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uniforms you dislike


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Any uniform with advertising on it. Football/soccer, the former NFL Europa, Euro basketball, etc. It's all the sign of the apocalypse to me.

One of the reasons why I probably won't ever address soccer kits on the SSUR is that they look more like billboards than uniforms to me.

I'm also somewhat appalled as to how accepting most fans are to this.

I agree completely, as long as we're talking about teams that are organized at a corporate level like teams are in the four top North American leagues. Independent, private ownership makes selling ad space on the jerseys an insult to the fans. But some European football teams are organized as joint-stock corporations with public trading of ownership shares (even though most such teams have individual majority owners). For teams organized that way, I don't mind them selling advertising. I trust the executives of a public, joint-stock company with open books to make the decision that fielding the best possible team in the best possible stadium requires selling ads on the team uniform. Might very well be the best thing for the team. But I just cannot trust the owners of a private company with closed books to make such a decision, since there will always be an inherent conflict of interest between the owner's bottom line and any extra outlay on behalf of the team or the fans.

However, in all cases I hate, hate, hate that the sponsor's ads are put on the replica jerseys sold to fans, and that fans accept this. If Emirates Air wants to advertise on my chest, it can make me a cash offer. But I will not pay money to wear someone else's advertisement. When I lived in Amsterdam, I told the folks at the Ajax team store that I'd be willing to pay MORE for a jersey without the ad on it (ABN-Amro, I think), but such a product could not be offered. So I spent zero euros on Ajax merchandise.

What you have to understand is that sports clubs (and thats what they are outside of the US, not franchises) are not financially viable on there own. They need the sponsors to go around. Sports fans around the world understand that for the team to be around in 10-15years, they need to sell shirt space for the money.

You have to understand it's not about annoying the fans with sponsors, they'd rather see the club survive. I'm pretty sure most sports fans would rather their team survive than care about what sponsor is the front of their jumper.

It's simple, in professional sport, you need money from somewhere. Sports ventures or clubs are nont-for-profit usually, and don't make a helluva lot of money. One way for them to survive is to put a logo on the front of their jumper.

The fan's don't care.


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Timberwolves- Please, get rid of the 1990's-style green triangles.

Wizards- I just don't like blue and gold together

76ers- 76ers is patriotic, use red white and blue!


Bills- I hate the whole set, including the helmet. Horrible update for Buffalo

Dolphins- They need to go back to the earlier versions of this jersey. These keep getting worse and worse

Seahawks- I hate the monochrome, and I hate the jerseys even without the pants; the color is bad, plus the neon green kills it.


Tampa Bay- The logo sucks, and the jersey doesnt help.

Nashville- I hate this logo too, and I dont like all the silver.

Buffalo- Again, horrible logo, horrible jersey as well.


Toronto- BLUE Jays. Period.

Florida- The jerseys need more teal, less black!

Washington- I mean come on, these just suck all around. Red dominates the home jersey, while blue dominates the away. I just freaking hate that. Plus the wordmark sucks as well.

Pittsburgh (Alt)- Why, why?

Baltimore- Just putting Baltimore on the away would take it off my list, but no, the ownership refuses.

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- logos above nameplates (Cardinals et. al.)

- the way Gary Sheffield et. al. wear their pants cuffs

- teams that use the city name in logos that appear on the uni (which appears to be a big thing in Tampa Bay)

- pointy helmet stripes (Panthers)

- bad monochromes (the usual suspects, I'm not a homer, Dear God no, AAHHH!!! MY EYES!!)

- "just to be different" number fonts (Falcons, Chargers)

- "tribute" accent colors (Georgia Tech gold stripes on the first Falcons helmet, Chargers' powder blue, Bills' old blue in the helmet stripe)

- "why bother with a logo" copout designs (wait, is this one too fancy?)

- use of black "just because" (they knighted him?)

- modern uniform design in general (Falcons, Cardinals, Vikings)

- cartoonish logos


- Bills (except their (**) throwbacks)

- Bengals

- Falcons

- Vikings

- Cardinals

- Patriots alts and flying Elvis logo

- Dolphins orange alts

- Bengals orange alts

- Titans "luv ya blue" monochrome set

- Broncos

- new Chargers (what I've seen so far, have to see them on the field to render a final judgement)

- Eagles black alt

- Bears blue monochrome set

- Lions goofy black outlines and black alts

- Saints gold alts and old "state of Louisiana" logo (as patch ok, as sleeve/pants logo not ok)

- Rams blue monochromes

- Seahawks blue monochomes

Never would have thought this list would be so long. Glad I only closely follow the NFL... :D


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I'm not sure what you took my comment as, but I was saying that all teams uniforms can be changed. It looked like you were trying to argue with me and we have the same stance on the topic. I think that any team's uniforms can be throughout time.

I was not arguing with you, I was adding to your point, it was directed at the other person you had responded to.


I only come around here once in a while to annoy you people, and by people I mean you mutha :censored:as.

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- Blue Jackets' red pants (They should be the Red Trousers instead)

- Sabres' buffaslug

- Kings


- Raiders' entire identity

- Broncos' entire identity

- Chiefs' entire identity

- Patriots' entire identity

- Titans' yearly tweaks

- Cowboys' 5 million shades of blue and grey


- Nuggets

- 76ers

- new Hawks

- Jazz

- Suns

- Spurs


They all have boring uniforms.

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I was just wondering why everyone hates the Bills jerseys. Whever someone said they dont like them they just wrote "I hate these" or "For the same reasons evryone else put" But no one ever put any real reasons. I think when worn the right way they look pretty good:



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I was just wondering why everyone hates the Bills jerseys. Whever someone said they dont like them they just wrote "I hate these" or "For the same reasons evryone else put" But no one ever put any real reasons. I think when worn the right way they look pretty good:



I think the reason everyone hates them is the fact that they use both royal and navy blue.

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I was just wondering why everyone hates the Bills jerseys. Whever someone said they dont like them they just wrote "I hate these" or "For the same reasons evryone else put" But no one ever put any real reasons. I think when worn the right way they look pretty good:



I think the reason everyone hates them is the fact that they use both royal and navy blue.

And once again I go back to my previous post, why do the Cowboys get a pass? becuase they are considered classic.

The Cowboys actually look good in their road uniforms, but they never wear them. BTW I do not like the Bills uniforms, but I don't think they are as bad as everybody says. They just need to be tweeked a little. Eliminate a coople shades of blue, chang the face mask to blue etc.


I only come around here once in a while to annoy you people, and by people I mean you mutha :censored:as.

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My issue with the Bills is the blue yoke used. Plus the layout of the pant striping seems poorly executed. The use of two blues actually doesn't bother me. In this case, IMO the colors are fine. The application sucks.


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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My issue with the Bills is the blue yoke used. Plus the layout of the pant striping seems poorly executed. The use of two blues actually doesn't bother me. In this case, IMO the colors are fine. The application sucks.

I think the pants are the nicest part of their uniforms, especially the dark ones.


I only come around here once in a while to annoy you people, and by people I mean you mutha :censored:as.

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NBA: Kings Gold, Wiz Gold, Nugs Navy, Hawks overhaul, Celtics alts

MLB: Pirates Ketchup, Rockies Alts, Padres Khaki

NFL: Anyone with unneeded gray mask (Colts, Browns, Cards), Vikings, Bills, Bengals side panels

NHL: Preds, Thrashers, Canucks, Pens use of Vegas gold

That's about it. I really don't hate one set from any professional team. It's all the unneeded stuff like gray masks, shoulder yokes, socks that are the same color as the pants, logos above nameplates, mismatching sets (Senators), and little things like that, that ruin a look for me.

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This thread kind of depresses me. Normally I love these types of threads, and gladly join in, but the uniforms of teams I root for are getting pretty well panned in here today. Which is nothing new... it happens a lot... but for some reason it's bugging me lately. Stupid homerism.

But while I'm in here ranting (actually, this is an edit, so I came back to rant more) I don't understand disliking the Diamondbacks' uniforms based solely on the fact that they may or may not look like the Astros' uniforms. (At least in the confines of a "worst uniforms" thread, and at least if you don't ALSO say you hate the Astros' uniforms.) Even if they WERE a carbon copy, does that make them more or less good looking than if the Astros' uniforms never existed? Judge them on their own merit, I say. If you think the Astros look good, and the Diamondbacks look like the Astros... don't the Diamondbacks then look good as well? Just something that has bugged me.

Also, while I'm still in here ranting...

1) The Buffalo Bills do not use "12 shades of blue." They use 2. Navy and royal. Perhaps the royal of the alternate throwback uniforms is different than the royal of the home/away uniforms, (I'm honestly not sure) but they never wear any combination of their alt. with elements from their normal home/away sets.

2) It's not the Indians "Alt I" uniforms. The sunday/holiday home uniform, with an I on the cap, has a rather large Chief Wahoo on the left breast, and so as to further not snub the lovers of the grinning chief, he's also on the batting helmets. Yes, the I logo is weak on the batting practice uniform, but on the Sunday alts the I is a cap logo, and IMO it looks pretty good up there. And also IMO, if you want to complain about an Indians uniform, make it be the navy shirt alt. It looks like it doesn't belong with the rest of the set, and dark colour jerseys in baseball is tacky. Your dugout jacket is a dark team colour. Leave that in the dugout.

3) The jay is blue. The team is not. A jay is not a part of a uniform (like, for example, red socks) and the depiction ON the uniform of the bird is, in fact, blue plumed. Do I think the Blue Jays should use more blue? Yes. But when people say "it's the BLUE jays, DUH" it rubs me the wrong way, because... DUH, the jay IS blue. No more than that can or should be assumed.

4) Get off my lawn, whipper snappers.

In conclusion, I need more sleep. Unfortunately that's going to take 5 more months until my child is born, and then a good 25 to 30 years between this first child being born and what we intend to be the last one to finally move out, so I wouldn't look for me to be any nicer for at least another 30 years or so.


"You could put an empty orange helmet on the 50-yard line at Cleveland Browns Stadium and 50,000 fans would show up to stare at it."

-Terry Pluto

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I was just wondering why everyone hates the Bills jerseys. Whever someone said they dont like them they just wrote "I hate these" or "For the same reasons evryone else put" But no one ever put any real reasons. I think when worn the right way they look pretty good:



I think the reason everyone hates them is the fact that they use both royal and navy blue.

Two blues is bad enough (except for the Titans), but the Bills definitely don't look right when they wear all blue or all white. The problem is, they rarely wear their unis in the 'right' way:

Since 2002 'upgrade':

Blue jersey/blue pants: 36 times :blink: (including 3 times on the road)

Blue jersey/white pants: 8 times (including 4 times on the road)

White jersey/blue pants: 13 times (went 0-10 in them for a stretch)

White jersey/white pants: 19 times

Throwbacks: 3 times

Home games: blue/blue 33 times, blue/white 4 times, and throwbacks 2 times

Road games: white/white 19 times, white/blue 13 times, blue/blue 3 times, blue/white 4 times, throwbacks 1 time.

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But while I'm in here ranting (actually, this is an edit, so I came back to rant more) I don't understand disliking the Diamondbacks' uniforms based solely on the fact that they may or may not look like the Astros' uniforms. (At least in the confines of a "worst uniforms" thread, and at least if you don't ALSO say you hate the Astros' uniforms.) Even if they WERE a carbon copy, does that make them more or less good looking than if the Astros' uniforms never existed? Judge them on their own merit, I say. If you think the Astros look good, and the Diamondbacks look like the Astros... don't the Diamondbacks then look good as well? Just something that has bugged me.

I would tend to agree.

Sure, the Diamondbacks' new look bears some similarity to that of the Astros. That doesn't mean the D-Backs look isn't solid. If anything, it is a great improvement on that of the Astros. Let them change and let Arizona keep theirs.

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Baggy jerseys and pants

Pants that come down the ankle

Gray road uni's

Pinstripes (except for the Yankees and the 80's Mets uni's)

Boring bland logos

The lack of 70's pullover and Japanese style uni's

Socks instead of stirrups


Solid color socks as opposed to striped socks

Logos on the sleeves as opposed to stripes

Helmets without stripes (with the exception of the Cardinals and New Charger helmets)

Quarterbacks that wear loose sleeves rather than tight sleeves


Wordmark logos, ARE YOU LISTENING ANAHEIM!!! The Capitals get a pass because its a revamped version of their old school logo, but there is no excuse for the ducks F-ing this up

Asymetrial jerseys. Makes players look like power rangers on ice

Pants without stripes

Pointy shoulder yokes


Baggy jerseys and pants. Makes me not even able to tell if I'm watching a basketball game or a hip-hop video

Wide shoulder jerseys. looks like something the WNBA would wear

90's style big logos on jerseys. See the Rockets, Raptors, and Hawks 90's jerseys to see what I'm talking about

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I was just wondering why everyone hates the Bills jerseys. Whever someone said they dont like them they just wrote "I hate these" or "For the same reasons evryone else put" But no one ever put any real reasons. I think when worn the right way they look pretty good:



They don't look good under any conditions. The blue yoke on the white jerseys is hideously large and just plain ugly. The outline around the numbers on both jerseys makes it cluttered and is unnecessary. The Bill on the helmet is royal blue, when almost nothing else is. The navy stripe through royal blue stripe on the helmet not only doesn't coordinate, but looks forced. The red sidepanels are useless and make the jersey seem more cluttered. The red piping around the yoke is just plain bad looking.

And on top of all that, they usually wear monochrome sets.

I mean seriously, is there anything else you want me to say? The whole look is hideous.

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