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Oklahoma City Thunder Concept


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Personally, most of the elements of this package completely strike out IMO. The Primary looks extremely confusing and busy, the T logo is top heavy and as well confusing, the OKC word mark looks generic yet at the same time extaordinarily busy. I have to agree with Steve-O on this one. Maybe it's because it was taken from another one of your sets (which is, like most of your work, extremely well done), but it looks thrown together and forced. There's just too many elements going on there for this to really be good. And again, as Steve-O said, you really could, unlike most people, start from scratch and come up with a design that just knocks it outta the park. You've got a creative spark and a flair for this design stuff that I think even the majority of the pro designers here are lacking, especially in terms of versatility. Recycling your old work, while easy and at least in some aspects can make sense, really does no justice to the level of talent you have.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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I like the direction you're going in with the new "Zeus" theme. The basketball thunderhead is a neat idea, but I'm just not feeling it. I think the color scheme looks great the way it is. The blue idea wouldn't convey a thunderous feel. Keep it dark, maybe silver instead of the burnt orange for thunder and a darker yellow (vegas gold?) for lightning.

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EDIT: Second option:


newsok is reporting that nba has six trademarks for Oklahoma City - Thunder, Bison, Marshalls, Barons, Engery and Wind. Like the Thunder would be interested to see your take on the rest of them

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Those are from an NBA D-League source under TESS...probably from when the D-League was considering an NBDL team in Oklahoma City. I've done Barons. I've done Thunder. Wind is terrible. Iowa Energy is already a DLeague team, and is also a horrible name. Marshals is meh.

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Those are from an NBA D-League source under TESS...probably from when the D-League was considering an NBDL team in Oklahoma City. I've done Barons. I've done Thunder. Wind is terrible. Iowa Energy is already a DLeague team, and is also a horrible name. Marshals is meh.

No, they registered them on Monday.

It's probably to stay under the radar.

I broke the news about this morning. Yeah for me, sort of.

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Those are from an NBA D-League source under TESS...probably from when the D-League was considering an NBDL team in Oklahoma City. I've done Barons. I've done Thunder. Wind is terrible. Iowa Energy is already a DLeague team, and is also a horrible name. Marshals is meh.

No, they registered them on Monday.

It's probably to stay under the radar.

I broke the news about this morning. Yeah for me, sort of.

I think they are trying to cover up the name thunder. They misspelled the name marshals. They have it as the Marshalls.

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It's about time the NBA names a team after its best player of all time :D

As for the concept at hand...

- The primary is great, although I'm not feeling the gold part(highlight) on the ball. With the cloud behind it, and it being the same color, it just reads awkwardly. Try the highlight in just a lighter burnt orange....a 'medium-well' orange :D

- The OKC tertiary isn't doing it for me, to be honest. I think it's the font more than anything. I'd try the idea with the serifed font in the primary logo.

- I'm curious what a burnt orange jersey would look like rather than black.

- The Zeus logo is great. The only issue I have with it is his right eye. It seems to be too high.

- Like someone mentioned, I have a hard time imagining an Oklahoma team using burnt orange.

Otherwise, another solid job here, Ian. It's nice to see you cranking out concepts recently.

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I still think they have decided to go with Thunder. They know what it is by now because they need to get the design stuff done. I think them registering these names is just a move to "stay under the radar" as someone mentioned above.

Plus as AAO said, Energy is in use in the D-League, Wind is terrible and they spelt Marshals with just one "L" according to ESPN.

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EDIT: Second option:


I really like this. Definately better that what they have done with their own logo.

Dear God, Man, what is wrong with you? Usually, a thread that's less than a year old being revived, although annoying, is somewhat acceptable, except when it's repeatedly done in a matter of a couple days. If they're pages and pages back, leave them alone, unless there has been updates recently done.

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