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CAB's NFL Series


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I'm back finally with another concept, this time for the Redskins. I originally planned to change the name, but decided it would just be better to update their current logos. I kept the primary pretty much the same, except I simplified the feathers and made a barely noticeable change to the indian's eye. One logo that I like from the past is the arrow, which I believe should be brought back, so I included it. I also like the now-defunct R logo, which I made some slight changes to as well. The wordmark is essentially the same except it is italicized. Now presenting the Redskins logo sheet.


With Washington's jerseys, I really feel that their current look is good; but still kinda dated. It stared out as an "arrow-theme" jerseys, but know it really doesn't appear that way, but I like the look anyway. The sleeve logo is the cursive R. I didn't include an alternate here, because I don't think it is needed, and the pants are interchangeable anyway. I am also trying out a new template I made from Bucco's styleguide, which can be found here.


Next team: Cincinnati Bengals


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the piping/striping on the collar and pants is a little too busy for a team with such history as the Redskins, IMO. I think that if the arrow is going to be the secondary logo it should be on the sleeves, not the R. I think the feather tip colors should be switched, this way it will show up better on the helmet. This is still a good start though


"That ball has a hit in it, so I want it to get back in the ball bag and goof around with the other balls in there. Maybe it'll learn some sense and come out as a pop-up next time," Mark "The Bird" Fidrych

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I really like the piping design you came up with here and I think it would look great with a College Team or maybe a NFL team with less tradition, I think that it is a bit too modern for Washington, but I like the design nonetheless, also great job with Bucco's Style Guide, I'll definatly be using that for some Football concepts in the future.

                                                      Check out my new NFL 2016 Series!


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I took some suggestions and put the arrow on the sleeves. On the helmet I changed the tip of the feather to yellow so it is easier to see. Also, regarding the "history" of the Redskins--and I don't want to sound rude here-- I don't really care how much tradition a team has, I like to see a good, modern design even if it is a classic team. So here I'm gonna leave it as it is. After all, it is a concept and I don't want to have something boring, because I like coming up with something unique. Anyway, here it is-


I'm finishing up the Bengals I'll have those tomorrow possibly.


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Good job on your Redskins concepts, this one definitely feels like your strongest first effort so far, the others went through quite a few changes but this one I think you'll complete quickest as your start point was so well developed.

For all that some dont like the new shirts, now that they have the spear on there I really like those (altho I'd have both facing forwards if I was you). They are unusual but dont feel so extreme that I'd expect to see them in the XFL or on an Arena team or something like that. I'll be honest not to keen on the pants though kudos for trying something different with the stripes but just not sure it works. Maybe if the wedges were longer and thiner and the top one came down and stopped where the bottom reached up to that might work but right now the yellow line is too thin and is gonna get lost in the middle when viewed from distance.

Look forward to seeing who's next on the list.


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The Bengals have one of my favorite looks in the NFL currently, so this is a concept for which I did not change much. My favorite logo in the league is probably the tiger head, so I thought that should be the primary, accompanied by the wordmark which I changed back to the old one. I also like the leaping tiger, but I have always thought the head looks tacked on, so I rotated it slightly so it doesn't look so photoshopped. Another thing I noticed is that real tigers have white on their bellies, and their current logo doesn't include much so I added white to the bottom and on the tail. The tertiary is an interlocking CB from the wordmark with tiger stripes as in the current primary. Here is the logo sheet-


Now, I like their current jerseys as well, but I think that they could be improved. I went with orange as the primary color because after all- tigers are orange, not black. I went with a tiger stripe design on the shoulders and I used a new number font similar to the wordmark. I included the bengal head logo on the chest. The only major change was the helmet. I think I already have enough stripes on the jersey, that if they were on the helmet, then I would be over-doing it. I based it off of their old helmet from the 70's by using the wordmark on the helmet. I thought about using a number beneath the wordmark, but it just looked too cluttered.


Next team is most likely the Steelers, but I'm not sure yet.


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I like everything about the Bengals concept except the helmet and the pants striping pattern. While the helmet you posted is okay, I would prefer to see something like the helmet they currently wear. It is a classic and it looks great on them. The pants striping doesn't look quite right. It more resembles some sort of tribal tattoo than a tiger's stripes. I would try and make sure they don't touch each other.

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I like everything about that Bengals concept except the helmet. Their current lid is easily the most unique and recognizable helmet in the NFL?why change it?
I like everything about the Bengals concept except the helmet and the pants striping pattern. While the helmet you posted is okay, I would prefer to see something like the helmet they currently wear. It is a classic and it looks great on them. The pants striping doesn't look quite right. It more resembles some sort of tribal tattoo than a tiger's stripes. I would try and make sure they don't touch each other.

I can understand why he changed the helmets. With the new style tiger striping on the shoulders of the jersey to have the stripes on the helmet too would have been total overload. Yes the Bengals helmets are iconic and chances of the ever being changed in the real world as slim to none, but with that said why limit yourself here in a concepts forum? As far as I'm concerned in here nothing should be off limits. You get enough of that in the real world with real clients, this is just a bit of fun so you should be able to change whatever you like. I'm not saying people have to like the change but to claim you shouldn't do something because "it's untouchable" kinda defeats the purpose of this place.

With that said I wouldn't have put the word mark on the helmet, I know it's a nod to the old days when they had bengals written on there but I'd have been inclined to go with the tigers head on the helmet and save the word mark for the front of shirt, but thats just me I have to agree with Patsox the pant stripes dont work as they are, I'd look for photo's of a tigers tail and stylise the stripes from there for the pant stripes, complete with white end tip. I think that could be a successful way to implement the pant stripes. I'd also find a stronger typeface for the name plates on the shirts the one on there just now is way to skinny to be successful.

I have to say I love the shirts, they are ballsy I'll give you that but they aren't completely over the top either. I particularly like the away one, despite the large number of stripes it still remains clean, although the omission of shoulder numbers would make the shirt problematic with regards NFL regulations.


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i really like those jerseys, very outlandish but not too over-the-top. one thing I think you could try is switching the collar logo (the bengal head) with the wordmark on the helmet. If you put the bengal head on the helmet I think that would be absolutely perfect. For some reason i don't like the tertiary but no big deal. Your best so far, IMO


"That ball has a hit in it, so I want it to get back in the ball bag and goof around with the other balls in there. Maybe it'll learn some sense and come out as a pop-up next time," Mark "The Bird" Fidrych

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If you brought back the 'B' logo that they use now, and got rid of the interlocking 'CB', then put the 'B' on the helmet, this concept would be fantastic. As of now, the wordmark on the helmet doesn't really work, and the 'CB' is awkward looking. For the record, I really like the pants stripe.

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I like the jerseys... I agree, either keep the stripes, which I think would be best (A tiger is striped from head to toe... don't have any inhibitions about too many stripes!) or add the 'B' logo.

Also, a suggestion... if you are going to put a number on the jersey, make it two different numbers. Right now I can somewhat tell what the number font looks like, but I'm basing it off of one number. 22 isn't really indicative of the rest.

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Here are the updated jerseys with the tiger-striped helmet. That's the only thing I changed except I made the socks orange on the alternate. C&C please.



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Here are the updated jerseys with the tiger-striped helmet. That's the only thing I changed except I made the socks orange on the alternate. C&C please.


I like that helmet better, but I would still like to see you work on fixing the pants striping. It's the only thing setting this back from being perfect in my opinion.

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The Steelers have a nice and iconic logo now, but the only thing that bothers me about it is how it hardly has any of their actual colors (red, blue, silver). I changed that by making the outline black and the diamonds gold, and added the wordmark. The secondary logo is an S inside the diamond. The tertiary was based of the Pittsburgh coat of arms which was also a logo used in the 30's. The wordmark is the same except I added an outline.


Their current unis are good, but I think they can be approved. This look was inspired by the alternate that they introduced last year. I like the look of the solid black and gold, so that was pretty much the theme for this jersey. The pants stripe stays the same as well. I also brought back the block numbers because I'm not a huge fan of the current font. Also included is a *gasp* gold alternate. I don't think it would look too bad on the field. The helmet stays the same except for the updated logo. Here's Pittsburgh's jerseys, enjoy, and C&C please.


I'm clueless as for the next team. Any suggestions?


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