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New ColorWerx/SSUR Blog


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I just wanted to announce that I have a new blog for my website:

ColorWerx - BlogSpot

Feel free to "follow" it, if you're so inclined.

One of these days, I will be transitioning my SSUR.org site over to ColorWerx.us...however, there's just too much going on in my life right now to make that happen.

I'll be periodically updating the blog with more specific team color info...instead of tying up a bunch of threads here (!).

Like I'm doing right now.

Oh - and if any of you have been trying to email me (you know who you are)...my ssur.org email has been down for a few days. I'm trying to get it rectified...

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Just kidding -- good luck with the blog, but seriously I don't think you'll need any luck with this - you da man when it comes to colours in sports and everyone knows it.

Don't worry...I'm still going to be plugging your site and board over there...as well as continuing my "color-corrected" or "color-adjusted" (that might be a better term) logo threads here.


I'm thinking of working on the Super Bowl logos once I finally complete the af2 logos.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bumpin' this because I have been able to make some fairly regular updates lately...

I plan to use my blog, plus reference this message board, and still utilize the SSUR site for my team colors research.

Any and all suggestions, criticisms, etc. are welcomed.

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Nice endorsement from Paul Lukas a couple days ago in the ticker...

SSUR founder and longtime Uni Watch confidante Donovan Moore, who probably knows more about team colors than anyone alive, has started a new blog called ColorWerx. Strongly recommended.

Good to see Paul expressing what those of us on this board have known for years.

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Nice endorsement from Paul Lukas a couple days ago in the ticker...
SSUR founder and longtime Uni Watch confidante Donovan Moore, who probably knows more about team colors than anyone alive, has started a new blog called ColorWerx. Strongly recommended.

Good to see Paul expressing what those of us on this board have known for years.

I didn't see this on Uniwatch so I'm glad i caught this thread. I will bookmark and enjoy. Awesome job ColorWerx!

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Nice endorsement from Paul Lukas a couple days ago in the ticker...
SSUR founder and longtime Uni Watch confidante Donovan Moore, who probably knows more about team colors than anyone alive, has started a new blog called ColorWerx. Strongly recommended.

Good to see Paul expressing what those of us on this board have known for years.

I didn't see this on Uniwatch so I'm glad i caught this thread. I will bookmark and enjoy. Awesome job ColorWerx!

Wow. I missed that. I need to thank Paul for the endorsement.

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Wow, CW blog, pending SSUR updates, the massive UniWatch endorsement...

and the added golden egg of finding out CW/'tone's actual name.

I think I commented on a Donovan mention in a previous CW thread, but now I have the proper name to reference the Greek God of Textile Colors by.

Great day indeed.

And good luck with the blog; I'll be checking in as well. Sweet.


Go Gators. Go Blue Raiders. Go Commodores. Go USC Trojans.

Preds & Avs.

Braves, Rays, & Dodgers.

Titans, Colts, Broncos, Cardinals.

Grizzlies. 14ers, Jam.

Team Spirit + Laziness = Yay.

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