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Scorecards, get your Scorecards here


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On the side, I post an Auburn baseball blog, and for a recent post, I talked about Baseball Scorecards.

So my question, to the board, is...

Do you use Scorecards?

What is your Scorecard style?

If you want to read my post about Scorecards, as well as look into my style, you can click here.

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I don't actually score that often, but MAN, have I spent too much time working with these. I spend countless hours on baseballscorecard.com (even though, sadly, I don't think it's updated anymore) and I even made two from scratch in Excel when I was like 11. I have a whole (actual folder) of scorecards that I printed and I still doodle them. I will have to find the ones that I made and you know what, that will just make me want to make another even better one. Curse you. :P

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I used to do it, because going to a game was a novelty and not a usual occurance back before I got a job in sports.

Now, if I go to a sporting event I'm not working, I'm there to enjoy the game and hang out, and not tie myself down by "working" by keeping score.

However, I will play "Moundball" with whomever when I'm at Turner Field.....

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When I was the captain of my softball team, I always sat myself for three or four innings so I could keep score. Sometimes, if a lot of players showed up and it was going to be difficult to get them all PT, I sat out the whole game and just worked the scorecard.

Now that I'm just a soldier, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it... but I really enjoyed it.

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I used to keep score at games I went to so I could look back and see who did what etc. but not anymore. I find it's more hassle than it's worth. These days it's so easy to look up a box score that I just don't see the point in doing it myself




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I keep score too, been doing it since high school. You appreciate the game more when you're paying attention to everything, IMO.


Sodboy13 said:
As you watch more basketball, you will learn to appreciate the difference between "defense" and "couldn't find the rim with a pair of bloodhounds and a Garmin."

meet the new page, not the same as the old page.

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Here's a previous thread on this topic from July 07.


I keep score whenever I can. If I don't, my mind wanders and suddenly there's two men on base and I have no idea how they got there.


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