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Dang so much for the Cavs haha.

The Cavs are over the Salary cap, so they'd have to refrain from resigning Delonte, if they were to get Posey anyway.

Posey wanted a 4-year deal anyway, and the Cavs were only willing/able to give him 2 or maybe 3.



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LOL. As what? An arena usher?

And Randolph Morris would be a better arena usher? :P

The Hawks just need another big man, nothing special.

I think Kwame might improve if he's on the Hawks. I'd probably take him over Zaza Pachulia.

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I guess my buddy heard on the radio here that the idea is to play Nene at the 5, Melo at the 4 spot, Kleiza at small forward, and JR Smith and AI as the guards. It'll be interesting.

And yeah, Kiki really should've pulled the trigger there when he had the chance... then again, Kiki's tenure as GM consisted of only a few bright spots, like clearing cap room to make all of these mistakes. Hell, he wanted to draft Darco had he gotten the #2 pick -- Melo fell into his lap.

Rex Chapman hasn't done much better, though -- how did they not fire George Karl?

George Karl still has a job in Denver because he's George Karl. If the Nuggets had cared anything about winning games, they would have kept Coach Buzz around instead of canning him after a mild losing streak. If the Nuggets don't do better than 7th or 8th in the West again this season, Karl should be out.

And to follow up on Camby's departure, he blasted the Nuggets for dealing him to the Clippers in a cap-clearing move. This coming from a selfish man who single-handedly screwed UMass basketball by accepting money from not one, but two agents while still in college. On top of that, he claims was hurt because he was traded for nobody and is no longer a Nugget because they needed to clear cap-room. He does know that he could have taken a pay cut if he really wanted to stay in Denver, right??

After reading Camby's take on the situation: Good riddance!


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Surprised this one hasn't been mentioned yet...

Josh Childress weighing offer from Greek team.

I'm not sure if this says more about:

1. The European economy.

2. The continuing globalization of basketball.

3. Hawks ownership.

But it says something.

Considering that Childress (and for that matter, Josh Smith) haven't been getting offers from other teams, this shouldn't be an issue of Hawks ownership.

But it certainly wouldn't look good if the Hawks lose a guy to a Greek team.....

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Surprised this one hasn't been mentioned yet...

Josh Childress weighing offer from Greek team.

I'm not sure if this says more about:

1. The European economy.

2. The continuing globalization of basketball.

3. Hawks ownership.

But it says something.

Considering that Childress (and for that matter, Josh Smith) haven't been getting offers from other teams, this shouldn't be an issue of Hawks ownership.

But it certainly wouldn't look good if the Hawks lose a guy to a Greek team.....

That's a fair point. Especially when you're dealing with restricted FA's the last thing you want to do is bid against yourself since basically all you have to do is match whatever the other team offers. Of course, when you're dealing with teams from other leagues it kind of throws all the collective bargaining rules out the window.

But from the sound of things it looks like Childress is going to get more overseas than he would've gotten stateside and the Hawks still retain his rights, so it's not a total loss.


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Wow, that hurts. So the Hawks still retain his rights, but how easy is it going to be for him to get out of his contract overseas if say he's homesick and wants to come back in a year?

And isn't he in the prime of his career NOW? Would the Hawks really need the guy back after three years against euro competition?

Still, bit of a shocker. I can't remember the last time a legit NBA player, in his prime, left the NBA for overseas. Sure, there were drug cases (Micheal Ray Richardson) and disgruntled draft picks (Danny Ferry), but nothing like this.

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Now that Josh Childress is going to go and be the MJ of Europe, the Hawks now add "6th man" to their list of needs, which previously consisted of "Sign Smith" and "Sign a decent big man."

I have the feeling that the Hawks aren't going to meet any of their needs, and go into rebuilding mode AGAIN, after it seemed as if they were finally becoming competitive. -sigh- Same ol' Hawks.



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So now the Atlanta Hawks have 8 players under contract. I understand that the season doesn't start in a few months, but there seem to be way too many significant holes to fill with the free agent pool drying up.

C - Zaza Pachulia

PF - Al Horford

SF - Marvin Williams

SG - Joe Johnson

PG - Mike Bibby

Bench (6th man) - Acie Law

Bench - Solomon Jones

Bench - Speedy Claxton (I'd put him on his reserved spot on the DL)

Good luck with ONE capable bench player in Acie Law. I even moved Pachulia into the starting lineup and Horford down just to fill out 5 spots.

Next season would look even more humourous if they don't come to terms with Josh Smith. Speaking of which, Josh Childress just made Smith a whole lotta money (assuming the Hawks management don't screw up... AGAIN).


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The Hawks now HAVE to pay Smith if they don't wanna go back into complete laughingstock mode. If anything, it'll be a good PR move, keeping a future all-star and hometown kid.

But you having to move Zaza into C illustrates how awful our bench is right now, and how the Hawks absolutely need a capable big man. The fact that Zaza was the enforcer on the team at the tail end of last season is a sad testament to how this team lacks a post presence (other than Smoove flying in from outer space to swat away shots.).



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The Hawks now HAVE to pay Smith if they don't wanna go back into complete laughingstock mode. If anything, it'll be a good PR move, keeping a future all-star and hometown kid.

But you having to move Zaza into C illustrates how awful our bench is right now, and how the Hawks absolutely need a capable big man. The fact that Zaza was the enforcer on the team at the tail end of last season is a sad testament to how this team lacks a post presence (other than Smoove flying in from outer space to swat away shots.).

Maybe they can be the East's version of the Mavs and Suns :P


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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