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What's going on with weird baseball injuries this spring?


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Felix Pie of the Cubs with a twisted testicle and now Kaz Matsui...

Kaz Matsui-2B- Astros Mar. 11 - 10:25 am et

Kaz Matsui will miss four to five days with an anal fissure.

That's an unnatural tear or crack in the anus skin, for those of you not in the know. Matsui is expected to be out until at least Friday. Anal fissures can become chronic problems, but the Astros hope using a different medication will sooth Matsui's issue.

Source: Houston Chronicle

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Wow... whatever happened to when baseball players had simple problems like, I don't know: Steroids & HGH.

Couldn't they lie and say "His arm fell off... and then a miracle happened. They were able to sew it back on by Friday" ?? This is waaaay too much info. It's bad enough ALL OF his team mates know. To have the WHOLE world know is just terrible.

When this happened to George Brett, it was ALL OVER the news.

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Felix Pie of the Cubs with a twisted testicle and now Kaz Matsui...

Kaz Matsui-2B- Astros Mar. 11 - 10:25 am et

Kaz Matsui will miss four to five days with an anal fissure.

That's an unnatural tear or crack in the anus skin, for those of you not in the know. Matsui is expected to be out until at least Friday. Anal fissures can become chronic problems, but the Astros hope using a different medication will sooth Matsui's issue.

Source: Houston Chronicle

Yes that's very weird; weirder even than the injuries in your sig.

I'm just glad it ain't me. What's next, an enlarged buttcrack?

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Kind of like George Brett in 1980.

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Center fielder Felix Pie underwent a minor surgical procedure on Monday and will miss three to five days, the Cubs announced.

Pie is suffering from what's called testicular torsion, or, in layman's terms, a twisted testicle.


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Casey Janssen of the Jays is gone for the season due to a shoulder injury he sustained from warming up in the bullpen...


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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Casey Janssen of the Jays is gone for the season due to a shoulder injury he sustained from warming up in the bullpen...

I wouldn't say that's all that odd. In fact, I bet most pitching injuries are discovered in the bullpen. Especially in spring training.

Now, if he was hit by a line drive, thrown ball, slipped on a ball, or something odd like that, then its kind an odd injury.

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Casey Janssen of the Jays is gone for the season due to a shoulder injury he sustained from warming up in the bullpen...

I wouldn't say that's all that odd. In fact, I bet most pitching injuries are discovered in the bullpen. Especially in spring training.

Now, if he was hit by a line drive, thrown ball, slipped on a ball, or something odd like that, then its kind an odd injury.

I think I read yesterday that it was from streching, not throwing. Thats why I find it to be weird.


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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Casey Janssen of the Jays is gone for the season due to a shoulder injury he sustained from warming up in the bullpen...

I wouldn't say that's all that odd. In fact, I bet most pitching injuries are discovered in the bullpen. Especially in spring training.

Now, if he was hit by a line drive, thrown ball, slipped on a ball, or something odd like that, then its kind an odd injury.

I think I read yesterday that it was from streching, not throwing. Thats why I find it to be weird.

Ok...that's a little odd. I thought you ment he was warming up in the bullpen and got hurt.

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Felix Pie of the Cubs with a twisted testicle and now Kaz Matsui...

Kaz Matsui will miss four to five days with an anal fissure.

it's obvious in both cases that neither player bothered to stretch it out properly in warmup.

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