that would be very much fun.

And "Burning River" sounds like something you might want to get checked out by a doctor. I wish you luck.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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It's not a stupid rule. Maybe a stupid law.

I've got no problem with the NFL choosing to be harsh on actions that break the law (especially cases like this where the law would never catch him, but the NFL can).

So argue against the law, not the rule.

But I personally wouldn't argue against the law, though I only have enough knowledge on the subject to know that I need to do more research or keep my mouth shut. And so for now, I'll do the latter.

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Marijuana isn't addictive? It sure seems Ricky Williams is addicted.

It IS addictive. Much less so than most hard drugs, but addictive nonetheless.

But, nearly anything that comes out of the back and forth legalizing marijuana debate is pretty disputable. There's not been all that many studies, and those that are out there often conflict. That's why I have trouble voicing an opinion.

I feel like marjuana is bad. But I also feel like social and responsible consumption of alcohol is okay. And there's certainly an argument out there that I (and so many) might be hypocritcal for thinking like that. So instead of really risking that, I try and stay neutral and maybe learn a little more before I take a strong stance.

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Marijuana is not addictive, doesn't hurt anyone, and has no long-term ill effects.

...except brain damage, lung damage. etc., just like any other smoked drug. And marijuana is addictive, just like any other drug.

I hope you were kidding when you made this statement. You're usually a lot more educated than this.

As a non-user of marijuana (or any other drug....other than alcohol), I don't care much about the stuff. I don't smoke and won't ever start. But if marijuana were made legal, I wouldn't oppose it, but I'd like for the stuff to be highly-taxed.

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Marijuana is not addictive, doesn't hurt anyone, and has no long-term ill effects.

...except brain damage, lung damage. etc., just like any other smoked drug. And marijuana is addictive, just like any other drug.

I hope you were kidding when you made this statement. You're usually a lot more educated than this.

As a non-user of marijuana (or any other drug....other than alcohol), I don't care much about the stuff. I don't smoke and won't ever start. But if marijuana were made legal, I wouldn't oppose it, but I'd like for the stuff to be highly-taxed.

Holy Hell Hedley! (say that three times fast)! I think I'm in complete agreement with you.

Like I said before, I'm a little hesitant to speak out on it because there's a lot of disputing studies people can throw back and forth, but I'm under the impression that marijuana is addictive (but less than harder drugs), it causes lung damage (even moreso than cigarettes), and you can in fact smoke yourself stupid if done regularly as it builds up and continues to damage the brain, and that's all in addition to the short-term impairments.

Now, maybe those things don't call for it to be illegal, but I think it's enough that I'd discourage people from using it or at least regulate it with a tax as Hedley suggests.

Also, I'm kind of in love with your member title, too. That's good stuff, lol.

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Is caffeine addictive?

Just sayin...

That's a fair response, but it fails to address the lung, brain, and short term impairment effects.

Again, I won't argue that it definitely should be illegal. But it's certainly not harmless.

10:4. I'm just pointing out that we have legal substances which are more addictive, more dangerous and more damaging than weed. We also have laws that are prosecuted at the same level as marijuana usage that don't warrant any type of punishment whatsoever from the NFL. So why does the league get its panties in such a wad over a nickel bag?

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