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Pittsburgh Pirates Concept


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When working on a BP uniform for the Pirates, I found it hard to make one because of their colors. Mainly the red is what bothered me. So I wanted to make some changes to the Pirates to eliminate red and try to slightly update the logo as well. First I took out the red outline around the wordmark because it really doesn't mix well with that shade of yellow (it is yellow, right?). I also took away the red on the pirate's bandanna. The only major thing I did was add a tan-ish shade to the face and bats because the current logo seems rather bland to have both a white face and white bats, which neither is the actual color in real life. I simplified the bats and the face and added yellow accents too. This a rough idea, and I would like to get a lot of C&C to make this better. If enough people like it, I might make some updated jerseys too, so here it is-


Here is the current logo for reference.


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Awesome use of the fill tool!

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The Pirates need the red when using a logo like this, even if it is just as an outline/accent color. Also, the gold highlights of the face and hair are unnecessary and just create a gold overkill. This might be a personal statement, but I liked the detail of the bats from the original, the smoothness of them now doesn't flow with the rest of the logo. I can understand changing the color of the bats to make them look more real, but the facial color shouldn't be the same as the bats. There need to be some white in the logo besides the workmark.


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I've been gone most of the day, so I didn't have any time to view the comments. I'll answer some questions. For those of you who think red must be in their color scheme, I respect your opinion, but I really hate it and that is why I took it out because I feel it doesn't mix well with yellow.

The Pirates need the red when using a logo like this, even if it is just as an outline/accent color. Also, the gold highlights of the face and hair are unnecessary and just create a gold overkill. This might be a personal statement, but I liked the detail of the bats from the original, the smoothness of them now doesn't flow with the rest of the logo. I can understand changing the color of the bats to make them look more real, but the facial color shouldn't be the same as the bats. There need to be some white in the logo besides the workmark

Okay, I might change the face color back to white, but I'll play around with different colors to see what looks best for a substitute for the yellow accents.

Mmm cab you've been here a year, I would think that you'd know that recolors aren't exactly, well, praised.

Yes, I know that very well. In fact, I have actually called a few people out for just recoloring a logo because I feel it represents laziness. With this, what I was trying to accomplish was changing around the colors of the logo to better suit the pirates. I wanted to eliminate red and find another color to go along with the yellow and black, so it is kinda hard to change to colors of a logo without, well... recoloring it.

I'll be working on an update shortly.


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Personally I don't mind recolors when they are accompanied by a jersey set. But when you just post the logo, it's kinda like, ok, you can use the fill tool, congrats. You know?

I agree with you though. Red doesn't really look great when accompanied by yellow and black, and the red jersey the used to have was hideous. I removed red and just went with black and yellow on my concept I've been working on, so I understand why you did it.

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Personally I don't mind recolors when they are accompanied by a jersey set. But when you just post the logo, it's kinda like, ok, you can use the fill tool, congrats. You know?

I agree with you though. Red doesn't really look great when accompanied by yellow and black, and the red jersey the used to have was hideous. I removed red and just went with black and yellow on my concept I've been working on, so I understand why you did it.

Yeah, I get what you mean. I just wanted to get some C&C on the logo before beginning on the uniforms.

Actually I am working on the jerseys as we speak.


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It's good, except for the yellow highlights and the skin-coloured teeth.

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Change the yellow highlights in the face to white and it may look better. I've never had any beef with the red in the logo, as long as they don't have any in their uniforms sets, IMO.

The Cardinals have yellow in their primary, yet don't use it in their uniforms. Well except for the logo on the chest :P

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Am I the only one who likes the red in the Pirates scheme?

Onto the concept, I would make the teeth white, not skin colored. And also use a different color for the highlights on the face rather than yellow. I think white might work, but I am not sure.


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Alright, here's an update for ya. What I changed:

-face is now white (along with the teeth)

-accents color changed from yellow to tan on the face, to reduce the yellow-overload

-also tan outline around the edge of the face


Okay, that's all folks. Tell me what ya think of it. I'll have the home jersey up tomorrow so stay tuned.


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I'm starting to think that I'm just not a fan of the yellow bandana. Have you tried reversing the yellow and black on the bandana itself. Using the fleshtone for the highlights still doesn't look as good as the white. With that color, its almost like the pirate got frosted highlights. The pirates need some amount of red to break up the black and yellow when used with a modern logo like this, just as long as it isnt used on the jerseys.


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