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Sacramento Kings Concept


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There's still something not reading right with that arm to me. It might just be the shading from the cape, honestly. It just seems unnatural in its position at this point. The font for "Kings" isn't working for me. It's too "high tech" so to speak, especially the way it looks with the "Sacramento" font. Otherwise, this is pretty solid, although I'm thinking the guy should be older. It seems more fitting to be a prince. Add some wrinkles, maybe a beard, and I think it might work a bit better. I love the alt, by the way.

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Doesn't really look like a king and more like a spartan. The guy needs some sun and his faces seems to narrow. The secondary looks real good though, wordmark doesn't really seem to go with the king/medevial theme.

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it looks like his arm is coming out of his chest

i agree, either use another picture for reference or throw the cap over that shoulder as well... other wise, its a cool concept.


Bleeding Blue since 1986

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arm still has the same problems as the last one. It does look like its coming out of the chest. you need to have a more defined shoulder on this. also, the breastplate area is still needs a lot of work. the way you have the arms attached to his chest makes it look more like legs and an ass rather then arms and a chest.

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It looks like an AAO concept. Not that it's a bad thing, just that I've seen that face, that pose, that arm, and probably that cape before on some of your other concepts (not just the OKC one.) I do like the sword and the crown - I don't think those are typical of your style. Same with the wordmark - I'm not the biggest fan, but I'm glad that you're trying something outside of your usual style.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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it looks like his arm is coming out of his chest

Bingo. That's the problem right there. This is why it looks odd: in your OKC versions, the arm seemed shorter because the guy was pointing it somewhat towards the front. It was correctly forshortened, but for some reason the structure wasn't quite rendered convincingly enough. NOW...to make the arm appear longer, you have rotated his forearm to point to his side while leaving his upper arm pointing forward. Now you have an upper arm going one direction (still evident by the shoulder location) but the rest of the arm going another. Very unnatural.


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Did you sketch this in pencil before creating it on the computer? It has the look of an illustration created from scratch in a vector program withoiut having a good point of reference at all. I think a lot of your human illustrations have this issue... your logos using inanimate objects are much better than your "live" subject matter... and I think it is possibly due to a lack of "fleshing out" the illustration through many sketches. If you ARE sketching first you need to practice a lot more on life drawing skills.

Take the advice as you wish... but the stiffness and inaccurate body parts indicate a lack of "looking" at the subject.

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the guy is the same a ur okc barons logo with new colors.


98% of people claim to have "brought sexy back." Well, I'm the 2% that never left.

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the guy is the same a ur okc barons logo with new colors.
the guy is the same a ur okc barons logo with new colors.

Good call.

How difficult was that for you two to figure out? ;)

The title of the thread reads

Sacramento Kings Concept: The lovechild of my OKC concept

If you read this post from the Barons' thread, bottom first page, it reads:

Change the colors to black, purple and silver, and I think you have an excellent update for the Sacramento Kings.

Oklahoma City (possibly) Barons? Not so much.

Not necessarily from an artistic standpoint, other than the tweaks mentioned, beautiful work here; but from a name/logo association point of view. Just doesn't say Barons, at least not in the way that they'd be going for.

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I agree with what has been mentioned about the primary, but I do want to give you props on the secondary with the swords and basketball. Well done.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

Dr. Kelso: My son is a big baseball fan. Not so much playing it, but more the designing and sewing of uniforms.

Tyler: That's neat.

Dr. Kelso: No, it's not.

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98% of people claim to have "brought sexy back." Well, I'm the 2% that never left.

Hometown Heroes

Dallas Stars- Brenden Morrow // Marty Turco // Loui Erikkson

Dallas Mavericks- Dirk Nowitzki // Jason Kidd // Jason Terry

Dallas Cowboys- Terrell Owens // DeMarcus Ware // Terence Newman // Felix Jones

Texas Rangers- Ian Kinsler // Elvis Andrus // Marlon Byrd

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