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New York Jets


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Well, I was originally preparing my time for an NFL re-haul, a project that I would hope to complete unlike many of my previous unfinished projects. While working on the first team I chose to edit, the New York Jets, I found myself trying to improve their identity by adding a logo, oh, a little, Jet-like.

I fooled around with their old logo from 1963 as well as the logo from the late 70s to late 90s, but nothing was working until I decided to 'merge' the two logos into a modern day Jet logo.

And after 2 hours of blood, sweat, and tears, I came up with this:


Any and all comments/critisism would be greatly appreciated. I'm actually pretty proud with the result of this logo and would like some feedback on how I can improve it.

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I think it needs some outline work to imply motion and speed, make this thing zip, and also you might want to adapt it a bit to a helmet so it's not just a bunch of straight lines. It's a classic idea for a logo but I think it could benefit greatly from some modernity. I like where it's going, however.

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That doesn't look like it would fly. It's twisted around like a corkscrew. It looks like we see the top of the tailwings, the bottom of the main wings, and a profile of the cockpit.

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This is a very retro look, I'm talking '50's or '60's. It would have to be a full throwback look for the uniforms to go with this. I think you need to work on the perspective of the thing, cause as epiphanic said this thing looks whack. If Picasso had an airplane it would look something like this lol. I like the "look" of it, but it has to be tweaked. Try turning the tail fins so that the back edge is parallel with the back edge of the wings.

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I think the thing that's keeping these from 'flying' is the tailfin. It appears as though the tailfin on both of your concepts intersects with the fuselage of the plane at a 45-degree angle. Almost like it's 'leaning forward'. I'd suggest making that angle closer to 135-degrees, which would not only streamline the look of the logos overall, but would make them more accurate, as well.

And I agree about the first one looking like its twisted, as though it were a corkscrew. To remedy this, I'd pick a viewpoint(3/4 overhead view or 3/4 underfoot would be best for this application) and maintain parallel vertices of the wings and fuselage from that point. Whichever view you choose, the wings(both front and rear) that you want to appear closer should be around 25% longer than the further wings.

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It's got that 1960s UFO flavor to it - not sure it's gonna work, keep trying though.

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I think you are being too literal. Right now these are just flat photos of Jets. If you look at some of the great logos in sports, they imply certain emotions of strength, motion, etc.

You're on a good path, but you need to generate more emotion from these logo treatments.

Alright, here's an update. I changed the angle and view of the jet to give it a sense of motion. I also made the tail fins parallel to the wings so that it doesn't look so twisted.


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Yeah, that implied motion is missing, but I don't know how you could add it (I'm just a fan of logos, not a designer!). But if you can figure it out how, I would love something like that. I think it could go well where the logo is now on the upper left chest. They already have that same logo on the helmet, so a replacement could be in order.

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Alright, here's an update. I changed the angle and view of the jet to give it a sense of motion. I also made the tail fins parallel to the wings so that it doesn't look so twisted.


This is a great start! It's 1000% better than the previous two! As a result, I only have one gripe:

The rear and front wings aren't parallel. Fix that, and you've got yourself a winner. Also, have you considered placing text on the plane? I think their current 'NY' alternate logo would work well on it, as well as the 'Jets' text from their current primary logo.

Excellent work.

Sigs are for sissies.

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Alright, here's an update. I changed the angle and view of the jet to give it a sense of motion. I also made the tail fins parallel to the wings so that it doesn't look so twisted.


This is a great start! It's 1000% better than the previous two! As a result, I only have one gripe:

The rear and front wings aren't parallel. Fix that, and you've got yourself a winner. Also, have you considered placing text on the plane? I think their current 'NY' alternate logo would work well on it, as well as the 'Jets' text from their current primary logo.

Excellent work.

Thank you, I will fix that tomorrow right when I get off school. I have considered putting text on the plane and I'll take your advice and put either the alt. logo or the font, whichever looks best, I'll prrobably post both though.

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Well, I'll probably look at both and then tell you what's off. :P

Haha, please do. I fixed the front and rear wings problem as most of you pointed out. I also tried to imply some sense of motion (hence the stream behind the jet, not sure if it looks right so I posted two with it and two without), and I added the Jets font and the Jets logo to either plane.

What do you think works best?


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